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Hey, I'm done with the Post


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Does anyone here read the Times alot? Are they better than the Post on covering the 'Skins? I am so TIRED of all the negative CRAP the Post runs about the 'Skins, I'm switching papers. I'll also need a good source for the O's, UMD B-Ball, and the Wizards 'cause I'm NOT going to the Post any-freaking-more. Is the rule to work there is that you have to be a little b*tch when it comes to talking about the Redskins? For God's sake, Peter King is easier on the 'Skins than those turds.

Is the Times worth the read? Or do I need to just continue to check Extremeskins for all my fact-finding and updated info?


Johnny B

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The Times is horrible, I don't think they even use an editor.

The Post sometimes seems pretty bad, but I have read sports pages all over the country, and if you compare it to those, it is not that bad.

I do know how you feel though

As much as I can't stand Baltimore, I will say that the Baltimore Sun is pretty good, especially for the O's, who I hate also

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The Post seems to have a running rule to always be negative on the Redskins. Since JLC took a "much needed vacation", Reid has gone out of his way to be even more negative.

His last blog about the release of Taylor (the second long blog bashing the Skins for the move) was like a 5th grader essay trying to completely take one side of the matter, while ignoring lot's of facts on the other side. The gist of Reid's thinking was:

The Redskins have nerve to ask him to come in in the offseason, he has a family in Miami after all! Nevermind it's the same family he had no problem leaving last offseason to go to LA.

The scheme is why he stunk, despite the fact he played countless third downs in passing situations and did nothing.

Jason Taylor really had discovered some hidden dysfunction in the organization that disturbed him so much, he wanted out.

I'm not sure why the Post goes 100% negative (JLC acts like he's trying to uncover Watergate on the Redskins most of the time), whether it's a grudge or maybe just a business decision to attract the many people who love negative news, but it's for sure that's their goal: 100% negative, 100% of the time...

I try to avoid reading the Post most of the year. The Times can be good, but they are always very slow in covering the Skins.

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I'm with you.

I'm only interested in the Redskins news so don't have your issue about wider sports coverage but I have just flat stopped reading their material. I can get the same information from multiple other sources, normally quicker and without the drip, drip of negative spin on anything and everything.

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Extremeskins is always the best for positive and negative skins news and resources.

Everyone seems to hate the skins though including more than half of the ESers it seems.

I wouldn't say more than half of ESers hate the team. I think 99% of the REDSKINS fans on this site support and bleed for this team, but everyone has their own way of coping with what this franchise has been for almost two full decades now.

"Hate" and "hater" are words that should be banned from this site, because they are used mostly by people that lack vocabulary and facts to back up their usually weak and pathetic arguments. I'm not at all implying that this applies to you from this post; I'm just saying that I can see how one might think that most of the posters here hate the team with those words being used ad nauseam.

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I used to hate on UnWise Mike, now he looks like a prince next to Jenkins, JLC and Reid

For real, lol.

Come on people, when Snyder launched Redskins TV, Acquired ES, and started hiring bloggers, you would think that the Post would be finished.

But to quote Eric Bischoff, "Controversy Sales." I don't know how many Monday Post I have brought just to see Wilbon crush the Skins after a lost. On the other hand I used to love to buy me a Monday Post after we won, to see how many excuses Wilbon could come up with as the reasons we won.

**** the post, but I still love em :doh:

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I wouldn't say more than half of ESers hate the team. I think 99% of the REDSKINS fans on this site support and bleed for this team, but everyone has their own way of coping with what this franchise has been for almost two full decades now.

"Hate" and "hater" are words that should be banned from this site, because they are used mostly by people that lack vocabulary and facts to back up their usually weak and pathetic arguments. I'm not at all implying that this applies to you from this post; I'm just saying that I can see how one might think that most of the posters here hate the team with those words being used ad nauseam.

Well said. :)

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well if you're not going to read things that are negative to the skins I'm sure we could start a list:





actually we should make a real list because almost everywhere i've ever gone for redskins info i've found negative writing and most of the time it's uncalled for

we must be the luckiest team in the league that other teams have been letting us win so many games

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As much as I see Snyder as the Antichrist of the NFL, both sides are to blame for all of this. It started in 99-2000 when Snyder banished reporters who criticized his handling of the team to the basement of FedEx to watch the game on TV, and not in the press boxes.

Then a couple of years ago Snyder eliminated about 200 season tickets that he usually gave to the Post staffers. The Post claimed it was retaliation for negative coverage, while the Skins say it was because the Post staffers were scalping the tickets and making a profit off them.

We don't want a newspaper that simply spouts pro-Redskin propaganda (which the post was guilty of during the Gibbs I era), but the Post now goes above and beyond to bash the Skins. Sally Jenkins only writes articles (from her posh seaside apartment in New Jersey) when the Skins lose or to bash them, so there's no objectivity at all.

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As much as I see Snyder as the Antichrist of the NFL, both sides are to blame for all of this. It started in 99-2000 when Snyder banished reporters who criticized his handling of the team to the basement of FedEx to watch the game on TV, and not in the press boxes.

Then a couple of years ago Snyder eliminated about 200 season tickets that he usually gave to the Post staffers. The Post claimed it was retaliation for negative coverage, while the Skins say it was because the Post staffers were scalping the tickets and making a profit off them.

We don't want a newspaper that simply spouts pro-Redskin propaganda (which the post was guilty of during the Gibbs I era), but the Post now goes above and beyond to bash the Skins. Sally Jenkins only writes articles (from her posh seaside apartment in New Jersey) when the Skins lose or to bash them, so there's no objectivity at all.

I agree with all of this except that some people DO want only positive coverage.

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I agree with all of this except that some people DO want only positive coverage.

True, there are some who don't want ANY negative coverage at all, even when it's justified...like Snyder! That's why he keeps buying up radio stations, so he can eventually control what gets reported on this team.

He doesn't want anyone questioning his big money free agent signings, he just wants everyone to go out and buy jerseys, $8 beers, $40 parking, and SHUT THE HELL UP about it. :mad:

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