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How do you deal with irritability and frustration?

Big Weirdo

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I'm highly annoyed today. This comes and goes with me. One day I'm fine and can easily deal with things that come my way. Then out of nowhere I just feel like breaking something. For no reason either.

Example : two of my good friends live in Leesburg (about 25 miles from me). They asked me to come visit today. Normally I'd be fine but today I just got frustrated and asked them why do I constantly have to make the effort to go down there when they never come up here. Now they don't have cars right now and I'm aware of that. So I feel so bad about snapping like that. And I can't explain why either.

I hate that I get like this because generally I'm easy going but I get hit with this feeling of frustration like a ton of bricks. Does anyone have suggestions for this?

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lol @ skins

You need a hug. Lol. Nah. I'm the same way. It's frustrating that I get frustrated over the smallest things. I've just learned to let things go, and everything turns out to be back to normal.

That's the thing too. I get annoyed that I get annoyed making me even more annoyed. That is, well, annoying.

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Have you ever taken a personality test? Like Myers Briggs?

Do you like to feel appreciated? Do other's opinion of you matter?

If so, you may have a tendency to want to avoid conflicts, thus having emotions and feelings bottle up until they erupt in feelings of anxiety and frustration.

Sorry to Dr. Phill ya, I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

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Have you ever taken a personality test? Like Myers Briggs?

Do you like to feel appreciated? Do other's opinion of you matter?

If so, you may have a tendency to want to avoid conflicts, thus having emotions and feelings bottle up until they erupt in feelings of anxiety and frustration.

Sorry to Dr. Phill ya, I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

I avoid conflict. I'm a big *****. That much is true. I hate arguing and fighting.

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my girl says i let too many things get to me so i have been trying to just calm myself down by saying its not a big deal.

but honestly i just feel like i am pushing it down and then i get really pissed off at something and fly off the handle. so i have been getting really mad at the gym and taking it out on the weights.

the GF says that the more i put in to habit not getting upset the more likely it will become natural.

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I avoid conflict. I'm a big *****. That much is true. I hate arguing and fighting.

So what's happening is that you are avoiding conflict (in this instance telling your friends to come your way once in a while) which is leading to your stress to rise.

I have the same issue. It's something to take note of or you may have relationship issues all your life.

It's not wrong, it's just your personality.

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Several techniques--

Pick a good angry CD and sing really loudly.

Pick up some brushes and paint or sketch.


Create a really random angry thread on Extremeskins that no one quite gets, but still stirs up a minor hornet's nest.

Rant. Write a commentary about whatever is bugging me and turn it into cash. If something is worth bugging me I might as well get paid for it.

laugh. Find something absurd, funny, brilliant.

Take a walk.

Count my blessings and realize that life really is pretty good even if I don't have all I want.

Lots o other things.

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