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ProFootballTalk Portis Becoming A Major Problem For Zorn


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As if we didn’t already give the Brothers Mottram sufficient ammunition for accusing us of baseless speculation, here’s one that could spark another Twitter skirmish. (In some seriousness, we actually have negotiated — we think — a tentative cease fire with our friends from the old Sports Blogger Live show, which AOL never should have discontinued.)

The Redskins have a problem.

And its name is Clinton Portis.

Multiple sources have advised us that Portis shows little or no respect to coach Jim Zorn, and that the situation bubbled over at least once during the team’s OTA sessions, with Portis telling the coach off in front of other players.

Said one source: “Portis totally has no regard for [Zorn] and thinks he’s above everyone.”

It’s no surprise; Portis sounded off earlier this year regarding the team’s offensive strategy in the second half of the 2008 season.

And Hall of Famer John Riggins nailed the situation in late January.

“He’s already a headache,” Riggins said. “You mean is he going to get worse? I don’t know. I said that at the end of the season and I believe that unless he changes the way he views himself and views his contributions to the team, then I think that that could be problematic for the Redskins. It’s a bad situation, created probably by the people who run the team, that he’s been allowed to take the course that he has.



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blah blah blah blah "no truth to it b/c its pft blah blah blah"

this has to be a concern, even if some will dismiss it due to the source - because they themselves are desperate to not believe it.

this is extremely troubling.

cue the PFT haters.

cue MCDF5 or whatever.

oh well. get it together, Skins!

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With as personable as CP is with fans and the media in general, I find it tough to believe things like this. I mean, it's certainly possible..you never know what people are like behind closed doors, but it just doesn't seem to be in his personality to blow up at coaches, throw tantrums, etc.

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not what I was hoping to hear ... I love Portis, but he seems to have regressed in the "maturity" department snce the passing of ST21. The only reason i say that is because of the hype that has been placed around Portis about how he has matured and grown as a man. if anything, he has acted more and more like a spoiled brat since then.

Portis, get your act together ... no one is above the team.

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CP has always been a cancer to this team. He is a typical arrogant me first kind of player. Unfortunately he has the ear of The Danny which spells trouble for Zorn.

I wouldn't go so far as to break out the C word. As near as I can tell he's just fine with the other players. He isn't a problem in the locker room.

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another thing - if Zorn does indeed get the ax this year or any year for that matter, i just really hope it is b/c the team doesnt perform on the field.

if it is because of locker room politics or to keep star players happy, that will really be unfortunate.

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CP has always been a cancer to this team. He is a typical arrogant me first kind of player. Unfortunately he has the ear of The Danny which spells trouble for Zorn.

It's amusing to me that some people think that Portis is a cancer to this team. Without his production the past few years, the Redskins would be no where. And that's the honest truth. In 2005 we rode him into the playoffs and in 2007, he along with Todd Collins were major reasons we got in again.

Not to mention, Portis is the kind of player that is great with the fans and is very media friendly. It's hard for me to believe this stuff.

I don't buy this nonsense from Florio.

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Portis is probably tired of carrying the entire offense on his back. He's having career years and we're finishing at 8-8.

WITH an awesome defense!

Maybe CP told him he aint no Gibbs :D

Zorn seems too hands on for CP. I can't see Gibbs calling out any player, unless behind closed doors. Maybe CP appreciates and grew accustomed to Gibbs "grandfatherly" style.

Look, mom! I can speculate! :cool2:

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I don't really buy this story. First off, most of the quotes are from an old story. Riggens is a Portis hater for some reason, so I take his comments with a grain of salt. If he is a problem, why do we never hear about it from anywhere buy PFT? I feel like with Chad Johnson and TO ESPN, SI and other more legit NFL sources discussed it, whereas this has never really been reported by legit sources. I'm not worried.

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When was it determined that Portis is now a "major concern" for Coach Zorn?...

Wait, I get it...follow the ol' Florio template:

1) Take an incident you heard about from "sources" (Portis talks back to head coach).

2) Speculate on what it might mean (Portis might be becoming a big concern for Zorn).

3) Write that speculation as if it's more or less fact (Portis IS a major concern for Zorn)

4) Quote other people's speculations to help validate your own speculation ("Riggins thinks Portis is a major concern, too! So, see, I'm right.")

5) Hint that the speculation means either that a trade is desired ("Landry missing the OTAs may mean he wants to be traded/The Redskins may want to trade Landry"), or that releasing the player outright is desired ("The Skins can't release Portis due to blah blah blah")...even if nothing else in the entire story points directly or indirectly to either scenario being even remotely true.

6) Sit back and watch your media bretheren and football fans take your speculations as being completely factual, thus keeping your name in the headlines a little bit longer.

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As has been pointed out in the past, he should have at least been benched after his rant on the radio that embarrassed the entire organization.

The second he did that, and he wasn't benched/suspended, a clear message was sent that Zorn has no control. He isn't the coach.

That blame goes to Dan, Vinny and Portis.

Portis for Boldin would be fantastic. Get it done already.

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