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I'm pretty zen about the draft


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...Or maybe I should say "medium" :D

Honestly, after all of these years I've gotten used to hearing a lot of wild things about what the Redskins will do here and there. I also know that at the end of the day a lot of the wild speculation doesn't happen. But people seem to fear it anyways because, "It could happen". Personally, I tune most of it out. The press seems to feed on each other and some speculation gets pushed so hard that people mistake it for fact.

On draft day the Skins don't really make a whole lot of wild moves. I guess the wildest move probably would be trading a couple of second round picks to select Rocky Macintosh, which I thought was pricey at the time. Trading up before the draft to get Jason Campbell was a little strange, but the price wasn't out of line considering. We also traded a couple of 1sts in 2000 to get to the top of the draft, but that wasn't unusual back then.

But most of the time draft day ends up being pretty conventional for the Skins. The picks mostly make sense and they don't reach for guys. While there was a lot of trading up under Gibbs, it seems that Vinny's preference is to trade back when possible. Considering that we don't have a lot of picks, I expect things to stay conventional for the most part.

So, I don't really have much fear about what will happen on draft day. Change will come no matter what, but it isn't likely to be drastic change. Sure, there is a possibility that we might move up a little bit for someone. It is possible that most, if not all, of the players we are interested in at #13 could be gone, but I don't think the focus is on one guy and I think that aspect has been blown out of proportion. Sure we will hear rumors of players potentially getting dealt, but it doesn't mean that it will happen, which can be good or bad in some peoples' mind.

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I'm kinda with you. I'm excited for the draft, but because there are so many crazy scenarios, and we only have 5 picks, I don't know what to expect, yet at the same time, nothing surprises me with this team anymore. I'll just roll with the punches and hope for some wins next year.

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I hope your right. I just don't trust Snyder. I never really watched the draft until last year and the Davis pick completely blew me away. I don't trust Snyder especially when he wants a guy. I just hope he doesn't trade next years picks for Sanchez. Thankfully its over Sat.

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I love the draft, but it's painfully slow. Add to the fact that we could be picking anytime in the first round basically, and you have to watch the whole thing so closely. Takes all day. And it's supposed to be 90 degrees here Saturday. Do I smell barbeque?

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I hope your right. I just don't trust Snyder. I never really watched the draft until last year and the Davis pick completely blew me away. I don't trust Snyder especially when he wants a guy. I just hope he doesn't trade next years picks for Sanchez. Thankfully its over Sat.

To make you feel better, every time it has been reported that Snyder loves a guy in the draft, it is almost a guarantee that we won't get the guy.

Despite what the media says, Snyder doesn't always gets what the media thinks he wants. I do think that sometimes the team encourages the "Crazy Eddie" image in the media, and sometimes they benefit from that image. I also think agents for players also use that image to benefit their clients. All you need to do is mention "Redskins" and other teams know that they have to come loaded for bear if they want a player.

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I love the draft, but it's painfully slow. Add to the fact that we could be picking anytime in the first round basically, and you have to watch the whole thing so closely. Takes all day. And it's supposed to be 90 degrees here Saturday. Do I smell barbeque?

Last year's draft wasn't nearly as slow as previous years were. Lowering the time limit from 15 minutes to 10 minutes in the 1st round really helped move things along and meant less "dead air." And the 7 minute time limit for round 2 and 5 minute limit thereafter kept things rolling.

The 15 minute 1st round limit of year's past was painfully slow, though.

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I'm staying zen as always as well. In the Cutler situation I was worried how much we would give up for him. However, our team has done well, overall, in the draft from '04 thru now, so I'm not overly worried about what they'll do on Saturday.

Last draft, for example, we were able to get 10 picks total, and each made the team. Yes there were a couple head scratchers:

Fred Davis, some didn't like Brooks or the fact we drafted a punter, some also didn;t like that we took 2 safeties late. However, we did address the glaring WR need, we did get a decent OL prospect in the 3rd (he's suppossed to compete in camp this year), we got a QB with a lot of fan fare behind him, and we got ultimately got a starting safety out of the 7th round. Sure you can chalk it up to luck, but that means you'd have to do for every late round pick. Luck plays a part.

I don't understand though, that because some people didn't like/understand the Davis pick, it somehow negates the rest of the draft and the fact that we have drafted well overall the past 5 years.

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You don't have a strong opinion on something?

The hell you say!

I'm quite opinionated...when something actually happens.

I'd love to see your reaction to us trading up to 4 to get Sanchez' date=' should it happen.[/quote']

I don't think it is going to happen. The Skins just don't have the ammunition. There are other teams who are better able to move up and do something like that.

You could tell in the presser that Vinny didn't want to rule it out, but you kinda got the feeling that they felt like they couldn't do it.

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Is it just me, or didn't it seem that each time we picked last year, they hardly even announced our picks, and just kept on talking about whatever they were talking about, regurgitating the same stuff over and over? I want some analysis dammit!

If we move up to 4 and pick Sanchez they will be talking about it that's for sure.

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He will try to come up with some way to rationalize it of course. The Skins FO can do no wrong!! :D

Oh, I've said plenty about what the FO has done wrong in the past.

I've also said that Sanchez makes sense in two scenarios:

1) They get great value for Campbell in a trade and they can turn it into Sanchez for a reasonable value.

2) He falls to #13 and ends up being the best player on the board.

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Oh, I've said plenty about what the FO has done wrong in the past.

I've also said that Sanchez makes sense in two scenarios:

1) They get great value for Campbell in a trade and they can turn it into Sanchez for a reasonable value.

2) He falls to #13 and ends up being the best player on the board.

Im just giving you **** man. Just playing around.

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Im just giving you **** man. Just playing around.
When you have no objectivity regarding the moves of the team and support whatever decision they make regardless of facts or circumstances, why wouldn't you stay medium? Afterall, they always make perfect decisions.

Seems it cuts pretty close to what people think of my opinions, even when I haven't seen eye-to-eye with the FO. Course, everyone who doesn't have an opinion immediately must be supporting the FO instead of taking a wait-and-see approach.

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Seems it cuts pretty close to what people think of my opinions, even when I haven't seen eye-to-eye with the FO. Course, everyone who doesn't have an opinion immediately must be supporting the FO instead of taking a wait-and-see approach.

Cmon man....your the ultimate homer and you know it. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

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Cmon man....your the ultimate homer and you know it. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

No, that would be Bubba. Sure, I tend to be positive and give the benefit of the doubt, but I also recognise flaws in my team. (Such that I predicted going 8-8 last year and ended up being right.)

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I'm staying zen as always as well. In the Cutler situation I was worried how much we would give up for him. However, our team has done well, overall, in the draft from '04 thru now, so I'm not overly worried about what they'll do on Saturday.

Last draft, for example, we were able to get 10 picks total, and each made the team. Yes there were a couple head scratchers:

Fred Davis, some didn't like Brooks or the fact we drafted a punter, some also didn;t like that we took 2 safeties late. However, we did address the glaring WR need, we did get a decent OL prospect in the 3rd (he's suppossed to compete in camp this year), we got a QB with a lot of fan fare behind him, and we got ultimately got a starting safety out of the 7th round. Sure you can chalk it up to luck, but that means you'd have to do for every late round pick. Luck plays a part.

I don't understand though, that because some people didn't like/understand the Davis pick, it somehow negates the rest of the draft and the fact that we have drafted well overall the past 5 years.

I would actually argue that we're a very good team when it comes to drafting in the 1st and 2nd rounds for the past few years.

Sean Taylor, Landry, Rogers, McIntosh, Campbell (?)...it's unfortunate we rarely have those picks though, because when we do we seem to make some good moves with them. Hopefully Thomas/Kelly/Davis follow that trend this year and next year for breakout seasons.

What's the story with Rhinehart by the way?

Last I heard he was pretty unimpressive...is that the still the case? Is it optimistically speaking that he could compete for playing time this season, or is he still a project?

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What's the story with Rhinehart by the way?

Last I heard he was pretty unimpressive...is that the still the case? Is it optimistically speaking that he could compete for playing time this season, or is he still a project?

Rinehart worked with the scout team for most of the season. Buges said he was starting to come on toward the end of the season. Course, you can only trust so much of what Buges says.

I doubt he will be competing for starting time with Dock and Thomas on the roster, but I do think he will be pushing hard for those backup spots. We will have to see what his progress is like.

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