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7 Layers of Players. :rotflmao: Great clip.

Personally, im glad i lived in 9 layers heavily populated with ladies away from daddy and around liquor for the first time. :)

As the Fuherer realizes at the end of the clip, there always were ladies in Pritchard,

As most people can attest to, freshmen year of college is an experience you won't ever forget, or in some people's case, remember. Pritchard was quite the experience

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lol i dont know anything about vtech or this dorm

but i could watch these all day

Yea its about 100 times more funny if you get the inside jokes being talked about.

Pritchard Hall was once the largest all male dorm on the east coast. I think something like 900 dudes lived there

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That's what they told me during orientation.

I spent my freshman year at Pritchard, there was a hall of us that would stay up late until the night playing video games. Good times on the 5th floor.

Do you remember the floor you were on SHF

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As many of you know now, Pritchard Hall is going co-ed. I had the pleasure of living in the largest all male dorm on the east coast during the 2000-2001 school year

Now its all done. And

is not happy about it.

I had the corner room on the 6th floor looking over the courtyard in pritchard hall way back in 1988. The corner rooms were double size, and my roomate stayed at his girlfriends apartment, so I had this awesome room to myself most of the time. We had it all pimped out with a big ole leather couch, neon lights, and a huge fishtank. we had some great parties in that room.

I don't know about now, but back then Pritchard was notorious for being a party dorm. It was every bit as crazy as the stories you hear. 1 thing I always remember was the huge bonfire in the courtyard after Bimbo Coles and the basketball team beat Georgetown. They literally burnt damn near all the wooden furniture in the dorm. It was insane.

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That's what they told me during orientation.

I spent my freshman year at Pritchard, there was a hall of us that would stay up late until the night playing video games. Good times on the 5th floor.

Do you remember the floor you were on SHF

4th floor, room 4080.

Our hall was one of those that was tucked away a bit and we had a pretty chill RA, so things could get out of hand pretty quick

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Thomas was next to the power plant, I think. I was there the year after and transferred to another dorm. There was a BK's across the street though.

I remember those corner rooms. You were lucky if you got those, those were huge. My room was next to the bathroom in Pritchard.

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Thomas was next to the power plant, I think. I was there the year after and transferred to another dorm. There was a BK's across the street though.

I remember those corner rooms. You were lucky if you got those, those were huge. My room was next to the bathroom in Pritchard.

That's the only good thing about it. Late night BK runs from Thurs - Sat. Plus McD was right next to the BK. Why you transfer to another dorm? My first roomate did the same thing after two weeks. Apparently it was too long of a walk to his classes.

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That's the only good thing about it. Late night BK runs from Thurs - Sat. Plus McD was right next to the BK. Why you transfer to another dorm? My first roomate did the same thing after two weeks. Apparently it was too long of a walk to his classes.

The good thing about that place, the year USC and VT played at FedEx I was able to walk right across the street and get some BK during halftime. But yeah, that place is so far from the dining centers, especially West End. There was Schultz but I never ate there when I was at Tech.

Also a long walk to classes from there. Never really adjusted to the people there too, I was assigned there basically at the last second. Pritchard was in a nice location though. Used to go across the street to Lane

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Had a friend who lived in Pritchard when I was on campus. I lived in Lee, 5th floor. He lived on our futon in Lee rather than having to deal with that place. This was in 93.

That 7 layers thing must be new. I'd only heard of Slusher Tower - 12 floors of ......

I feel really old when I go back since it seems there is always some new building popping up and they killed my golf course... :(

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I feel really old when I go back since it seems there is always some new building popping up and they killed my golf course... :(

Yeah, they always seem to be building down here. Now they're building in the space between Pritchard and AJ, no idea what it is though.

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Yeah, they always seem to be building down here. Now they're building in the space between Pritchard and AJ, no idea what it is though.

Rumor has it, it's gunna be a dorm :doh: it's gunna look so ugly and then no more whiffle ball and football :(

Anyway, now it won't be as funny to have guys pull the fire alarm at 2am and watch all the girls stumble out...and they're gunna have some serious cleaning to do.

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Incoming freshman right here. Actually my friend stayed in his Dad's old dorm (same room and everything) in Pritchard. Just curious why are you posting this now? I knew about this like 6 months ago, lol.

I hadn't seen the video yet. I knew about the Pritchard going co-ed thing last fall

And also, for you guys who lived in the Upper Quad, wow, I would have poked my eye out had I lived in Thomas or whatever else is up there by the Corps of Cadets

The other nice thing with Prtichard was Dietrich being right there. Good breakfast, and the express late night was always key

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Yeah, they always seem to be building down here. Now they're building in the space between Pritchard and AJ, no idea what it is though.


Between AJ and Pritchard? Oh man, they are just taking up every bit of green space on campus

I'll be down for spring game weekend. I'll probably need a GPS unit to get around

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Bye bye space. Many a football game and wiffleball game was held in the space back in the day.

I don't know why they're doing that...it was fine as it was. A nice place to lie down or play various athletic activity, and you had a good view looking outside the Dietrick windows, past the field, and then you'd see Cassell right there in the horizon. But that whole town has construction over the place, when I left in 2007 there was a bunch of new stuff near University Mall and stuff on Main Street that replaces that old Motel.

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