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Is Hillary weak or strong?


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I have to say I was surprised when she did say she would not run for president, but will run for another term in the senate.

Does Hillary seem weak or strong to you based on everything that happened with Bill?

I am very curious what the women think of this. Guys, don't answer because of politcal parties, answer the question because she is a woman, not because she is a democrat.

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She's both. One of the talking heads yesterday compared her to Newt, which is very appropriate. She is loved by the left and hated by the right. She would have lost to Rudy if he had stayed in the race and will lose if the GOP gets a decent candidate.

And to answer your other question, if she is considered strong because she was duped by her husband and then forgave him for numerous affairs, then I think we need to redefine what "strong" means. In that sense she is a weak woman. A strong woman would have left him and set out on her own after the first incident.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

And to answer your other question, if she is considered strong because she was duped by her husband and then forgave him for numerous affairs, then I think we need to redefine what "strong" means. In that sense she is a weak woman. A strong woman would have left him and set out on her own after the first incident.

I wish Hillary would stop being judged for her reactions to her husband's affairs. It's really getting far afield from what's relevant in judging her potential as a senator or president. The affairs were not her own actions, and her choices were dismal.

I'm not a Hillary fan, but that's mainly because I don't like her penchant for secrecy and power grabs (health-care reform), and her thin skin and shrillness ("vast right-wing conspiracy", "could have stayed home and baked cookies", etc.). She displays none of the great politician's gift for unruffled grace under pressure (exemplified in different ways by Reagan and Bill Clinton), and seems inordinately peevish about perceived insults and settling personal scores. I think she'd be a very ineffective and polarizing president.

I also don't think she has a realistic shot of ever becoming president, unless she gets the Democratic nomination in a year when the Republican opposition self-destructs. Her deferral to 2008 is just evidence that she knows she can't go one-on-one against George W. Bush at this time.

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Is Hillary weak or strong?

How much can she bench?

If it's anything above 150lbs, then yeah, she's strong.

As far as politics go. I think that Bills popularity made her "strong" politically. The rest of the stuff just made her stronger (and by stronger I mean, gained her enough votes to win the senate seat) politically speaking.

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I am curious to what women think abou this. I was talking to my wife and she said the only reason why she is strong is her personal goals. She used Bill to get what she wants. However my wife did say if it was any other women then she would be weak staying with a cheating husband like that.

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

I wish Hillary would stop being judged for her reactions to her husband's affairs. It's really getting far afield from what's relevant in judging her potential as a senator or president. The affairs were not her own actions, and her choices were dismal.

ASF you missed the point. I don't care about her political goals, I am saying as a person, how does she look weak or strong? If this was your wife's friend, is she weak for putting up with that crap or is she strong? Remember this isn't about politics, but what do we consider a strong or weak women. Personally to me, she didn't stand up for herself.

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Originally posted by jbooma

ASF you missed the point. I don't care about her political goals, I am saying as a person, how does she look weak or strong? If this was your wife's friend, is she weak for putting up with that crap or is she strong? Remember this isn't about politics, but what do we consider a strong or weak women. Personally to me, she didn't stand up for herself.

I took that as, "Dance with the one that brung ya". This has apparently been their bizarre marital dynamic since his early days as governor.

Yes, it's politically expedient for her to do this. But I think it may actually go beyond political expediency.

I've observed a tendency in some women to be attracted to their men even (and especially) when the men fool around. It appears to be a primitive attraction to the alpha male, and the desire to be bedded by the alpha male -- no matter how many other females are also bedded by the alpha male. In fact, the bedding of other females by the alpha male is further evidence that this male is in fact the alpha male.

This phenomenon has strong biological, Darwinian causes (the female wants to be fertilized by the strongest sperm). As with many primitive traits, this is one that survives in a subversive form in human society.

It is more commonly recognized by the phenomenon of powerful men being able to bed almost any woman at will, regardless of either of their marital status.

This is not to imply that Hillary "liked" Bill's affairs. But the emotional response, on a Darwinian level, is complicated: anger on the surface, combined with undeniably powerful attraction.

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I think she's a tough lady.

I think of her like those chicks out there with a guys mentality to dating. Girls usually get played and have their hearts broken, invest too much emotionally into things that aren't that far along.

She's not like that. I think she knows what she wants, has a plan and even if it means taking a few punches in the face for her husbands roaming unit, she'll do it.

I don't know if I could see her as President in 08 but I could see her running as a V.P. Canidate and really helping whoever is running for Pres.

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i think she is strong and weak. Women who are mearried to presidents, and men of power must over look their indescretions. No woman who answers this question other than hillary herself can say what they would do if they knew their husband who is the president of the United States, would do if they found out he was cheating on her. It is obvious that this was a marriage of power. Hillary married Bill because he was Govenor of Arkansas, and a future presendential canidate. Whatever love they had in was gone way before Monica and Jennifer Flowers entered the picture. She has shown weakness on issues like police brutality in New York, and she should fit certain norms in our society and not let them go unchallenged, for example a cheating husband who is the President of the United States. I feel that Hillary knew all along, women always do. I think she a strong woman that has moments of weakness. I guess she's just human after all

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Yeah right.

She is planning for a 2K8 presidential run and its so obvious.

The democrats if they were to win next year would derail her and slick willie's chance of getting back in the office.

As for running again for the Senate her competition will probably be Rudy G but with the way that Liberal in GOP clothing is about to screw NYC with his tax hikes he may be begged to return as mayor.

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Guest Matt Kyriacou
Originally posted by jbooma

Does Hillary seem weak or strong to you based on everything that happened with Bill

How about just plain evil?

That cackle that she unleashed when Babs asked her about 2004 made the hair on my neck stand up and sent chills down my spine.

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If my wife were writing her opinion on HC this is what she would write f*****g B***h go get a F*****g clue. But since she is not I will write it for her. My wife, who is black feels that HC is a very weak woman that puts up with crap that alot of black women do (man cheating on their wife). She told me women like that feed off the drama and sympathy others give to her. Going from HC to Hillary Rodham Clinton is just an example of someone who does anything that is beneficial to her. When her husband ran for president in 1991 she was HC after he won she was HRC.

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In the Walters interview, the New York senator said she got on her knees in prayer struggling with how to save her marriage.


Now if she had just done that in the first place....

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I think that what ever the book says she still would be the best Presedential canidate if she ran against Pres. Bush. If we gave him a chance then why not a woman. We can't act it would the first nuance in Presidentail history, Bush was the first unelected president.

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she still would be the best Presedential canidate if she ran against Pres. Bush.

Why? What makes her qualified?

Another sore loser? Bush won the election fair and square. The libs constant harping on this only hurts their cause.

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