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WarpathInsiders: Q&A With: Kevin Barnes


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Didn't see this in RBN, so I figured I'd post it.


Q: How excited are you to be drafted by the Redskins?

A: I love the area and being that I played down the street… It’s an honor to play for such a passionate organization.

Q: Were there any indications that you would get picked early today?

A: I wasn’t sure. They said late second early, early to mid third. I was sitting there waiting and watching the pick. They called me right before it came across the screen and here I am now.

Q: What was your reaction?

A: I saw the number and I knew. It wasn’t stored in my phone so I knew it had to be something good. I was not expecting them to pick me. I hadn’t talked to them too much in the process. But from what I talked to former teammates that’s how it happens. The teams that don’t talk to you the most are the ones that have the most interest.

Q: What do you know about the Redskins situation at corner?

A: I knew they just re-signed DeAngelo. I know Carlos is on the last year of this deal and Smoot is getting older. I’m ready to get in there and compete as soon as possible and try to have an immediate impact.

Q: Sounds like you know them well.

A: I do my studying. I do my resea rch.

Q: What do you do well?

A: I feel I can compete with anybody. I’m a big corner, but I move like a smaller guy. It’s not like I’m a big guy who is a long strider who isn’t quick. I’m quick also. So I feel like being a big corner I can compete with the big receivers and move with the smaller receivers and we have a great set of receivers on the team. It helps me in practice repping with them.

Q: Where do things stand with your shoulder?

A: I was going for a hit and got in the back of my shoulder. I was diagnosed as a fracture in my shoulder blade. They inserted a pin and this happened in the second week of October and I had the surgery last weekend of October and I’ve been rehabbing. By the time we practiced for our bowl game, I was practicing again but they waived my options and were like it’s probably best not to play in this game because your career is on the line and we don’t want you to get hurt again. I’ve been healthy for a while.

Q: Do you still have the pin in your shoulder?

A: Yeah, it’s real small. Nothing that will affect me at all. I’ve been checked out by several doctors.

Q: You were having a good senior year, you laid out the guy from Cal, did you wonder what your future held?

A: I had to weigh my options. When the doctor told me five to six months, I panicked a little bit because I realized if I’ m out five to six months I might not be able to compete in the combine. I got a second opinion and he told me two to three months. I’ve always been a fast healer. My last hit when I got hurt I caused a guy to fumble. I’ve got to look at it that way with a smile on my face.

Q: Who did you grow up rooting for?

A: I grew up partly in North Carolina and my parents were in the military. The Panthers weren’t there at that time so my family were Cowboy fans. I grew up a Cowboys fans for a while, but the more I got into football the more I appreciated good players more than teams. The first team I liked were the Cowboys, so how ironic this is. But I love to be a Redskin. I love the area.

Q: What players did you model yourself after?

A: Asante Samuel. He’s a great playmaker. He’s a winner. Champ Bailey. Every year he’s dominating. Even DeAngelo Hall. We train in the same place for the combine. I’ve seen all his records and how explosive he is and two physical he is from watching on TV. There’s not one player, but I appreciate what everyone can do.

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Q: What do you know about the Redskins situation at corner?

A: I knew they just re-signed DeAngelo. I know Carlos is on the last year of this deal and Smoot is getting older. I’m ready to get in there and compete as soon as possible and try to have an immediate impact.

I like this, and, unlike Just Tryon, I believe him.

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