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Watch This High School Football Comeback


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Listening to those announcers' date=' all I can think about is how glad I am that I moved away from Dallas when I was 11[/quote']

They're a breed of their own. The announcers from that clip sound just like the ones from Varsity Blues and Friday Night Lights.

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They're a breed of their own. The announcers from that clip sound just like the ones from Varsity Blues and Friday Night Lights.

Good God Allmighty!!!

:rotflmao: and yeah they did.

As it was ending, I was like this would be kinda funny if they didn't actually win...they shoulda gone for another on side kick haha

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haha seriously, how are you gonna call a touchdown when the dude isn't even close and is clearly not going to get a TD

i literally LOL'd when that last kick got taken to the house.

Haha I was :Rotflmao: when the kid was at the 30 and he's like he's gonna score! Or whatever about a touchdown hahaha...

Lance Armstrong went to Plano East :D

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ahh yes I remember that. We love our high school football in Texas. I've seen that clip numerous times and it never gets old to me. "Good gosh almighty!" and "I done wet mah britches." Also, the "I wanna throw up" at the end is classic.

But we don't all have thick accents like those guys. :)

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