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This was all the result of 1 single hack we had installed {temporarily}. What it does is allow users who create a "NEW THREADS" the option of setting a time limit BEFORE people can respond to the new topic AND also set a limit of the number of replies a thread can have before it gets closed. So you can understand why the "Post Reply" button might be removed :)

An example of its use would be... say I wanted to post a topic about participants for the Mock Draft. I want to give everyone ample warning.. so I post it and sticky it atop FedEx field... and no one can reply to the thread until the deadline I set. And then I set the amount of participants to 32 - one GM for each team. Then its first come first served.

It's also real handy for some contests we may run :)

However, the problem in this case was... it was reading old posts and setting "expiry" values on them automatically... and locking them. Obviously, it shouldn't have done that. We're going to have the kinks worked out shortly... just like the AVATAR group hack.

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Yes. We're working on a lot of things right now... and sometimes they don't work on the first try :) But we're not going anywhere... and if you notice anything strange.. chalk it up to upgrades. And we'll have it fixed within an hour :)

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