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That if you go to www.yahoo.com and plug in Washington Redskins, this message board does not come up until the third page.

If you type in Smoot21, it brings up this message board as the 13th selection.

Just goes to show, that Smoot21 is helping this board get bigger.

I havent posted here much if you havent noticed, the communism regime of Angry Buddha and Om, as well as Die Hard and the Czar Blade have deactivated all options on my account. I cant edit any of my posts, have a signature, and now apparantly I cant post any pictures. I was going to post some cool Redskin pictures that I personally took, to help out with the above thread, but I guess I lost those privliges when Buddha posted a picture of the Icy Hot Stunaz, and I retaliated with post a picture of Buddha, that shows hes nothing but a fat and ugly piece of ****.

The board is getting nicer and nicer, and its to bad the the biggest Redskin fan in the world cant post like eveybody else.

I guess thats why this board is always in second place.

Good day and hail to the Redskins!

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Now that's a reach. Typed in Redskins message board, (figured that maybe it's a bit less of a generalized term than Washington Redskins), Extreme came up # 4 on that. Though Yahoo search probably doesn't work the way that one assumes it does.


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Yahoo is flucked up. I typed in my "name" and got the following under Extremeskins...


... April-8th-2003 11:51 PM by Romo sits to pee, Go to last post. True Confession:"I am 16% gay!!" ( 1 2 3 4 ... Last page ), BallCoachSpurrier, 74, 1360, ...


Out of the 2300 posts I've written here the one they use to define me is Confession:"I am 16% gay!!" YIKES!!!

Are they trying to tell me something!??

...not that anythings wrong with that. ;)


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Certainly are a classic, aren't we. Way to go!

Originally posted by Smoot21

That if you go to www.yahoo.com and plug in Washington Redskins, this message board does not come up until the third page.

If you type in Smoot21, it brings up this message board as the 13th selection.

Just goes to show, that Smoot21 is helping this board get bigger.

I havent posted here much if you havent noticed, the communism regime of Angry Buddha and Om, as well as Die Hard and the Czar Blade have deactivated all options on my account. I cant edit any of my posts, have a signature, and now apparantly I cant post any pictures. I was going to post some cool Redskin pictures that I personally took, to help out with the above thread, but I guess I lost those privliges when Buddha posted a picture of the Icy Hot Stunaz, and I retaliated with post a picture of Buddha, that shows hes nothing but a fat and ugly piece of ****.

The board is getting nicer and nicer, and its to bad the the biggest Redskin fan in the world cant post like eveybody else.

I guess thats why this board is always in second place.

Good day and hail to the Redskins!

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Originally posted by BallCoachSpurrier

Yahoo is flucked up. I typed in my "name" and got the following under Extremeskins...

Out of the 2300 posts I've written here the one they use to define me is Confession:"I am 16% gay!!" YIKES!!!

Are they trying to tell me something!??

...not that anythings wrong with that. ;)



that made me laugh.feel for ya bro.hopefully this isn't how the world remembers you..good luck..:laugh:

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The Principles of Communism

"Communism is the doctrine of the conditions of the liberation of the proletariat."

A Certain Person sees himself as an oppressed party, and once again assumes for himself the mantel of shining sentinel, defender and champion of the proletariat from whence he comes. Which is, when you think about it, probably a good thing, as the man likely couldn't spell bourgeoisie if you spotted him all the vowels.

Extremeskins, by the Person's own reckoning, has done and continues to do everything within its nefarious, arbitrary, overbearing and unjustly wielded power to keep the man down, rather than conspire for and then ultimately revel in his liberation.

We are, apparently, lousy communists. We humbly apologize and hang our cyberheads in shame.

We'll try to do better.


Nacissism: A Genetic Trait

The innate stereotypic acts associated with the trait include flaunting body posturing, expansive arm gestures, bowing, colorful self-adornment, and a natural attraction to the limelight of personal recognition. Individuals of the pure N type are competitive but non-aggressive in their strivings for recognition. The trait corresponds to a striving for ~glory~ in one's environment, hence is the second main component of human ambition. In a pejorative connotation the unbridled trait of narcissism may reveal itself in the context of conceit, exhibitionism, vanity and messianism.


Extremeskins Extra: Movie Review

Napoleon Complex: Comically Short and Puffy

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This is certainly an interesting post. Extremeskins is second perhaps, but only in your flighty affections. We're larger, better looking, smarter and have more features than any other Redskin site. Hell, one could even make a case we have better inside access with our recent work in conjunction with The Coach's Corner.

I fear it's not all that persuasive to be at the top of message board searches to be honest. But, if you feel that's a measure of a board as you feel it's the measure of a man, then that's you.

Sadly though, your time here is at an end. But, not because of this post. Because you have once again gone out of your way to treat someone privately with the sort of vulgarity and insanity that calls your character into question. The person responsible for this ban, though, is not the person you wrote.

It's not anyone who doesn't like you. It's not even me, though, I am the guy who pulled the trigger and agree it's time for you to go. The person responsible is you. You took the option of actually adding something to the forum and decided you didn't want to go there.

That's you.

I'll see you around though. Best of luck to you.


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