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Game Day Cash parking


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Skins say

"The team will no longer maintain game day, cash parking lots since there are numerous private operators in the stadium vicinity providing the service."

Can anyone tell me where these "private operator" lots are?


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Skins say

"The team will no longer maintain game day, cash parking lots since there are numerous private operators in the stadium vicinity providing the service."

Can anyone tell me where these "private operator" lots are?


as far as I can tell at this point they will be the same places that the "official" cash lots have been in the past without the shuttle service.

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This is pretty much why I gave up my season tickets (after one year, plus two years of season tickets from eBay). It's just too much of a hassle. Last year they got rid of access to FedEx Field from the Landover Metro Station, and this year it's this. What's next?

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i don't get it.

they're just shutting down the shuttles, and not calling it official parking?

or are all of the lots going away as well?

I have had season tickets, but always used the cash parking... and now, after the option to get season parking tickets as well has passed, i find out the cash parking is going away?

i'm so confused... and honestly, synder is starting to make me rethink the reason i even hold season tickets anymore..

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i don't get it.

they're just shutting down the shuttles, and not calling it official parking?

or are all of the lots going away as well?

I have had season tickets, but always used the cash parking... and now, after the option to get season parking tickets as well has passed, i find out the cash parking is going away?

i'm so confused... and honestly, synder is starting to make me rethink the reason i even hold season tickets anymore..

I don't think anyone really knows as of yet.

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It's on the corner redskins rd and brightseat rd (caddy corner to the new grey lot)

gimme a sec I'll dig ya up a map and some more info

edit: here ya go ~>


The "Tailgate Lot" is the best thing going around Fedex. Enjoy the hill of doom!

The only thing better was when it was $20, but I'm not complaining.

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So......with the demise of the shuttle from the Metro stop a few years ago, and now the apparent discontinuation of the shuttle from the cash lots (which apparently are going away), if you don't have a parking permit, your options are to basically park at least three-quarters of a mile away (looks like that's the distance of that lot at Brightseat Road) or take Metro, which is probably only a bit further from the stadium and would be a lot cheaper.

Just great. I'd love to hear Snyder's rationale for taking away the cash lots and shuttles. Just hope that the lot on Brightseat is big enough to handle the people who were parking there for a while, plus the additional folks who will park there now that the shuttle from more distant lots is gone.

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Just great. I'd love to hear Snyder's rationale for taking away the cash lots and shuttles. Just hope that the lot on Brightseat is big enough to handle the people who were parking there for a while, plus the additional folks who will park there now that the shuttle from more distant lots is gone.

You can blame the federal government for part of this cash lot issue. Congress, because of lobbying by private bus companies, passed a law preventing Metro and other publicly funded mass transit companies from competing for work against private bus companies. The Redskins was forced to find a private bus company and the actual cost was much higher than Metro was charging. I can't say he was losing money on the cash lots (renting the parking lots, security, cleanup, bus cost) but it probably was either a loss or the additional revenue was so little it was not worth going after. Considering Snyder leaves no stone unturned to make a profit, I suspect he was losing money at $40/shot and did not care to increase the cost more to break even or make money.

If there is a market, some of those office buildings may still do cash parking...but it will be quite the walk.

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Hopefully the Chris Jericho church opens up their lot for cheaper than the Skins used to charge.

I doubt it. They stopped leasing to Snyder because of all the headaches from fans on Sunday morning...interfered with a lot of their services; more aggravation than they wanted.

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