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Which 2nd year player makes the biggest jump in production in 09/10?

Personally, I'm hoping for Thomas to step up on O, although I think Malcolm has more upside, but most of all I want Kareem Moore to step in and start at FS so Landry can move to SS and bust some heads. If this happens, our D will look very similar to Troy and the Steelers'.

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Which 2nd year player makes the biggest jump in production in 09/10?

Personally, I'm hoping for Thomas to step up on O, although I think Malcolm has more upside, but most of all I want Kareem Moore to step in and start at FS so Landry can move to SS and bust some heads. If this happens, our D will look very similar to Troy and the Steelers'.

wat happens 2 horton if we do that

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Thomas is the only 2nd year player in the position to have a huge increase in production.

Horton was already 3rd on the team in tackles, so there is not really a huge room for improvement there...

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wat happens 2 horton if we do that

He plays a situational role. I don't think I'm the only one that thinks Horton played over his head last year. And there is no arguing that Landry will kill people at SS, and won't be a non factor like he was last year.

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He plays a situational role. I don't think I'm the only one that thinks Horton played over his head last year. And there is no arguing that Landry will kill people at SS, and won't be a non factor like he was last year.

How exactly did Horton play over his head, just because he actually produced?

IDK, I think after reading Horton's comments recently he has a chance to establish himself as a legit star in the NFL. HE is not taking last year lightly, even though so fans have.

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Thomas is the only 2nd year player in the position to have a huge increase in production.

Horton was already 3rd on the team in tackles, so there is not really a huge room for improvement there...

Common sense there. But I still voted for Davis. I think he gets used with Cooley as a two TE set down at the goal line.

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I honestly think Cooley and Fred Davis team up to be one of the most dominante TE tandoms in the league.

But I also have a lot of hope in Devin and Malcolm as well. As well as Horton and Kareem Moore in the secondary, this could be fun if they all turn out well.

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I honestly think Cooley and Fred Davis team up to be one of the most dominante TE tandoms in the league.

But I also have a lot of hope in Devin and Malcolm as well. As well as Horton and Kareem Moore in the secondary, this could be fun if they all turn out well.

haha yea, imagine what the 08 draft haters would be thinking then

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I know it's early. But I honestly think our O line may be as follows:

Samuels, Dock, Jansen, Rinehart, Heyer/Williams/Bridges

Rinheart started with the first team in OTAs, Buges likes him, they like Jansen at C b/c he is so tall and he communicates well.

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Thomas may get the yards, but I see Davis or Kelly getting the TD's in red-zone situations.

Of the two I voted Davis as the safe bet, but if Kelly is fit throughout the season, I could see him getting plenty of plays when we are inside the 20.

Having said that, we do have a ~1000 yrd/season TE already.

Personally, I would like to see Rinehart prove his worth but its hard to see him getting much of a look in if all of these vet linemen stick around.

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but most of all I want Kareem Moore to step in and start at FS so Landry can move to SS and bust some heads. If this happens, our D will look very similar to Troy and the Steelers'.
What would you do with a talent like Horton? Why are you hoping for someone to step into a position that is already occupied by a strong player just for that player to move over to another position that is already occupied by yet another strong player?:confused:

I need an asprin.

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Devin Thomas. We need another WR to step up, and Moss and Randle El aren't getting any younger. Hopefully his extra preparation this offseason will payoff. I still have high hopes for him.

Davis to me would still be too low on the depth chart to have as significant an impact yet. Cooley is still by far the #1, and Yoder will be used a lot on blocking situations. Kelly is still iffy with his injury situation. Besides Horton (who already emerged his rookie year), the rest will be solely depth and competing to avoid being placed on the inactive list.

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He plays a situational role. I don't think I'm the only one that thinks Horton played over his head last year. And there is no arguing that Landry will kill people at SS, and won't be a non factor like he was last year.

The less you call a safties name, the better. and remember Landry is a natural FS, not a SS.

Kelly might be the one with the breakout year.

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The less you call a safties name, the better. and remember Landry is a natural FS, not a SS.

Kelly might be the one with the breakout year.

A natural FS?!? He played SS in college, was drafted as a SS next to Sean, and all the coaches say he plays best as a SS. I am already remembering correctly.

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I definitely went with Devin Thomas. Fred Davis may be bigger because he had essentially no production last year so he is able to really breakout given the praise he's received from his coaches and the media. Kelly could play but I think in a limited role. DT's athleticism and physical attributes are too great to not crack the starting lineup. 6'2'' and 218 with his speed is nearly everything we're missing on O.

Chris Horton had a monster 2008 so it will be tough to improve on that. I think he and Doughty will play a lot and I like how he plays. He was all over the field last year and made a lot of instinctive plays. He plays hard and fast and was playing the LOS very well.

Contrary to popular belief, I think our O-Line will be much improved so I don't think Rinehart will make much of a difference. We could definitely use a solution at RT and depth at G and C. But Dockery is much more youthful and a big upgrade over Kendall. I haven't heard ANY reports about how Randy Thomas is doing so that is kind of a question mark for me. Samuels should be fresh and hopefully someone like Williams or Bridges get their act together and earn some playing time.

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I feel so soryy for Davis...hes a starting caliber tight end that is back up too cooley and Todd Yoder(the man who browke brian dawkins neck and got praise during OTA when cooley was hurt). Even if he does improve which he probably will hes not gonna see alot of playing time.

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I feel so soryy for Davis...hes a starting caliber tight end that is back up too cooley and Todd Yoder(the man who browke brian dawkins neck and got praise during OTA when cooley was hurt). Even if he does improve which he probably will hes not gonna see alot of playing time.

He's supposed to be lineing up with Cooley, so I think he will see some pt.

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