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June 1st ota/expectations?


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As for myself I have several things that I am looking forward to on June 1.

In no special order: I have questions.

Where is Randy Thomas regarding his neck? Can he practice? Can he hit? Can he swerve and swivel? How strong is he? Those neck injuries/spinal injuries or anything dealing with that column of bones running down your backside is extremely painful and extremely DELICATE. If he is 100% by June 1st then we won't worry. If not......potential problem.????

Macolm Kelly. Can he practice without swelling? Can he get through the entire week without going back to the doctor for more testing and another scope? If he hasn't healed by June....potential problem.????

Devin Thomas. Can he practice for more than a day without getting himself injured? Is this fellow ready to take the next step and look great or is he just full of potential like Michael Westbrook. Potential problem. ?????

Will Chris Wilson take the next step and have a better grasp of the SLB spot. He has had time to let it all digest, watch film, and think about his new spot and responsibilities. Will he show improvement because he has great size and speed for that position. Huge question mark ?

Mike Williams. What will his weight be? Will he practice at guard or tackle? Will he practice period? This is the most interesting guy to watch.:D

Can everybody make it through OTA's healthy. Can we get through this without an achilles heel tear or ligament tear or even a runny nose. It's time for the Skins to get healthy or else take a long look at their training methods and training staff. This is a critical issue. Potential problem?????

and finally...what about the QB's. This will be the last time for the squad to workout together before camp begins. Will there be any demonstrable sign of improvement in anybody, considering its just PRACTICE. Should be interesting to see if all the workouts and film study and knowledge of the playbook begins to set in to all THREE quarterbacks. Just wondering who will look sharp and comfortable, but it will still be hard to tell much until that first preseason game when the pads go on and a real pass rush in unleashed. Still, the less balls that hit the ground the better!;)

I'll be watching. What about your interests and questions???

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I'll be watching. What about your interests and questions???

I want to see if they keep working Orakpo at LB. I'm surprised they haven't signed a vet to hold down SLB for a year or two. That suggests they are looking to the current roster for that spot. Will it be Rak, Wilson, Blades, or someone else? This is my area of most concern on D; I think the other spots will take care of themselves.

Not sure what we'll be able to learn for sure about the O-line before the season starts and they have to go against full-speed guys on the other side of the ball. At that point my concern is to not have a repeat of last year where they blocked well early but broke down as the season progressed.

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I'm looking forward to all the pictures, interviews, and media coverage, its still early to get a feel for what the team is going to do during OTAs. There might even be a couple of rumors flying around.

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rayner vs. suisham

does shaun secure his spot or does the skins' never-ending search for a reliable kicker continue with rayner?

I completely forgot about the kicker competition. I guess we'll stick with Suisham. He'd better step up this year. I'm tired of holding my breath every time he's about to kick a FG.

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I would add DB's and Safety to the list, will Horton resume his status as an up and comer? Will Hall and Rogers work well together, remember Hall started opposite of Springs. Also the thrid corners, Smoot and Tryon, the Skins need one of those guys or the new guy to actually perform or third and long will be a problem. Reed Doughty, Laron Landry and Chris Horton, could that be a package on certain downs?

Also, sign a LBer or two NOW.

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rayner vs. suisham

does shaun secure his spot or does the skins' never-ending search for a reliable kicker continue with rayner?

I did not forget about the kicker situation, in fact I almost mentioned it and then I remembered that the kickers looked GREAT in practice last year. So since OTA'a are practice, there will be nothing learned from watching a punter stand on the sidelines and boom one 50 yards with nobody rushing at him. Same for field goals.

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I would add DB's and Safety to the list, will Horton resume his status as an up and comer? Will Hall and Rogers work well together, remember Hall started opposite of Springs. Also the thrid corners, Smoot and Tryon, the Skins need one of those guys or the new guy to actually perform or third and long will be a problem. Reed Doughty, Laron Landry and Chris Horton, could that be a package on certain downs?

Also, sign a LBer or two NOW.

just my opinion speaking, but with regard to the secondary, we're not going to learn anything from them in practice. They are not running routes, or throwing the football, they are not recovering from injury, and they will not be facing anybody who they must cover during the season.

Sounds to me like everything you want to know, must wait until some actual games take place. This thread is just about practice next week.

However, maybe we can get Landry and Hall to race this year in practice instead of Landry and Portis. That should be interesting.

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just my opinion speaking, but with regard to the secondary, we're not going to learn anything from them in practice. They are not running routes, or throwing the football, they are not recovering from injury, and they will not be facing anybody who they must cover during the season.

Sounds to me like everything you want to know, must wait until some actual games take place. This thread is just about practice next week.

However, maybe we can get Landry and Hall to race this year in practice instead of Landry and Portis. That should be interesting.

I agree with you in premise, but I would be interested to see how they are working together. Kind of like the Rap experiment at LBer. Hall and Rogers have not played together as starters. I would like to see what they are practicing as a precursor to the actually formations they intend to use. But you are right, practice is confusing sometimes in regard to actual intentions for games.

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I guess the first question is how will Kellys' knee hold up to going full speed?

Will Thomas be running good routes?

Do we have anyone at SAM that can cover a TE?

How healthy is Randy, and is Rinehart ready to step up?

How much time will Bridges get a RT?

How much time will Jansen get at C?

Will will Orakpo be getting the bulk of his work, at DE or SAM?

That is what I'll be looking for from camp.

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I want to know who will be going from the posters so we can get individual perspectives and pictures. I'd like to know who gets autographs and by who. Who the fan favorites are as far which players will engage the public more and be there to talk, shake hands, take pictures, and "rub up with the common folk" if you would. Being that I can't be there personally, it would be nice to live vicariously through you guys. It would be nice if we could get a special thread where everybody can just share the preseason experience with those of us that can't.

Hail, wish I could be there.

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What I want to see in camp is who the skins have returning punts besides ARE. Those will be names to pay attention to for the final roster cut because we need a new punt returner.

Good one, I missed that. I would like to see someone other than ARE back there.

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Most of you touched on all the things I'm interested in/looking for. We'll see how it all shakes out and who impresses and locks down spots in the coming days. We definitely need some good things, pleasant surprises to happen in a couple areas due to cap constraints.

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What I want to see in camp is who the skins have returning punts besides ARE. Those will be names to pay attention to for the final roster cut because we need a new punt returner.

good one here. I'd like to see Moss returning one or two punts a game like he did last year. He was much better than ARE.

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good one here. I'd like to see Moss returning one or two punts a game like he did last year. He was much better than ARE.

Moss single handedly proved that blocking wasnt our problem.

Im desperate to see someone else returning punts this year.

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Moss single handedly proved that blocking wasnt our problem.

Im desperate to see someone else returning punts this year.

That's actually not true. Moss single handedly proved that he was good enough to succeed with terrible blocking. He almost got knocked down by his own guy in the Detroit game, but has better balance than ARE, so stayed upright and was able to make a return.

But the blocking sucked all year regardless. My favorite was watching Leigh Torrence (until he got cut) get completely blown by by the gunner, and ending up in the face of the returner forcing a fair catch. Just about every punt.

Moss just proved that he was better than ARE at dealing with crappy blocking.

And all that said, they need to find another punt returner. Because ARE has just lost his way, and I don't think he's going to get it back...


EDIT: I'm also looking at the following: (Most of this has been brought up before, but I'll repeat)

- The weight of Mike Williams. Is he going to be able to steal the RT spot?

- What's happening at C? Are they really going to get Jansen in at C? Because Zorn KEEPS saying he's frustrated with how short Rabach is and how low the QB has to squat to take the snap.

- The WRs in general. Zorn has said that MK made it through a full week of practices, or something like that. I want to see if he stays healthy. I want to see DT start to take the 2nd spot away from ARE.

- I want to see how many 2 TE sets they run. A package with Moss, DT/MK, CC, DT and a RB could be very potent.

- I want reports on the rookie drafties.

- I am very curious about the QBs. Specifically TC and CB. I want to see if CB can win the backup job from TC, and from what I've heard form Zorn, that competition has already started, and it's pretty even, but TC is impressing, and CB is not.

- I am curious about what they are doing with the DE/SAM spot.

- I don't think we'll know anything about the kicker until week 5.

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Im interested in seeing what these people produce.

Anthony Aldridge

Big Mike Williams

Robert Thomas

I forget his first name, Bridges

That WR with the last name Breaux. s/p

M. Mitchell

These are the guys that i hope make the team and if they do I see big things this season. These are my official 2009 preseason man crushes.

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