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Jason Campbell Highlight Video


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Amazing how you can put JC 's name in place of Colt and the above statement and it applies;).
It actually doesn't, not on the basis from real interactions on this board at least.
Hope that satisfies your thoughts that I am only here because of Colt, and not because I actually may be a fan of the Redskins. I know Danny's glad I'm a fan.
For what it's worth (and although this doesn't apply to you, just the "Hawaiian" theme discussed here), the newfound Redskins fans from Hawaii aren't even really bothersome. At least they're friendly, and although they obviously support Colt as a great player from their home university, they pretty much stick to the "Cult of Colt" thread and are pretty mellow in their discussions. The annoying fanatics are the older Redskins fans that just jumped on the Colt bandwagon as representative of some kind of change against Campbell, by only their own agenda's means.
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Actually, it is easy to take it the wrong way. Under the assumption of my alias, you assume that I am new to the Redskin organization. Truth is I'm new to ES and only recently, i.e. last few years, have I actually ventured on the web to try and keep track of the teams I enjoy. Too busy trying to be a good husband and a dad. It's not that I didn't want to be here as how could I want to be here if I never knew there was a here until recently? It is true that I wandered here because Colt was drafted by the Redskins, but I've been watching the redskins for probably longer than you've been alive.

Not that it means much compared to the rabid fandome many of you exhibit, but I didn't have the opportunity to grow up around an NFL team, so I don't carry the same nostalgia that many of you identify with. The closest I got to pro players are during the Pro Bowl, the occasional vacation players, and oh yeah, my cousin. Don't know if this matters much, but even though my cousin played for the Seahawks, the Cardinals, and the Packers, I actually payed more attention to the Reskins than all of those teams combined. These days, I enjoy football more for football and though I live in Arizona now, I appreciate the Cardinals more than I am a fan of the Cardinals.

As far as the originality of my call name, that happens to be the name of my uncles car when he used to drag race, my moms only brother. I could have been original with a call name that would have invoked nothing to me, but I am my past, the decisions I currently make, and an idea of my future to come. There's a saying, "You can take the man out of Hawaii, but you can never take Hawaii out of the man." So, why run from who I am?, and why hide who I am to the people I conversate with?

Hope that satisfies your thoughts that I am only here because of Colt, and not because I actually may be a fan of the Redskins. I know Danny's glad I'm a fan.

Then I take it all back.

However, you have to admit that my assumption wasn't exactly wild.

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Amazing how you can put JC 's name in place of Colt and the above statement and it applies;).

Um, except you can't, at all. I'm not a Campbell "homer", but literally every person I've seen on this board who is in favor of Campbell starting this year just wants him to do well. If he doesn't, then peace out, and those people will hope that Brennan's the answer.

So, yeah, you're completely wrong.

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Good video, can't wait for the season to start.

Here's to JC, play well this season, and at the end of the season, back your bags and drive away- don't look back. You really don't deserve the hate you receive. I wish you the best. Leave us with Colt and we'll see how far we go with him.

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JC is the King of the Hill. He can either stay there or fall off. If he stays there, great. If he falls off, I will do my best to help ensure he doesn't take the team with him, and/or, if the teams is falling, he doesn't just go for the ride at the leadership position like he did last year.

This year, it is like a parade for Jason. Lead, follow or get out of the way.

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JC is the King of the Hill. He can either stay there or fall off. If he stays there, great. If he falls off, I will do my best to help ensure he doesn't take the team with him, and/or, if the teams is falling, he doesn't just go for the ride at the leadership position like he did last year.

This year, it is like a parade for Jason. Lead, follow or get out of the way.


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Then I take it all back.

However, you have to admit that my assumption wasn't exactly wild.

That's why I wasn't offended by it. It is understandable and I used to get all butt hurt about it. I've calmed down a bit since I first joined, even got my hands slapped a few times, no banning or anything like that. Just didn't want to lose the opportunity to surf the forum and post as I wanted to, too big a privilege to lose, even if you are a JC lover and a Colt hater.;) Nice thing is we all win if anyone of them steps up and take us into post season play. Please, anyone, anyone??????

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I believe this is the perfect thread to try out my new sig


15. Please maintain respectable size signatures within the limitations set herein.

Maintaining reasonable size signatures minimizes the amount of load time needed to access a given...

lol... :doh:

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I didn't think that much of the video. I felt its theme was less "positive" than some would have you believe. I was left with the impression that this clip was less about highlighting Campbell's accomplishments than it was about delivering a 'rap-style' shot at those who doubt Campbell's being the Redskins' franchise QB. (Consequently, I didn't like the choice of soundtrack.) Now if you happen to one of the group that 'hate' the Campbell 'doubters/haters' -- then you probably liked the video and didn't really question its tactics.

Content-wise I felt the video's selection left much to be desired. For an alleged highlight reel -- there were too much time dedicated to Campbell 'posing.' I seem to recall one 'highlight' was Campbell calling a tiime-out?? (...Gosh, Jason sure did that time out so well!) Frankly, I think the video omitted some of the really good Campbell performances (especially vs. the Cowboys) where he was like a dervish scambling and throwing darts. Some more slow motion footage of Campbell's moves when running the ball would have made this better viewing. Overall, the selection of plays could have been better.

ON THE SOAPBOX: :soapbox:

I'd like to return to my first point -- the video's theme of seeking to openly slam/challenge those who 'doubted/hated' Campbell. (By the way, I got the sense that Dan Snyder was being cast as one of that group .) If you challenge folks, they are going to react. So don't be surprised or start complaining when they do react.

'Campbell-Haters' or Haters of 'Campbell-Haters' or Haters of those Hating Campbell-Haters -- there's not much moral high-ground for any 'hating' group to claim. So maybe these groups don't need to pretend to be innocent or cast themselves as the aggrieved party. Frankly, I'd settle for just being more civil!

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What stood out to me in the vid was the fact that he's a pretty decent runner when he tucks the ball. I'd like to see him move around and evade and still get the ball down the field with a pass more though, but those were some nice runs for a big guy not really considered a runner like a Mcnabb, etc.

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What stood out to me in the vid was the fact that he's a pretty decent runner when he tucks the ball. I'd like to see him move around and evade and still get the ball down the field with a pass more though, but those were some nice runs for a big guy not really considered a runner like a Mcnabb, etc.

Yeah, I wish the person would have added his TD run at San Fran last year.That was a CLUTCH play!

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-33 seconds

-44 seconds



-All against a tough Philadelphia defense , in week 16 the second half of the season, when we supposedly could only perform a 3-step drop

Uh-huh. In a Campbell highlight video, you can find him making throws when he has time? FOUR times in one video? Do you see what's wrong with that?

Do you also see him getting the ball stripped because there is no protection? Or him getting laid on his ass and STILL making the completion around the 1:05 mark? :doh:

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Uh-huh. In a Campbell highlight video, you can find him making throws when he has time? FOUR times in one video? Do you see what's wrong with that?

Do you also see him getting the ball stripped because there is no protection? Or him getting laid on his ass and STILL making the completion around the 1:05 mark? :doh:

-we run a wco based on quick passesn qb's aren't supposed to go stand back in the pocket, so I wouldn't expect a lot of 7 step drops

-yes I did see him take the hit and still make the throw, problem isn't he can't do it on a consistent basis... Its funny how excited you get when a qb does there job.. You realize that's what he is supposed to do? Its what the good qb's in the NFL do... Its not as if he took the hit and threw a perfect 60 yd bomb.. He threw a mid lvl route to santana... Not saying it was a bad play but that's what should be expected from a qb

-why is it odd to you that one of the best pressure defenses in the league gives our line trouble? The eagles didn't just get to campbell, they got to about every qb they went after

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-we run a wco based on quick passesn qb's aren't supposed to go stand back in the pocket, so I wouldn't expect a lot of 7 step drops

-yes I did see him take the hit and still make the throw, problem isn't he can't do it on a consistent basis... Its funny how excited you get when a qb does there job.. You realize that's what he is supposed to do? Its what the good qb's in the NFL do... Its not as if he took the hit and threw a perfect 60 yd bomb.. He threw a mid lvl route to santana... Not saying it was a bad play but that's what should be expected from a qb

-why is it odd to you that one of the best pressure defenses in the league gives our line trouble? The eagles didn't just get to campbell, they got to about every qb they went after

1) I was unaware that pass protection was unimportant in a WCO. Thanks for clearing that up.

2) Yawn. Good quarterbacks are supposed to complete every pass, too, so let's not be happy when a quarterback does something well.

3) :doh: EVERYONE gave our line trouble.

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1) I was unaware that pass protection was unimportant in a WCO. Thanks for clearing that up.

-I was unaware I said pass protection was unimportant? Oh wait, I didn't... As I said the WCO is based on quick timed throws and rhythm... You often won't find QB's doing a 7-step drop and having all sorts of time because thats just now how the scheme is set up.

-In addition, the original post I replied to discussed not "good protection" but Campbell never having 3 seconds, which is stupid because your QB is doing something wrong if in a WCO they consistently need 3 seconds in the pocket

2) Yawn. Good quarterbacks are supposed to complete every pass, too, so let's not be happy when a quarterback does something well.

-No good Qb's do not complete 100% of there passes thats unheard of... What isn't that out of the ordinary is a QB taking a hit while making a 10 yd throw... Yawn is the right word

3) :doh: EVERYONE gave our line trouble.

-? We had a 1500 yd rusher and everyone gave our line trouble? That doesn't make much sense to me

-Lastly the play you talk about where our o-line got abused and Campbell got stripped, maybe you didn't notice the giant space in front of him? Had he had any pocket presence he would have stepped up and had all day

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-? We had a 1500 yd rusher and everyone gave our line trouble? That doesn't make much sense to me

Portis only had 1 game over 80 yards after Week 8 last season. For the rest of the season after that, he only averaged 3.4 YPC for 543 yards. Over the last 8 games. 68 yards per game is pretty crappy for a starting RB like him.

You're really kidding yourself if you don't think people were owning our offensive line pretty regularly throughout the end of the season.

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Portis only had 1 game over 80 yards after Week 8 last season. For the rest of the season after that, he only averaged 3.4 YPC for 543 yards. Over the last 8 games. 68 yards per game is pretty crappy for a starting RB like him.

You're really kidding yourself if you don't think people were owning our offensive line pretty regularly throughout the end of the season.

Thank you.

It's a shame that people have to have this explained to them, over and over, verbatim, repeatedly, with a ridiculous amount of redundancy with such repetition. :doh:

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Thank you.

It's a shame that people have to have this explained to them, over and over, verbatim, repeatedly, with a ridiculous amount of redundancy with such repetition. :doh:

Not only having to keep repeatedly explaining this, but, also, keep going over and over that two of the offensive lineman had two serious injuries each that both required surgery in the off-season. Yet, there are posters on the board who think they could keep playing at the same level they played before the injuries and it was only JC's level of play that dropped.

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