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Does anyone like Martha Stewart??


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I can't stand her most of the time. She conveys a kind of joyless slavery to suburban domestic beautification, which already wastes much of our GNP (and national attention span) in mindless keeping-up-with-the-Jones shopping sprees and massive home mortgages.

That said, she did introduce actual style to K-Mart, which was like Nixon going to China. Anyone who makes K-Mart less bad can't be all evil.

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I agree with Code. She looks like an up-tight, joyless witch, and from what I've read and heard about her over the years, that's pretty much the way she is in person, especially to work with. But then I've never been much of a fan for style mavins . . .

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I have never been a fan a Martha. And for the record, I think she should be beaten with a rusty lead pipe for what she has done.

That being said, I am very uncomfortable with the reasons for the Fed to pursue her case. It almost appears that public opinion rules federal legislature. That is bad!

I am sure some dumb poops have illegally traded worse than this dumb slunt.

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If it were only a case of Insider Trading, this wouldn't have become a full blown Diva Deteriorating story. It's that she got the insider information that ultimately saved her a measley $45K.... rather irrevelant to the near $1Billion in networth.

More importantly, it's the subsequent cover-up and backtracking to protect her "Mother America" image that has called the fish to feeding. Now, the media might best be depicted as piranahs and Martha to a cow carcas marinated in Dale's steak marinade.

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Like any true vessel of testosterone, I can't stand her. (On a side note, I wouldn't mind banging Nigella from that cooking show.)

The obstruction charge would probably be more serious than the insider trading, except that she was on the board of the NYSE. That makes her actions far more serious. No, I don't think she deserves 30 years; but if Milken got 10 years, she probably deserves at least a few months. (Of course, if she does get a long sentence while the execs from Enron walk... well that would certainly smack of sexism/celebrity-bashing.)

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