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Signs the bad economy isn't affecting everyone


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This is what I don't get.

Either people just don't get it or it's not as bad as they make it out to be on TV.

I have friend who owns a coffee shop. Not a chain like Starbucks, just her own lil store. She said that she was really worried, but that business hasn't been bad. She brings in about $1500 gross a week, and since she runs the whole thing by herself, no employees..not too bad.

I'm not doing bad at all, making decent, livable wage..but even I rather not splurge on a $4 coffee, when I can buy a lb of coffee beans for that much, which lasts me about 2 weeks.

But we do what the government does, no matter how broke you are, just keep spending.:silly:

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My poor mother lost half the value of her 401k and 10% of the value of her home:(

My uncle, who is very well off, decided to get out of the stock market in early 2008 and purchase government bonds... smart man.

Those who own stock or whose income is in some way tied to private lending are suffering right now. For example, I have a friend who made $195,000 in 2008 as a finance manager in a car dealership. Now that banks are all shedding their auto loan departments, looks like that well has dried up and he got laid off a couple of weeks ago.

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That's why I want to move to TN. I'll get up to the 100k a year mark by the time I'm 27ish and then I'll move to TN and buy a big ass house and enjoy the beautiful ladies. :D

My company wont change your payrate....so its best to work in a place like NYC and then transfer to a place where the cost of living isnt too high.

You already work for this company at 19? Are you going to school while working or something? I don’t know of many jobs that pay 100k without an undergraduate degree (I know they exist, but usually they are people who started their own business). Also, if you are 19 I would not bank on working at the same company until 27. Most people I know at 25-26 have worked 3-4 different jobs, as most of us are not 100% what we want to do so we explore different fields or parts of fields. After 3-4 years you feel the need just to move on at this age I find.

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You already work for this company at 19? Are you going to school while working or something? I don’t know of many jobs that pay 100k without an undergraduate degree (I know they exist, but usually they are people who started their own business). Also, if you are 19 I would not bank on working at the same company until 27. Most people I know at 25-26 have worked 3-4 different jobs, as most of us are not 100% what we want to do so we explore different fields or parts of fields. After 3-4 years you feel the need just to move on at this age I find.

Yeah, I'm a permanent "intern" until I graduate. The company is broad in what its offerings are so if I got tired of doing one thing, I can switch to another.

Quite lucky, huh? :silly:

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You already work for this company at 19? Are you going to school while working or something? I don’t know of many jobs that pay 100k without an undergraduate degree (I know they exist, but usually they are people who started their own business). Also, if you are 19 I would not bank on working at the same company until 27. Most people I know at 25-26 have worked 3-4 different jobs, as most of us are not 100% what we want to do so we explore different fields or parts of fields. After 3-4 years you feel the need just to move on at this age I find.

My brother in law did one of the work/school programs for a Nasa contractor,started at 17,he was making over $200K at 27.

And thats been awhile back,he's making serious money now.

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Also if so many people are out of work why is the beltway (495) so jammed during rush hour? If anything traffic is WORSE.

Unemployment isn't going to hit badly here. This is the land of the Federal government, which is currently expanding and spending like crazy, in response to the problems in the rest of the country.

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Unemployment isn't going to hit badly here. This is the land of the Federal government, which is currently expanding and spending like crazy, in response to the problems in the rest of the country.

Thanks for breathing some sanity into this thread or for taking it from a flying altitude of 10K to 35K. If you go to lunch and there's a line, it doesn't mean the economy is chugging along. Just saying...It's all relative folks.

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I have a client who is a 20+million a year company, that instituted a 10% pay decrease to all of it's MALE employees. The WOMENS stayed the same - no change......

I have another one that is hiring people left and right and TOP wages, went from a 40 user office to a 80 user office in 12 months. They are spending big bucks like money is no object.

total flipside to the 'business' end of the economy

Only thing I've noticed in this bad economy, is that we're still getting hosed on food prices (hello! gas isn't $4 a gallon anymore!) and gas -uh, oil is at $35 per barrell, and when we were paying $4 a gallon, oil was $160 a barrell. Gas should be much closer to $1.30-$1.50 IMO

If any of those males are smart they would see that is a huge discrimination case waiting to happen :doh:

I would add to all these posts just because people are spending like crazy and companies are hiring right now does not mean they are safe the rest of the year, or the next five years. Spending is way down and savings are way up which is the reverse of what need to get out of this.

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Unemployment isn't going to hit badly here. This is the land of the Federal government, which is currently expanding and spending like crazy, in response to the problems in the rest of the country.

You are correct it won't be like other areas but it will still get higher then anything we have seen in a long time.

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