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JP: General commander of the Iranian army: It will take us 11 days "to wipe Israel ou


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General commander of the Iranian army: It will take us 11 days "to wipe Israel out of existence"


So there you have it. Israel is upping the anti. This is pretty much the "our hands are tied" statement from Netanyahoo. It summs up their entire position. Iran is full of whackadoodles, they want to nuke us, and we aren't going to let them get the bomb. If the United States doesn't want us to do something crazy, in self defense, help us take care of this problem...

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What's with Netanyahoo? Is that deliberate or not (it's one u, not 2 Os)?

It's deliberate.

He spelled it even worse yesterday, with 2 mis-spellings : Natanyahoo. (it has been corrected after I posted)

But if we copied and pasted headlines like we're supposed to, that wouldn't happen.

I guess Iran isn't the only one who hates Israel.

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It's deliberate.

He spelled it even worse yesterday, with 2 mis-spellings : Natanyahoo.

If we copied and pasted headlines like we're supposed to, that wouldn't happen.

I guess Iran isn't the only one who hates Israel.

Yeah because hating an extremist leader = Hating Israel.

Not defending deliberately misspelling his name but I have seen that done dozens of times with Ahmadinejad and you haven't piped up about that.

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Then you are defending it?

Actually, I wouldn't be shocked if it is an accident. JMS is an AWFUL speller and rarely makes an effort to get difficult names correct.

If it's an accident then I apologize, but like Thiebear said, it's difficult from even his comments, to tell whether JMS is anti-Israel or not.

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Back on topic, the quote isn't in full context. The commander is saying if Israel attacks he thinks they could "wipe Israel out of existence" in 11 days. This isn't a threat it isn't anything other then a military assessment. The jpost headline fails to highlight the actual response instead focusing on a statement taken out of context in order to fear monger. But hey, nothing new for the jpost. I don't agree with the commanders thoughts that they could wipe Israel out in 11 days but his statement is grossly mis characterized and its just another fear mongering piece from the jpost.

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Back on topic, the quote isn't in full context. The commander is saying if Israel attacks he thinks they could "wipe Israel out of existence" in 11 days. This isn't a threat it isn't anything other then a military assessment. The jpost headline fails to highlight the actual response instead focusing on a statement taken out of context in order to fear monger. But hey, nothing new for the jpost. I don't agree with the commanders thoughts that they could wipe Israel out in 11 days but his statement is grossly mis characterized and its just another fear mongering piece from the jpost.

The Iran quote may be in response to an Israeli statement about a pre-emptive strike against Iran, but you still think it's acceptable for Iran to say they would wipe them off the map, just for Israel attacking it's nuclear military facilities ?

Wow - a real justified, rational response there.

What would the world's opinion be, if we wiped Iraq off the map, when they attacked Kuwait ?

Or if we wiped Afganistan off the map, instead of attacking just the Taliban ?

And it's not the 1st time they've made that insane statement, even after being heavily warned about that terminology from other countries.

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Yeah because hating an extremist leader = Hating Israel.

Netanyahu's an extremist for standing up for his people and being a member of a civilized society.


Why are Jews still expected to walk meekly to the gas chambers?

And when did the West forget the concept of self-defense and the lessons learned from appeasement?

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The Iran quote may be in response to an Israeli statement about a pre-emptive strike against Iran, but you still think it's acceptable for Iran to say they would wipe them off the map, just for Israel attacking it's nuclear military facilities ???

Wow - a real justified, rational response there.

What would the world's opinion be, if we wiped Iraq off the map, when they attacked Kuwait ?

Or if we wiped Afganistan off the map, instead of attacking just the Taliban ?

If we are talking about regimes then sure we wiped the Taliban regime off the map. We wiped Saddam Husseins regime off the map. There is a very distinct difference between wiping a nation of people off the map or a regime off the map. Fun side note on wiping people off the map. There is no such idiom in Persian Ahmadinejad could not have possibly said that. He instead said something along the lines of:

The Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem must [vanish from] the page of time.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) translates the phrase similarly, as "be eliminated from the pages of history."

According to Cole, "Ahmadinejad did not say he was going to 'wipe Israel off the map' because no such idiom exists in Persian". Instead, "He did say he hoped its regime, i.e., a Jewish-Zionist state occupying Jerusalem, would collapse."


Thats the interesting thing with language you can twist it in so many ways.

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Wait, wait, wait... Iran thinks it could defeat Israel? And do it in eleven days?

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Best comedy since Baghdad Bob.

I don't know, dude.......if we keep giving Iran, 7 more months, and another 7 months, and another 7 months, and another 7 months, to get rid of their nuclear program, who knows what they can do ?

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Netanyahu's an extremist for standing up for his people and being a member of a civilized society.


Why are Jews still expected to walk meekly to the gas chambers?

And when did the West forget the concept of self-defense and the lessons learned from appeasement?

Netanyahu is an expansionist to the tee. He believes that they should gain whatever land they can however they can. That by definition in Israel is an extremist position in the political scope. Him and Lieberman are both extremists and have some pretty nasty/repulsive statements about the Palestinians.

Who said a damn thing about Jews walking into gas chambers? Oh thats right you did because you can't have an intellectually honest discussion instead you have to throw out ridiculous **** like that.

Who is appeasing anyone? What the hell are you talking about?

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I don't know, dude.......if we keep giving Iran, 7 more months, and another 7 months, and another 7 months, and another 7 months, to get rid of their nuclear program, who knows what they can do ?

But nukes don't take 11 days. He's talking conventional military. And that's worth a laugh.

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Netanyahu is an expansionist to the tee. He believes that they should gain whatever land they can however they can. That by definition in Israel is an extremist position in the political scope. Him and Lieberman are both extremists and have some pretty nasty/repulsive statements about the Palestinians.


The difference here is that Israel would be very happy if just left alone. Instead, they are used by many 'Arab-world' leaders as a scapegoat for their own ineffective and often corrupt governments. The same thing is done to the US.

Iran, on the other hand, wants very much to be the only power in the region. They use inflammatory tactics to focus on Israel as the enemy that needs to be destroyed. Before they have Nukes, that is a pretty hollow boast. Once they get Nukes, it becomes a reality.

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But nukes don't take 11 days. He's talking conventional military. And that's worth a laugh.

Yeah both sides would be pretty ****ed if they went to war. Neither side would come even close to taking the other side out in 11 days of conventional war. I never really got why some of these states make such ridiculous claims it certainly can't help their credibility in the international community and I am not even sure how useful it is domestically.

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