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Michael Steele: Gay Marriage Is Bad For Small Businesses

The Evil Genius

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They support civil unions and giving same-sex couples all the same benefits as heterosexual couples

so do most Republicans, along with Ms California but you don't see Perez Hilton calling Obama a ***** do you?

Clinton failed with Don't ask Don't tell, Obama is failing with the Marriage issue. They will skirt the line for votes, and then business is usual. I'm sick of people trying to convince me that just cause I'm gay I should vote for the Dems.

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whats really funny is how Obama and Biden made it clear they do not support "gay marriage"....

so tell me...what exactly has the Democratic party done for me lately?? (refering to "gay stuff")

Im a Dem and I dont support gay "marriage", because i believe that "marriage" is literally between a man and a woman, not because its sacred.

If you want to get a civil union in the eyes of the law but still call yourselves married, fine.

Its one of those little things that i cant really describe why i feel that way, i just do.

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Im a Dem and I dont support gay "marriage", because i believe that "marriage" is literally between a man and a woman, not because its sacred.

Its one of those little things that i cant really describe why i feel that way, i just do.

I don't understand that. I can understand saying that "marriage" is a bond between a man, a woman, and God and therefore if a religion doesn't sanction homosexuality than a marriage between two people of the same gender can't take place. If you take out the "sacred" aspect of marriage I see no reason why two people who love each other and want to commit their lives to supporting, caring, and being with each other shouldn't take place (with the title of "marriage"

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They support civil unions and giving same-sex couples all the same benefits as heterosexual couples

I actually think this is ****tier. This means that they dont oppose the fiscal side, but they have an "ick" factor they oppose.

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I don't understand that. I can understand saying that "marriage" is a bond between a man, a woman, and God and therefore if a religion doesn't sanction homosexuality than a marriage between two people of the same gender can't take place. If you take out the "sacred" aspect of marriage I see no reason why two people who love each other and want to commit their lives to supporting, caring, and being with each other shouldn't take place (with the title of "marriage"

I said i dont understand it either, its just one of those things for me.

Now, Star Wars


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whats really funny is how Obama and Biden made it clear they do not support "gay marriage"....

so tell me...what exactly has the Democratic party done for me lately?? (refering to "gay stuff")

Created and supported the domestic partnership legislation, that you already said you are taking advantage of, in the face of strong opposition from the GOP? :whoknows:

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