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Redskins.com: Long Wait Over, Kelly Is Full-Go At Practice


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..... Let the thread be about Kelly, not anyone else.


The kid's progressing physically and made a play on a less than prefect throw to demonstrate.

Perfect passes are a little more rare than some are willing to acknowledge anyhoo.

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I called it: here we have a report of Malcom Kelly unwisely practicing on his microfractured knee and people are taking it as good news. It is not.

He may feel well enough to practice; it doesn't matter. The whole point of MF surgery is to stimulate the growth of new cartilage and he simply hasn't given it enough time for that to happen. It's a very fragile process and by running and cutting on his knee, he is rendering the procedure useless.

Not that I had any hope for the guy regardless. But if you're going to have a procedure done, why be stupid and undo it 3 months later?

There was no microfracture sugery is why. They went in planning to do the micromfracture surgery, saw the knee was healthy and shaved off a bone spur that had been causeing alot of the swelling, from what was reported recently. Otherwise I'm pretty sure he wouldnt even be close to the field. Zorn has shown the ability to be patient with players.

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As funny as it sounds,

THE COMB FREESTYLE is honestly a big reason why I am still so excited for Kelly... I went to a SEC University and watched this guy dominate each season.... but the infamous locker room freestyle tells me much more about his character.

COMB is a winner- and more importantly, a leader. [Look at the other players crowded around him after the game.] I'm not all that confident that his knee will ever be 100%---- but if Kelly ever fully recovers, he has the skill/ability to be a Top 8 receiver in this league. The "character concerns" are WAY off base.

We probably won't see the 'real' Malcomb Kelly until AFTER the 2009 season... but I think after a few strong preseason performances- he will emerge as a a player everyone in DC is excited for.


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I did'nt see this posted anywhere and this is for those who have'nt made it over to Redskins.com lately.:)

Malcolm Kelly pulled in a pass on a slant pattern, adjusting his body mid-route because the throw was slightly behind him.

Click on link above for full article.

WOW! A pass from Jason Campbell was off target, causing the receiver to have to adjust? No way! Can't be true. Candle is going to be a sure HOF, there is no way he could be off. :doh:

Seriously, it's good to hear that Kelly is doing well. Now we just need to get rid of the Candle and this team might be headed upwards.

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Man if this guy and Devin Thomas could get going ... Throw in a little Fred Davis ... then I feel like Jason Campbell might have a fighting chance.

Well according to Moss' interview the redskins prefer not to have a second receiver and only throw to Moss, the Tight Ends and the running backs then run the ball. Long as they keep that up none of our receivers have a chance to step up and do the deed until they unleash campbell and call more then 5 plays....maybe its my drunkness talking but i think until they actually call the whole playbook then our offense will still be average or less

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Sort of unrelated but had a dream just the other night that Burress was running down the right sideline with pass in flight. He was actually in his Giants uniform but playing for the skins. Ended up dropping the ball but that dream made me think of Malcolm. Similar size, great hands and perhaps the better route runner but less the speed. Glad to see he is progressing to the point that the debate over his playing ability can be decided on the field. Not sure what the dropped pass by Burress in the dream implies for the future. Any psychs on this board?

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As I noted while Twittering from the sideline, knock on wood, but Malcolm Kelly was looking good in his THIRD straight practice, including one slightly overthrown pass that he laid out for along the sideline, dragging his feet to try to stay inbounds. Watching any other receiver make that play, it would've been impressive. Watching Kelly make it was both impressive and slightly nerve-wracking, and I told him so afterward.

"I try not to think about it," Kelly told me. "In the back of my mind, I can't help it, so I try to take every precaution and do everything I can to make sure it doesn't happen again. But, like I said, I wasn't gonna lay out for that ball but it was just kind of a reaction, and I got up fine so...."

And how is he feeling in general? "Feelin' pretty good man. Been able to do everything, been able to do all the drills. We're just monitoring it, really to see how it responds, see if it starts to ache and we'll back off a little bit."

So far, so good. Just keep knocking on wood as you say that.

This is from today's OTA session. You can read more at: http://blog.redskins.com/2009/06/03/on-the-field-for-a-few-more-notes/#continued

So far so good....we'll see how he holds up once they put on pads and the hitting begins.

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WOW! A pass from Jason Campbell was off target, causing the receiver to have to adjust? No way! Can't be true. Candle is going to be a sure HOF, there is no way he could be off. :doh:

Seriously, it's good to hear that Kelly is doing well. Now we just need to get rid of the Candle and this team might be headed upwards.

It's a good thing you know for sure and can prove the pass was from Campbell. Otherwise your post might just read like blind hate.

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I called it: here we have a report of Malcom Kelly unwisely practicing on his microfractured knee and people are taking it as good news. It is not.

No offense.... but don't you think that the doctors would advise the coaches to allow time to heal and that they would take that advice after so much invested (draft pick, surgeries, roster spot, etc.)

I'm not a big believer that he's going to come out this year and light the house on fire. I mean i hope, but I don't see that happening this year, he's essentially a rookie.

But I would hope that the team would take correct advice from the medical team to help ensure he has a long career.

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WOW! A pass from Jason Campbell was off target, causing the receiver to have to adjust? No way! Can't be true. Candle is going to be a sure HOF, there is no way he could be off. :doh:

Seriously, it's good to hear that Kelly is doing well. Now we just need to get rid of the Candle and this team might be headed upwards.

Sorry, but you sound like an idiot here. There is no indication about who threw the pass or even how far behind him it was. Give it a rest. We get it. You don't like Campbell. You all find any chance...in this case a completely made up one...to bash the guy.

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Don't sink to their level. Let the thread be about Kelly, not anyone else.

I was kidding. Probably not a funny joke, but...

WOW! A pass from Jason Campbell was off target, causing the receiver to have to adjust? No way! Can't be true. Candle is going to be a sure HOF, there is no way he could be off. :doh:

Seriously, it's good to hear that Kelly is doing well. Now we just need to get rid of the Candle and this team might be headed upwards.

...On the next page, somebody actually posted exactly what I said in jest. I guess I was just shocked that it took 6 pages to get to it.

And btw, jrfriedm, find me the quote or picture that shows JC actually threw the pass and it wasn't one of the other 3-4 QBs on the roster.

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