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Current Redskins that have a shot at the hall


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after watching today's ceremonies, it made me wonder.. i posted the same question on the ravens forum, but I'd like to get your guys' take on what current redskins have a ligit shot of ending up in Canton.. Portis have the numbers to get in? do some of these guys need to get a ring before they're even in the hall of fame talk? idk.. the NFL is one of the hardest professional sports to get into the hall of fame, so what do you guys think?

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If Fletcher can get another ring I think he has a chance. Haynesworth I think would take a ring, defensive MVP, couple probowls, and SB MVP to make up for "the stomp". Portis, probaly a ring and if he finishes top 5 in RB yardage. Just my opinion though.

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All I know is your boy Ed Reed is on a bullet train to Canton. Anyone who doesn't love watching that guy isn't a NFL fan.

I can't think of any current Redskins that are worthy yet.

Hopefully Campbell and Orakpo. If not, I expect to see Colt's and Marcus Mason's bust in 20 years.

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Jokes aside, I understand why "rings" are important for HoF consideration, but I don't think it should be held against a player for not having one.

Football is a huge, huge team game, moreso than baseball. I'll argue that baseball HoF consideration is more stat driven. 3,000 hits, 300 wins, 500+ homers, you're pretty much a lock. In other words, the individual accomplishments and records mean a bit more. There are a bunch of players who get into baseball HoF with great career lines but no World Series titles.

That said, I don't think it should be held against football players for not winning a title when considering merits for the HoF. If Portis runs for 1,500 every year but the team doesn't get it together to win a title, can you really hold that against him? Running for 1,500 yards on a routine basis is pretty special and I'll also argue that someone who is doing that is making huge contributions to their teams success. It sure won't be CP's fault if the Redskins don't get the QB situation together here.

It's a shame Fletcher has never made a Pro Bowl. I think his stats deserve a lot of recognition and he brings a lot to the table.

I guess I'd have to say Portis is the one that has a shot. Not sure about Haynesworth but if he has a few monster years here, he can.

Edit: Samuels is a good call.

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Reed could be a first ballot. ahhaha

I've seen a hundred other guys mock Reed Doughty. ..... They're in a mass grave off the Loudon County Turnpike. ;)

Samuels maybe Clinton after that...not sure.

If Jacoby isn't a Hall of Famer, neither is Samuels. Course, if Jacoby isn't a HOFer, then neither is Randall McDaniel or Gary Zimmerman, sooo....

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If Jacoby isn't a Hall of Famer, neither is Samuels. Course, if Jacoby isn't a HOFer, then neither is Randall McDaniel or Gary Zimmerman, sooo....

I'd love to see Jacoby get in there..I'd be nice to see him and Grimm go (If that happened "Caravan to Canton II" would be a go)...I just don't get it...one of the most dominant offensive lines in history...and not a single Hall of Famer in the bunch...someone explain that to me!

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If none of these guys get rings, it will be quite difficult for them to get in. That being said, here are my guesses as to who has a good to decent shot of making the HOF


-Chris Samuels: For most of his career this guy has been the rock on the blind-side. He's had multiple Pro Bowl selections, and is fairly well known around the league. (Chances-7.5/10)

-Clinton Portis: Barring an injury, he's got a good chance to get HOF level numbers. Plus he's got the media personality that writers love when voting (see Irving getting in before Monk). (Chances-7/10)

-Chris Cooley: Yes, he's still young and has a long way to go. But as above with Portis, Cooley is quite talented and could put up big numbers if he stays healthy, and he has the media angle with this blog and outgoing personality. If Cooley keeps up the Pro Bowl level talent (and is thrown to in the Red Zone occasionally) he has a decent shot at the HOF. (Chances-7/10)


-London Fletcher: While not getting into the HOF would seem to match the disrespect he's gotten his entire career, most of the media has started to notice how he's getting no respect. No Pro Bowls to his record are a tough break, but if he plays for a few more years he's the closest thing to a lock on this team right now. (Chances 9/10)

-Carlos Rogers: Yes, I did put "Stone Hands" on here. If he can't hold on to a few more gimme interceptions, then he's not going to have a shot. But he's a very good corner, and he's still young. If he can improve his hands, he'll be a perennial Pro Bowler, which will help his odds and reputation. He'll be borderline in my estimation, and so it all comes down to him learning to hold on to the damn ball. (Chances-6/10)

-Laron Landry: Again, taken a big gamble here with a 3rd year player, but he's shown flashes of sheer brilliance at times and he's got great athleticism. At the moment, it's too soon to tell, but call it a gut reaction. (Chances-4/10 right now, but should improve)

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If Fletcher can get a ring I think he has a chance. Haynesworth I think would take a ring, defensive MVP, couple probowls, and SB MVP to make up for "the stomp". Portis, probaly a ring and if he finishes top 5 in RB yardage. Just my opinion though.

Fletcher won a ring with the rams. I cant remember if he was the starting MLB, but he has a ring.

For me, i think CP has a pretty good shot, ring or not. If he can hold up and do what he has been doing for maybe 4-5 more years, he will pass Riggens for sure and move up the all time list.

If Laron comes around, look for him to have a chance. I am looking for him to just explode this year.

Another one that comes to mind is D hall. Now hear me out, he is still only 25, and just signed a long term deal with the team. We are gonna have a solid Defense every year for a long time with guys like Orakpo, AH, Jarmon, Rocky, Laron etc. and he will benefit with INTs. He already has 22. I expect him to have 5+ easy this year, because of the pressure that is gonna be caused up front.

If Malcolm Kelly stays healty for his career, and comes around to his potential (which IMO is in a Larry Fitz mold) watch out!

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Fletcher has a ring.

Very true. He's gonna need another though is what I should have said. He's had the unfortunate luck of playing in the same decade as Ray and that's gonna severely hurt his chances.

For all of you guys saying Samuels will get in, I hate to say it but he has no chance. I love the guy but you have Ogden, Walter Jones, Matt Light, Willie Roaf, and Orlando Pace who have accomplished alot more then Chris. Our boy doesnt have a shot in hell.

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London Fletcher has done it at a high level for so long he should absolutely end up in Canton one day. Clinton Portis has been consistently good for all but one year of his career(2006 due to injury). I pray that the Redskins are able to win a Superbowl (or two) while CP is in his prime.

I hope Cooley,Landry,Orakpo,Jarmon,Rogers,Hall,Horton maybe Devin or Fred have wonderful careers so they can be consider for the HOF one day as well.

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Portis needs a ring. Absolutely. He doesn't have a league MVP title, offensive player of the year title (outside of his rookie year), and he doesn't even have any NFL season rushing records.

He's extremely consistent, but that's not going to be enough. And I don't think his career productivity will last beyond a couple more seasons anyway.

Samuels has been outshone this decade by Walter Jones, Orlando Pace, and Jon Ogden. All three are LTs that have had better careers than him over the same time. Samuels has been arguably the best Redskin of this decade, but that's not going to be enough for the NFL HOF.

That's really about it. Haynesworth has potential sure, if he can keep up how he played the last couple years on the Titans for the next 5 or 6 years.

Our best shot was Sean Taylor.

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