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Rumor: Eagles' Bradley out for the season?


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Either the Eagle's D is going to rally around the tragedies this offseason and be ferocious or they are going to be really bad.

Right now, it ain't lookin' too good. It will be odd to play the Eagles and not even worry about their defense.


I can't even remember the last time I did not worry about the Eagle's defense lol...

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The Eagles draft as well as anyone. This is a big blow, but somebody always steps up for them.

Thats not entirley true . They draft about as well as we do .. 2002 was an amazing draft for them but since then kind of so so ... Bradley is a blow but they have some guys they can look at, Mays or Omar Gaither

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I can't even remember the last time I did not worry about the Eagle's defense lol...

Even tho he does nothing against samuels,they still have a nice d-line with trent cole and co.I wouldnt not worry about those guys.

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As I understand it, this injury took place during an event for the fans called "Flight Night," in which the Eagles charged their fans admission to watch the team practice.

Now imagine for a moment that the Skins had lost a significant starting player for the season during an event called "Skins Fest" in which Snyder charged fans to watch the team practice. We'd never hear the end of it.

I've heard lots about the Bradley injury itself, but haven't heard much about the event at which it happened, or the money they charged fans to watch the practice. Interesting.

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It was called Eagles Flight Night. A primetime pracitce at the Linc where the Eagles charged fans to watch and all proceeds went to the Eagles Youth Partnership. They rasied over 1 million dollars for children that are not so well off. They used to have the Eagles carnival but changed it to flight night this year. I bet it stops.

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As I understand it, this injury took place during an event for the fans called "Flight Night," in which the Eagles charged their fans admission to watch the team practice.

Now imagine for a moment that the Skins had lost a significant starting player for the season during an event called "Skins Fest" in which Snyder charged fans to watch the team practice. We'd never hear the end of it.

I've heard lots about the Bradley injury itself, but haven't heard much about the event at which it happened, or the money they charged fans to watch the practice. Interesting.

1) It was for charity and took place at the stadium.

2) Andy Reid damn near threw a temper tantrum that one of his best players was injured at an event that he didn't want to have in the first place. It's been all over the press.

There's no double standard here.

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Andy Reid damn near threw a temper tantrum that one of his best players was injured at an event that he didn't want to have in the first place. It's been all over the press.

There's no double standard here.

The main story I've seen has been the injury itself, not the fact that the organization charged admission to watch practice, and lost a valuable player for the season in the process.

Snyder charged admission to watch training camp nearly 10 years ago and people still make a big deal of it.

If the Skins had lost London Fletcher for the season during a practice that Snyder charged fans to watch, the news hook would be Snyder's screw-up, not Fletcher's injury.

In terms of fans of other teams, everyone is talking about the Bradley injury, but no one's clowning the Eagles' front office about the event. Had this happened to the Skins, everyone would be talking about what an idiot Snyder is, not how unfortunate the Fletcher injury was.

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The main story I've seen has been the injury itself, not the fact that the organization charged admission to watch practice, and lost a valuable player for the season in the process.

Snyder charged admission to watch training camp nearly 10 years ago and people still make a big deal of it.

If the Skins had lost London Fletcher for the season during a practice that Snyder charged fans to watch, the news hook would be Snyder's screw-up, not Fletcher's injury.

In terms of fans of other teams, everyone is talking about the Bradley injury, but no one's clowning the Eagles' front office about the event. Had this happened to the Skins, everyone would be talking about what an idiot Snyder is, not how unfortunate the Fletcher injury was.

There's a very different dynamic in that the Eagles did it for charity and the Skins charged for profit. I don't understand how you can't see the distinction, but there is one.

Reid is reportedly very angry that his player was injured in a practice environment that he didn't have complete control over and that he wasn't in favor of from the beginning.

If Snyder had charged for practice and donated it to charity, fans wouldn't still be clowning him over it. Right?

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You honestly believe that?

Do I honestly believe that fans wouldn't have been as critical about Snyder raising money for charity as they were about him making money off of something that every other team provides for free?

Yes, I honestly believe that.

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Reid is reportedly very angry that his player was injured in a practice environment that he didn't have complete control over and that he wasn't in favor of from the beginning.

This is news to me. Has he said that he didn't want Flight Night to occur? They've been doing the Eagles carnival and auction for the whole time Reid has been a coach. I didn't know he was not in favor of it.

I thought the only reason he was so angry was that reporters called Bradley directly to get information about his injury. Or tweeted or something like that.

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This is news to me. Has he said that he didn't want Flight Night to occur? They've been doing the Eagles carnival and auction for the whole time Reid has been a coach. I didn't know he was not in favor of it.

I thought the only reason he was so angry was that reporters called Bradley directly to get information about his injury. Or tweeted or something like that.

Eagles Carnivale never had players competing live. He didn't like the idea of bringing his players to a large environment that he didn't have complete control over (not sure why he didn't have control, however. He's still the coach. Seems to me like he has control no matter where practice takes place). He also didn't like that the turf was wet.

His tweak out at the media was two fold. I guess they breached some rarely spoken pact that he would inform them of injuries and they, in turn, wouldn't contact players directly. He claims players shouldn't have to deal with it, and says the media all know that that's the rule. I have no idea how true it is. Les Bowen says he's never heard of this rule, despite covering the team for 11 years.

In any case, Reid threw a general temper tantrum.

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Reid is reportedly very angry that his player was injured in a practice environment that he didn't have complete control over and that he wasn't in favor of from the beginning.

This gets to what I'm trying to say. Reid was furious for the reasons you stated above. Now imagine Zorn being furious over losing a player for the season under the EXACT same scenario you outlined above. Yes, Snyder would be clowned by fans and media for putting his coach and team in such a scenario. I am completely confident that he would be, even if the money were going to charity.

Also, keep in mind that for any practice or event at which you charge admission, reps of other teams are allowed to attend and record the event. That's a big part of what Snyder was clowned for-- putting his team at a competitive disadvantage by allowing other teams' reps to film Skins' practices.

Look, I think what Snyder did back then was a debacle, but I think the Eagles are being let off the hook here big time.

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This gets to what I'm trying to say. Reid was furious for the reasons you stated above. Now imagine Zorn being furious over losing a player for the season under the EXACT same scenario you outlined above. Yes, Snyder would be clowned by fans and media for putting his coach and team in such a scenario. I am completely confident that he would be, even if the money were going to charity.

Also, keep in mind that for any practice or event at which you charge admission, reps of other teams are allowed to attend and record the event. That's a big part of what Snyder was clowned for-- putting his team at a competitive disadvantage by allowing other teams' reps to film Skins' practices.

Look, I think what Snyder did back then was a debacle, but I think the Eagles are being let off the hook here big time.

I understand what Snyder was clowned for. It's an unwritten rule among scouts that if you charge admission to a practice, it becomes open game for research.

And I'm going out on a limb here and speculating on something of which I have no first-hand knowledge, but I'm pretty confident that charging admission when the funds raised are going to be donated to a charity would not be considered a violation of that unwritten rule.

You're glossing over a distinction that I consider to be the entire conversation. Charging for admission when the money is going into your balance sheet is despicable; charging money for your organization's largest philanthropic event of the year is, by most accounts, not too despicable.

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You're glossing over a distinction that I consider to be the entire conversation. Charging for admission when the money is going into your balance sheet is despicable; charging money for your organization's largest philanthropic event of the year is, by most accounts, not too despicable.

I get the distinction, but I don't think it's the entire conversation. I think this quote from you is a huge part of the conversation:

Reid is reportedly very angry that his player was injured in a practice environment that he didn't have complete control over and that he wasn't in favor of from the beginning.

In that quote, pay close attention to the two bolded items, but replace the name "Reid" with "Zorn." Then tell me if you think Snyder would be clowned, charity or no charity.

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I get the distinction, but I don't think it's the entire conversation. I think this quote from you is a huge part of the conversation:

In that quote, pay close attention to the two bolded items, but replace the name "Reid" with "Zorn." Then tell me if you think Snyder would be clowned, charity or no charity.

Snyder was ridiculed for being the only person in the league who viewed practice as a money-making venture. The Eagles didn't do that here. I don't see the double standard.

To me, I see no difference between Bradley getting injured at Lincoln Financial Field in a team practice and a Raven or Redskins getting injured in the joint practices they always held in M&T Bank or FedEx Field. Those were glorified practices used to generate excitement in the fan base, and no one ever gave either owner a hard time for anything that happened in them.

Snyder was criticized for charging for a practice. It wasn't wild and crazy Redskin hating that took aim for any and all decisions the young owner made. It seems you're suggesting there's deliberate Snyder hating going on, which I really don't see.

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Snyder was ridiculed for being the only person in the league who viewed practice as a money-making venture. The Eagles didn't do that here. I don't see the double standard.

Turning practice into a money-making venture was a disaster, and Snyder has admitted so. I recognize that the Eagles didn't do that.

But Snyder is ridiculed for many things, including what some view as putting his team in less-than-ideal positions to be successful.

I firmly, FIRMLY believe that if something like the following quote described the loss of a Redskins player for the season, people would be all over Snyder for sabotaging his team and his coach. You don't agree?

"Zorn is reportedly very angry that his player was injured in a practice environment that he didn't have complete control over and that he wasn't in favor of from the beginning."
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Now imagine Zorn being furious over losing a player for the season under the EXACT same scenario you outlined above.

If a player got hurt in a Redskins training camp exercise, and Zorn came out and stated that he wasn't behind the practice, and was never in favor of it, didn't like the fact that the turf was wet, etc, Snyder would be crucified. He would be painted as meddling with the team, not allowing the coaches to coach, and putting his players in harms way.

Larry Brown #43 is 100% dead on with this one.

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