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You lost me. What's the plan again?


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If you are such a homer, you are really overreacting to this move. Jason Taylor wasn't a good fit at all in our defense, and we didn't need him showing up at training camp this year at 240 pounds again. Sucks to have lost the draft picks, and it was fun to think about what he could do beside Haynesworth. But in all honesty, we probably wouldn't have seen that much of an improvement from last year from a 34 year old 240 pound defensive end playing out of position.

Trading for Taylor has always been a panic move, and a bad move. Releasing him doesn't change that. Cerrato must definitely be held on the hook for making that trade. They actually right a wrong by releasing him.

If you are looking for a silver-lining, think about two of the steals we got back to make up for the fleecing by the Dolphins and Taylor - we didn't give up a single pick for DeAngelo Hall or Derrick Dockery because they too were abruptly released. You win some you lose some.

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Dan Snyder and Jason Taylor had a verbal agreement for two years. The Redskins did not want to keep their end of the bargain because tieing up 8.5 million in salary cap for a player you can only hope can make the move to strongside linebacker isn't a good idea.

So, the two sides met and came to another agreement. Taylor was bought off, but the Redskins did not want that deal made public. So, they cooked up the $500,000 workout bonus disagreement. Now, both sides are happy. That's my guess

I'd go with that if Cerrato didn't make the comments he did today. I doubt the agreement included Cerrato taking shots about how easy it would be for Taylor to fulfill the bonus and talking about being dissapointed in him

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I'd go with that if Cerrato didn't make the comments he did today. I doubt the agreement included Cerrato taking shots about how easy it would be for Taylor to fulfill the bonus and talking about being dissapointed in him

I'm not buying the disappointment. The outcome favored the Skins. Dan and Vinny wanted that 8.5 million in cap space. They will see what pops in the draft and then make some more free agency moves to fill in the gaps.

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I guess this is the "10 season plan" to finally figure out for sure, really this time, when we have a perfectly healthy Pro Bowl OL for an entire season and HOFers at wideouts. THEN we will finally know.

If they have not already figured out that Campbell is not the answer, we are more ****ed than I realized. If they had a plan, they would have an open competition for the QB spot. Right now, they are letting a question mark go into the final year of his contract with no competition or plan if he doesn't work out.

Crossing your fingers and praying to god that he finally figures it out is NOT a plan.

There is no plan in place at the QB position.

What evidence do you have that Campbell is not the answer at the QB position? He has improved each year, and he was legitimately good through the first half of last season. Yes he regressed in the second half, but that happens in the development of QBs. It wasn't until the season before this past one that Roethlisberger became a good franchise caliber QB that could take a game over on his own. That was basically his fourth full season as a starter in pretty much the same offensive system. Remember how many championships and playoff appearances it took Tom Brady before we could finally decide he was a good QB too?

You have no basis for an argument at this point that Campbell won't be a good QB. You can say he played poorly in the second half, but he played very well in the first. And how is it invalid to point out that his troubles coincided with the time the offensive line broke down?

Right now he is a 27 year old middle of the road starter in the league with the strong promise of improvement as time passes.

You don't throw that away based on 8 games of mediocre play. That would be the definition of having no plan.

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reading into the tea leaves I'm guessing the skins will draft a monster DE to go alongside Haynesworth. I HOPE and pray that they get the stud from FSU. I really like that guy and think he'll be good where ever he goes.

That would be a silly move, if anything, Jason Taylor has shown us that in, the scheme that Blache likes to run, our LDE should be a glorified DT (think Phil Daniels). The only way we draft Everrete Brown is if Blache has a drastic shift in philosophy this offseason. I dont think this change in philosophy is coming as the only reason to switch anything was released the other day.

There is a thread here somewhere started by KDawg that runs down the draft eligible DEs and which would fit our scheme as it stands right now. The conclusion is that Tyson Jackson would be the best fit if Blache runs the same scheme next season. TJack is a fine player but would be a huge reach at 13 IMO.

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I think some of you just need to calm down for now. The '09 team is not yet set. The draft is still to come too. I agree we need some decent talent around AH to take full advantage of the opportunities he should be able to create, but we are a long way from preseason or even camp. There is both time and opportunity to improve this team further, and anybody who thinks we can fix all the problems with 4 draft picks and in just 1 year is being a little unreasonable. The best we can hope for is that the team is heading in that direction, and so far this year I have few complaints.

I'm going to give Vinny another shot at the draft, because I have no choice.

JT brought his situation on himself, and the team is better off being rid of a guy with his attitude. The time to complain about those picks being used on him is over. Waiting around too long for a bad deal or a bad draft pick to turn himself around is just plain stupid. Cut your losses and move on. You got a team to field.

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We traded the 6th overall pick for him. Because he was supposed to be the best in the game. Just like Big Al.

Played 16 games with us. Got 3 whopping sacks for the #6 overall pick.

Then he sat out for an entire year and forced a trade.

Irrespective of what Carolina did to bail us out, the point is that there is no such thing as a "can't miss player."

Gilbert was as regarded as Haynesworth, so we went after him hard too. His performance did not warrant it.

Gilbert was a whack job who thought god told him where he should be playing. Got to love any athlete who thinks god gives 2 cents about football.

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