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Poll : Most likely source of Offensive improvement


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If the offense improves from last year, what will be the most likely reason, or source ?

Surely, many will respond with, "Well, obviously, it would be a combination of some of those things"

But the question is, what will be the MOST influential source ?

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Why is Colt conspicuously left out? I know some of you don't think he is an option, but many of us believe he is the best option.


Wouldn't that fall under "Benching of Campbell due to performance and a better replacement" ?

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Not sure that you missed anything. That's one heck of a poll! :)

For me it's a combiantion of three things:

1. Further development of Zorn's offense.

2. Better play by JC

3. Health on th offensive line.

Same three for me, only add, 2nd year WR, Thomas or Kelly, have a better performance.

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Why is Colt conspicuously left out? I know some of you don't think he is an option, but many of us believe he is the best option.


Wouldn't that fall under "Benching of Campbell due to performance and a better replacement" ?

I couldn't specifically mention "Colt's" name in the poll, for fear of having the thread merged with the Mega-Merged Colt Thread :paranoid:

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This is a great poll!

I ultimately picked the improvement of DT, but I think that'll lead to the development of Campbell as well, and the better utilization of ARE as a slot WR. Then there's the improvement of the understanding of the offense itself. There's the option of CP losing weight and/or the contributions of a speedy back like Aldridge, even the addition of Davis as a second TE option.

Maybe there should have been an option for all of the above.

(but you do know that there's an underlying assumption here that THE OFFENSE WILL IMPROVE - do we really know that though?)

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True that, but will we really count it as offensive improvement if our DEFENSE is scoring 14 points per game and our offense is still spurrering 10-12?

I was thinking in terms of : Example 1 - Haynesworth forcing a QB fumble deep into opponents territory, and we recover, giving the offense a shorter field to travel for a TD.

Or...... Haynesworth sacks, and stopping runs for losses, pinning the other team deep in their own territory for the punt, giving us good field position on the return, once again, offering the offense a shorter field to work with.

And those are just 2 examples, of possibly more. See what I'm getting at ? :)

So, indirectly, the defense, or AH in particular, can have an impact on the offense, where they DO actually score more points.

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I was thinking in terms of Haynesworth forcing a QB fumble deep into opponents territory, and we recover, giving the offense a shorter field to travel for a TD.

Yeah, I figured thats what you meant, but still, are the JC haters going to stop hating on JC just because we get the ball at the opponents 30 a lot or better and score? I think they'd call that JC (Colt?) doing what he's supposed to do.

I compare it to the Ravens when they do similar things. It causes fans and critics to rave about their defense, but still complain that they have no offense.

When I think about "offensive improvement", I think about an offense thats able to drive the ball down the field continuously throughout the game, and one thats got playmakers and consistent threats, and one that takes advantage of the opponents mismatches. Stuff like that.

If we become a second coming of the Ravens this year, I don't think fans will see that as offensive improvement.

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Yeah, I figured thats what you meant, but still, are the JC haters going to stop hating on JC just because we get the ball at the opponents 30 a lot or better and score? I think they'd call that JC (Colt?) doing what he's supposed to do.

I compare it to the Ravens when they do similar things. It causes fans and critics to rave about their defense, but still complain that they have no offense.

When I think about "offensive improvement", I think about an offense thats able to drive the ball down the field continuously throughout the game, and one thats got playmakers and consistent threats, and one that takes advantage of the opponents mismatches. Stuff like that.

If we become a second coming of the Ravens this year, I don't think fans will see that as offensive improvement.

I understand, and naturally I'd rather see the offense improve on its own, with no help from the defense, but that may not happen until next year, but in the meantime, I will definitely take "more points scored" as a result of improved defense, over the scoring output we had last year. Any improvement would be a good thing.

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Zorn getting some cahones, telling Portis that he is useless to us injured, and finally using Betts the way he was intended to be.

8 swing passes to Betts a game, and the entire offense opens up.

Safeties and linebackers now have to be honest, and all of our other wrs get a little extra space to get open.

TC used Betts perfectly, and the offense rolled.

Colt would likely also understand this.

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