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Are you concerned or Do you even care Vick's an Eagle?


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So he's a white racist, but only against black people. Ummm....ok. :rolleyes:

First off, I find it funny you use the word "pedigree" in a conversation about Vick.

In any case, Vick has a history of being a dumbass who is more of a RB who throws occasionally than an actual QB - throwing the ball is not his forte. Zorn wants a guy who stands tall in the pocket and runs WHEN NECESSARY - Vick is not that guy. Vick has been out of football for going on 3 years. I'm sure he'll step right in and be a superstar. Whatever.

Sorry Jessie, you're just not making any sense.

How do you know he didn't?

Regardless, you haven't shown even a shred of evidence or even logic that points to Daniel Snyder being a racist.

offered plenty of logic. you just haven't seen it.

wondering if the owner has a bias is a far cry from calling him a racist.

the zorn suggestion. we all know who really runs the team and it is not zorn. it's mr daniel snyder and if snyder wanted him he would have gotten him regardless of what zorn thought. and he went after a whiner and unproven collegian with the intention of supplanting the starter he already had.

the RB/QB comparison. the "qb who happens to be a rb who throws occasionally (why this is said is beyond me because at 6'1/6'2 and 215, he's not even built to be a rb. he actually struggles to keep his weight on)...has led his team to the NFC championship with NO help. so regardless of him being out of the picture for 2 years, again..i would wager that he's more of a threat as is than any of our backups and maybe the starter.

throwing the ball is actually one of vick's fortes. his arm is probably the strongest in the league. now accuracy has been a problem for him. still, he has actually thrown for 20 touchdowns in a season. if campbell threw that number, there likely (hopefully) would be no talk of replacing him in the offseason.

don't know how you can say i don't make sense. sounds like you're hating that i'm making too much of it.

how do i know he didn't? well, because he's not here :)

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if we are willing to take a chance on AH, then we should have done the same with vick, esp if we are as concerned about winning as we say we are.

Okay, 2 stomps, but still got himself help, without going to federal prison.

Drug problem in college, clean now. without going to prison.

Helped himself. Still a big difference.

I've done and stopped doing drugs and have kicked more than a couple people out of anger, but if my cousin needed a job outside of selling drugs, I wouldn't be bank rolling him an interstate gambling organization based in the torture and destruction of civilized animals.

I hope you can see a difference.

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offered plenty of logic. you just haven't seen it.

Right, the reason is because Snyder didn't look to Vick to be a replacement for JC, he is a racist. Even though, in the real world, only 2 teams are interested in him and it's for the #3 spot at best.

(2 teams were possible, ones BU QB went down, the other played well)

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offered plenty of logic. you just haven't seen it.

wondering if the owner has a bias is a far cry from calling him a racist.

You STILL haven't provided any evidence that Snyder is a racist or even a bias against black QBs. It's obvious you can't back up your own argument. Typical.
the zorn suggestion. we all know who really runs the team and it is not zorn. it's mr daniel snyder and if snyder wanted him he would have gotten him regardless of what zorn thought. and he went after a whiner and unproven collegian with the intention of supplanting the starter he already had.
Even if this is true, so what? That doesn't prove Snyder has any kind of bias against black QBs. Besides, regardless of who you think runs the team, he doesn't fit Zorn's mold of a QB.

the RB/QB comparison. the "qb who happens to be a rb who throws occasionally (why this is said is beyond me because at 6'1/6'2 and 215, he's not even built to be a rb.he actually struggles to keep his weight on)
Because one of his athletic abilities he used on the field was running. He was known for his running. Did you miss all that? He was a running QB. Atlanta specifically had plays designed for him to run the ball, almost like the Wildcat.
...has led his team to the NFC championship with NO help. so regardless of him being out of the picture for 2 years, again..i would wager that he's more of a threat as is than any of our backups and maybe the starter.
If you don't realize that not playing a sport for two years puts a lot of rust on the human body that can't be shaken off suddenly, I can't help you. We're going to have to agree to disagree.
throwing the ball is actually one of vick's fortes. his arm is probably the strongest in the league. now accuracy has been a problem for him. still, he has actually thrown for 20 touchdowns in a season. if campbell threw that number, there likely (hopefully) would be no talk of replacing him in the offseason.
You admit the man's accuracy sucks. And being able to toss the ball a long ways does not make you a QB. But wait! You say if Campbell threw that number of TDs there wouldn't be talk about replacing him... So your logic is that Snyder only believes in black QBs when they win? Do you really believe that Snyder would be happy if Campbell was white QB with the same performance and record? Please. Occam's Razor. You don't think Snyder would be trying to trade the white Jason Campbell too?
how do i know he didn't? well, because he's not here :)
Cutler isn't here, So I guess he didn't go after him - according to your logic. Sanchez isn't here. So I guess he didn't go after him either - again, according to your logic. BUT YOU SAID HE DID! Thanks for contradicting your own argument. Way to go, Jessie. :thumbsup:
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I think it will be a huge distraction for them and don't get why they would do that.

That being said, having Jackson and Maclin at wideout with McNabb in the backfield flanked by Vick and Westbrook sounds alot more interesting then 20 pre snap shifts, fake hand off to Portis, and throw a 2 yard pass to Yoder in the flat on 3rd and 8.

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After thinking about it some more...

I've always been a bit jealous of the Eagles in the sense of how they've built their team. Andy Reid is a coach I'd love to have...I mean, he's averaged winning just under 11 games a year.

McNabb would be an awesome QB to have. The fact that he produces what he does without big time receivers is a testament to what he brings to the table.

They're always near the or at the top of the NFC East despite staying way below the cap. Somehow, we're always struggling to hit .500 or if we get into the playoffs we have to back in, win out or need help despite spending way more.

Well coached, good players and well managed. Say what you want about the TO fiasco but they went to the Superbowl with him. And when he turned into a problem, the promptly sent him packing.

They routinely do more with less than us and it kills me every year. Basically, they're smarter than us.

And it pains me to admit those things. But if you're taking umbrage with the things I just wrote, too damn bad. Am I wrong with any of it? I don't think so. If you think I am, look at their NFC title game appearances and Superbowl appearances over the past few years and compare it to ours. Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong.

Taking all those things into account and then seeing they signed Vick, it makes me think they know something we don't. It makes me feel like we're the dumb kid in class who's fumbling around trying to figure out the math problem while the smart kid at the desk next to us is running up to the board to solve it.

I'm over Vick's personal transgressions. What he did was a horrible thing, but it's in the past. He's served his time, he's said he's sorry and I still think he's sorry that he got caught but I digress. I'm not sure what my reaction would be if we were the ones to take him on and I guess I never will.

I'm sure he's still a massive talent and whatever he lost while he was away he'll get back quickly. I'm sure Andy Reid has a plan and is already devising ways to get McNabb, Westbrook and Vick on the field at once and do some crazy misdirection stuff.

It doesn't concern me because it remains to be seen how much he's lost, if he's lost anything at all. However I think it can only help them...look how quick they were to get rid of TO. Think Vick will be a problem if something goes wrong? They'll cut him before you can say pit bull.

I can't help but feel that we've been outsmarted and outfoxed by the smarter kid in the class.

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Yes but with the backlash alone it wouldnt make sense to only take him on for one year....the clause is in there to protect the eagles...but I would highly doubt the cut him after year one.

I agree but 5 mil is an expensive price to pay for a backup also....unless they are gonna let mcnabb go.....nowadays anything is possible

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This is my thing with the Vick situation. I can't help but find myself wondering if Dan Snyder has something against black quarterbacks. He did everything in his power to replace Jason Campbell with Jay Cutler and Mark Sanchez with the insinuation that he was trying to make his team better, but when he had the absolute best chance to do that out of them all that with M. Vick, he passed.

If im not mistaken Tony Banks was given an opportunity as well...leftwich did come "interview" for the job as well...i can see what your saying but....don't think it may apply to this...............

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I can't help but feel that we've been outsmarted and outfoxed by the smarter kid in the class.

I often have that same feeling usually when our FO deals with any other team for a trade.

That said, I don't get the same feeling with Vick. He seems more an experiment then anything else and I honestly don't see him as a great QB.

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those points may be true, but do not apply to us. the fact is, that dan snyder set out to replace jason campbell with a franchise quarterback twice this summer. as much as i like jc and want to see him succeed, vick is much more of a franchise quarterback than him and has actually done things in this leage, including destroying us the last time he played. vick is probably better than all 3 of our backups combined. i highly doubt that danny didn't sign him for fear of bad publicity given the fact that he inked hall and haynesworth. he will trade a draft pick to keep an asset out of the hands of a competitor (duckett). so why would he not at least explore the possibility of signing an m. vick?

Haynesworth's assault was never charged, nor was he indicted. It was a heat of the moment lapse in judgement, and he apologized profusely for it. You'll never see that again.

Haynesworth's DUI, while disappointing, isn't really that big of a deal in the big picture of things. It is sad that someone got hurt, but I doubt you will see that again from him, either. People get DUIs all the time, and it is a good industry that governments and the M.A.D.D. gang have going. The laws are tough and are getting tougher. Soon, you probably won't be allowed to drive if you have a sip of a drink. Would he have been in the accident if he wasn't drunk? That's a possibility.

So, in the whole scheme of things, Haynesworth's past doesn't even compare to Vick's antics, and that's BEFORE the dog fighting incident. Knowingly spreading a social disease and try to hide it under an assumed name is pretty sleazy.

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If im not mistaken Tony Banks was given an opportunity as well...leftwich did come "interview" for the job as well...i can see what your saying but....don't think it may apply to this...............

tony banks is actually the last redskins quarterback to have an overall winning record. he was not retained.

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Haynesworth's assault was never charged, nor was he indicted. It was a heat of the moment lapse in judgement, and he apologized profusely for it. You'll never see that again.

Haynesworth's DUI, while disappointing, isn't really that big of a deal in the big picture of things. It is sad that someone got hurt, but I doubt you will see that again from him, either. People get DUIs all the time, and it is a good industry that governments and the M.A.D.D. gang have going. The laws are tough and are getting tougher. Soon, you probably won't be allowed to drive if you have a sip of a drink. Would he have been in the accident if he wasn't drunk? That's a possibility.

So, in the whole scheme of things, Haynesworth's past doesn't even compare to Vick's antics, and that's BEFORE the dog fighting incident. Knowingly spreading a social disease and try to hide it under an assumed name is pretty sleazy.

i don't know about the knowingly spreading it part. he may or may not have done it.

but the "the trying to hide it" part. i don't think we are in a position to accuse him of wrongdoing here. as american citizens, we all have the right to our privacy. it is no different from being tested anonymously.

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You STILL haven't provided any evidence that Snyder is a racist or even a bias against black QBs. It's obvious you can't back up your own argument. Typical.

again, he tried to replace his qb twice this summer and when he had an opportunity to secure a more successful franchise qb, he did not bother. while it may not offer so called "proof" of a bias, the mere fact that this happened leads us to wonder why. it's not like we can't notice their skin color. don't be mad at me for speaking on the elephant in the room.

You STILLEven if this is true, so what? That doesn't prove Snyder has any kind of bias against black QBs. Besides, regardless of who you think runs the team, he doesn't fit Zorn's mold of a QB.

zorn has said jason's his guy.

You STILLBecause one of his athletic abilities he used on the field was running. He was known for his running. Did you miss all that? He was a running QB. Atlanta specifically had plays designed for him to run the ball, almost like the Wildcat.

and his running prowess also forced teams to stack the box and opened up the field for his so called wide recievers and one good tight end. imagine what cooley, moss, and malcom/harris could do with that. and the bottom line is what? winning.

You STILLIf you don't realize that not playing a sport for two years puts a lot of rust on the human body that can't be shaken off suddenly, I can't help you. We're going to have to agree to disagree.

so you're saying you have to be 35 years old and have been playing consistently year after year and banged up before dan snyder will throw you a contract? where is your logic, honestly...

if he can throw mammoth contracts at aging vets on their last legs, he could take the risk and throw some money at a player in his prime who has had 2 years of rest. and despite all this about him being away, he still has more upside than colt/todd/chase. this was a risk worth taking

You STILLYou admit the man's accuracy sucks. And being able to toss the ball a long ways does not make you a QB. But wait! You say if Campbell threw that number of TDs there wouldn't be talk about replacing him... So your logic is that Snyder only believes in black QBs when they win? Do you really believe that Snyder would be happy if Campbell was white QB with the same performance and record? Please. Occam's Razor. You don't think Snyder would be trying to trade the white Jason Campbell too?

see banks, tony. last redskins qb with a winning record before 2007

You STILLCutler isn't here, So I guess he didn't go after him - according to your logic. Sanchez isn't here. So I guess he didn't go after him either - again, according to your logic. BUT YOU SAID HE DID! Thanks for contradicting your own argument. Way to go, Jessie. :thumbsup:

love it when you give me ammo. if i'm not mistaken, cutler's rights belonged to the denver broncos. sanchez rights absolutely must have fallen to whatever team selected him in the draft. even danny can't get everything he wants when another team is involved.

now VICK...on the other hand. was a free agent...and dan snyder very rarely doesn't get his man in that case.

YO! thanks for listening. you guys have been great. i'm here all week......

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"Monica Yant, a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer, made a good point this morning via Facebook: "If [the Eagles will] pay $1 mil+ to give Michael Vick a 2nd chance, how about leading the charge to help ex-offenders citywide? Philly is home to 200,000 people with criminal records. Those with drug convictions are legally barred from ... jobs at airports, nursing homes or in security, but they can do most other tasks. And yet, few if any companies took the city up on $10,000 tax credits to hire ex-cons."

In other words, a city that routinely doesn't give its ex-cons a second chance, is now giving exactly that to Vick. Why is that? Here is how Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie framed it at the press conference announcing Vick's signing: "My hope as we go forward is Michael will prove his value in society. Whether he becomes a good football player again, it's possible. He's got an opportunity to become a good member of society. That's the goal here.""

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writers/george_dohrmann/08/14/vick/index.html/?eref=T1

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"Monica Yant, a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer, made a good point this morning via Facebook: "If [the Eagles will] pay $1 mil+ to give Michael Vick a 2nd chance, how about leading the charge to help ex-offenders citywide? Philly is home to 200,000 people with criminal records. Those with drug convictions are legally barred from ... jobs at airports, nursing homes or in security, but they can do most other tasks. And yet, few if any companies took the city up on $10,000 tax credits to hire ex-cons."

In other words, a city that routinely doesn't give its ex-cons a second chance, is now giving exactly that to Vick. Why is that? Here is how Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie framed it at the press conference announcing Vick's signing: "My hope as we go forward is Michael will prove his value in society. Whether he becomes a good football player again, it's possible. He's got an opportunity to become a good member of society. That's the goal here.""

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writers/george_dohrmann/08/14/vick/index.html/?eref=T1

Cause football is a business, Monica.

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it's not like we can't notice their skin color. don't be mad at me for speaking on the elephant in the room.
That's your logic? We have no evidence of your claim therefore it's a possibility? What? That's a b.s. argument and you know it.

I think you're the one with the race problem - you might want to get some therapy. ;) There is no elephant in the room - only the imaginary one in your head.

now VICK...on the other hand. was a free agent...and dan snyder very rarely doesn't get his man in that case.
That's not what you were claiming...
YO! thanks for listening. you guys have been great. i'm here all week......
You're absolutely right, your posts are totally laughable. Thanks for laughs, Jessie. :thumbsup:
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