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PFT: Portis Could See Workload Drop?

Sweet Sassy Molassy

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I "could" also break my leg tomorrow. On topic if Betts is up to the challenge and can help out so Portis is fresh at the end of the year im okay with this i guess. Just lets not put Betts in the game on a 1st and goal series inside the 5 yardline with the game on the line against someone in or division or any team for that matter. Still baffled at that decision....

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BR doesn't claim to be a "legitimate" source, or a "news" source, and openly states it's just a blog site, dealing only in the writers opinions.

Given the recent BS PFT has posted about Portis, there is absolutely nothing they write concerning CP, that can be taken seriously, or considered "good points"

I understand what you're saying, but this is what PFT should be writing, OP-Ed pieces not presented as fact. Though as some say, and they make good points, "What do you expect from a rumor site?". So I think just because they posted something that was baseless doesn't mean they can't make good points at other times.

you mean something PFT never does ;)

Touché salesman. :hysterical:

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It was less than a week ago when Mr. Florio suggested that Clinton Portis was becoming a major problem for coach Jim Zorn. Reaction to the post depended on who read it.

Long-time observers of Portis’ complicated relationship with Zorn and the franchise were not surprised.

So, basically he's trying to say that anyone who didn't like the article isn't knowledgeable enough to have an opinion. What a dick.

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Anyway, I agree with most of the posters. If CP is to see a drop in carries, then I think that we need more of a scat back type player (Aldridge, Dorsey, etc.) as opposed to Betts. I don't think Betts really brings much different from Portis to the table, aside from maybe receiving ability, which is debatable. But the question also needs to be answered about Betts' future with the team if he's not going to be the guy spelling CP on a regular basis.

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I believe Portis would love to have his workload decreased. They run him into the ground because there are deficiencies at other positions on offense and he gives the team the best chance at winning. If Betts was as effective, he'd get more carries. What gets him in trouble are the untimely screw ups and he's often hurt despite being a backup.

Portis was on pace for 374 carries at the midpoint of last season. A guy like LT, who has been a work horse, has a career average of 332 carries per season. LT has missed one game his entire career.

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The drop in yards for Portis sure wasn't only because of him being tired or run into the ground. The offensive plays turned into 5 yard dump passes that kept the entire defense at the line of scrimmage the entire 2nd half of the season. When this ridiculous play calling started, our entire offense went strait to hail. Portis could no longer run with 11 men hovering at the line, and the fact is neither will Betts or any other RB in league.

If Zorn doesn't stretch the field out like he did the 1st half of the season, we are going to start right where we left off, and this board is gonna lose it's freaking mind by game 3. There are so many questions to this offense that I just can't wait to see answered this season.

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Plus, the OL was a mess and the teams were stacking the box daring JC to beat us. I don't know many RBs that could put up good numbers in that situation.

You hit the nail right on the head! No RB in the league can run against 11 men. Jim Zorn better open this offense back up, and the only way to do that is to go deep and use the speed he has at WR.

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I see nothing but good things coming with betts getting a increased workload. I remember when he stepped in for portis he was more than serviceable so much in fact i remember the start betts cries. I think betts could hold his own as a 1 right now though im truly happy having him and portis running the rock in the b&g.

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Because PFT made some good point, whether people like their content. They didn't even present it as fact. They said that it's possible, based on things they've read. They also backed up their claim with stats that showed CP's decline later in the season. So rather than, plagiarize and present their thoughts as my own, I posted the write up they did. The same way you post BR articles as a way to spark discussion, though not always a "legitimate" source. It's called giving credit where credit is due.

PFT has an agenda,make clinton portis look bad,make the redskins look like fools.

so they cite portis's slumping stats? so what? anyone see the OL play last year,OL was GARBAGE in the 2nd half of the year,campbell was getting raped in the pocket and portis was running into a wall everytime.

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Zorn will want to pass more in the first three quarters than he did in 2008. He has said he wants a 60/40 ratio.

Ladell is a better receiver, so Ladell will get more touches and Portis less. Portis will be saved for power situations and to pound the run and hold leads in the fourth quarter.

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The first thing is to be clear what the objective we have is : in my view thats to not just scrape into the playoffs and go one and done its to make a deep run and win a Championship.

If we agree thats the objective then the next thing to be clear about is that CP is the centre part of our offense and we are a much more dangerous and effective offense when he is healthy and productive.

Some may quibble about the second statement but I'd personaly stand behind it.

If we assume both statements are true then we 100% need to find a way to manage the touches Portis has so we can get into Dec and Jan with him healthy (ish - no starting NFL RB in 100% by Dec) and productive. We also need to help him extend his career - if he keeps getting 340+ carries a season he could be done before he is 30.

Lets just think about how we do that. Last season we had 1012 snaps on offense. We ran 478 times and passed 534. Thats 47% run and 53% pass - so pretty balanced.

CP had 342 carries - so 71% of all carries.

I think we need to see 2 things happen to help both open up the offense and be more agressive and manage CP's touches.

The first we need to see Thomas and Kelly (and maybe Davis as well) get more productive and involved which will help us be more diversive and productive in the passing attack. To help them do that we need to try to get them touches while not getting away from getting the ball to Moss and Cooley. So we need more passing attempts. I'd like to see us be closer to 60% pass 40% run.

If we have the same number of plays (or close to it) that alone would take away about 70 carries.

If we also get CP say 65% of the carries rather than 70%+ that would drop him to about the 260 carry mark which is about where he needs to be. That would put him around 260 carries at say 4.5 yards per carry so 1,180 yards.

For this to work of course the passing attack has to be productive or we will default back to trying to control the ball and clock by slamming it off left tackle most 1st and 2nd downs .......

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The Washington Post opinion PFT is referring to is Jason Reid's. He was on Washington Post Live responding to the PFT post Florio made about Portis being a pain in Zorn's ass. Talk about circular reporting:

1) Report something as fact based on a Riggo comment in January......IN JUNE!!!

2) Watch local media resond

3) Use local media response to original post to support your original post and interject that the opinion reflected in response toy your point shows your original target is falling out of favor and will lose some reps.

What is next? Florio posting something on Monday, and on Friday another PFT reporting using Florio as a source?

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The first thing is to be clear what the objective we have is : in my view thats to not just scrape into the playoffs and go one and done its to make a deep run and win a Championship.

If we agree thats the objective then the next thing to be clear about is that CP is the centre part of our offense and we are a much more dangerous and effective offense when he is healthy and productive.

Some may quibble about the second statement but I'd personaly stand behind it.

If we assume both statements are true then we 100% need to find a way to manage the touches Portis has so we can get into Dec and Jan with him healthy (ish - no starting NFL RB in 100% by Dec) and productive. We also need to help him extend his career - if he keeps getting 340+ carries a season he could be done before he is 30.

Lets just think about how we do that. Last season we had 1012 snaps on offense. We ran 478 times and passed 534. Thats 47% run and 53% pass - so pretty balanced.

CP had 342 carries - so 71% of all carries.

I think we need to see 2 things happen to help both open up the offense and be more agressive and manage CP's touches.

The first we need to see Thomas and Kelly (and maybe Davis as well) get more productive and involved which will help us be more diversive and productive in the passing attack. To help them do that we need to try to get them touches while not getting away from getting the ball to Moss and Cooley. So we need more passing attempts. I'd like to see us be closer to 60% pass 40% run.

If we have the same number of plays (or close to it) that alone would take away about 70 carries.

If we also get CP say 65% of the carries rather than 70%+ that would drop him to about the 260 carry mark which is about where he needs to be. That would put him around 260 carries at say 4.5 yards per carry so 1,180 yards.

For this to work of course the passing attack has to be productive or we will default back to trying to control the ball and clock by slamming it off left tackle most 1st and 2nd downs .......

This is a great read... Makes total sense, logical and hopefully happens.

I agree it starts with our young wide receivers, then we need Dorsey, Aldridge, Betts or Mason to step up. And then Portis can have a smaller load yet effective load.

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The more carries that Portis gets, the less chance we have of ever doing anything in the playoffs.

More carries=Portis gets banged up, and disappears late in the year. Then in the playoffs, he can't be effective.

It is that simple.

Unfortunately, we have had boneheads in both the FO and coaching staff for years now--professionals who simply can't grasp this fact.

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Sorry for the hijack, but is Zorn no longer the offensive coordinator?

Simple question, tricky answer.

Zorn by title is not the OC Sherman Smith was and remains the OC.

But, for all intents ands purposes especially last Zorn was the defacto OC because he was the only person that knew the offense that they installed last year and Zorn called the plays.

Does that answer the question?

Sherman Smith is the OC but Zorn is the playcaller so they share the duties.

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Betts is sort of a super-Taylor Jacobs. Looks great in workouts-- don't we hear this same thing every year? Every O-cord seems to want ot get Betts more involved, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Clinton definitely needs a break, but the premise that Betts has looked great and warrants more touches is an annual rite of June.

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So....realizing that we want Portis healthy into the playoffs, we have 2 clear choices.

Whether or not our coaching staff and FO possess the iq to ever implement them is a whole different story:

1. Follow the Jags model. Betts, or some combo of the backups play the first quater or half. Portis plays the rest.

2. Portis plays the whole game. Make it mandatory that Betts gets 10 passes a game. This scenario is difficult, because we don't have a QB who can see Betts wide open in front of him.

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