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The Redskins season is falling apart, according to our favorite MSG board.

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this cements it :)

whatever the greensters think this offseason the OPPOSITE comes about :laugh:

so, assume the following:

1. Patrick Ramsey will quickly establish himself as the young Brett Favre of the NFC.

2. Ladell Betts will rush for 1,000 yards.

3. Laveranues Coles will lead the NFC in receptions.

4. The Redskins defense will finish in the top 10 for the 5th year in a row despite all the negative press each year about how average the unit is :D

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there are few teams in the NFL that can offer Bailey more money.

if he does leave it is going to be because the 2003 season didn't go well and he will then choose to go with an established winner where he can get money and the chance to be a high visibility performer.

if the Skins are a winning team in 2003 and look to be stabilized, at least for awhile, I think Bailey will take the money here and come back.

just a gut feeling :)

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No matter what happens next year, I just don't see Snyder allowing Champ to leave. This has all been done with the future resignings of Champ and Lavar in mind. Next year, we'll resign Champ and that's about it as far as offseason moves, hopefully draft a quality D-lineman with our hopefully, low first round pick.

I think Snyder's too smart to allow what all his critics have been blathering about to come to fruition.

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For the life of me, I don't understand why those people are angry with Dan Snyder and the Redskins but their whining and crying is annoying in the extreme

As many have pointed out to them on several occasions, their players chose to leave the Jets. Their F/O bungled the Morton and the Coles situations...both could have been wearing the green and white this year.

Many of the Jets fans, including those who post here on occasion, say on the one hand than NONE of these defections hurt the team at all. And yet they moan like a w_ore whenever the Redskins are mentioned.

I have this mental picture of a 1000 weeping Baby Huey's whenever I think of Jet's fans. Forgive me for saying so, but I hope we beat the living _hit out of their suck**s team come this September.

There now, I feel much better! :thumbsup:

Oh, I hope this doesn't somehow summon HeavyFlow to this forum but if it does, let me be the first to salute him: :moon:

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Last year at this time the talk was that the Redskins would have a hard time getting Jon Jansen under a new contract.

What these mooks really miss is the absolute singular fact,,, whatever Snyder wants,, Snyder gets.... providing he can buy it.

Bailey will be retained with money. So far, we have seen this FO be able to move things as they will, and buy what they want, and not be hindered in terms of the cap very much.

Granted in 2001 we cut fat and we weren't able to do it as visibly, but at the same time, General Marty was in charge, and managed to bring in plenty of ex-Chiefs regardless of the cap pit we dug ourselves in 2000.

Last year the moves weren't as plentiful, but we still managed to build for the future by signing Trotter.

In all of Snyder's so called ridiculous spending habits the only casualty of real note based on money has been Davis, and for the multitude of reasons that have been pointed out, that isn't as bad a move as it may seem.

The notion that they would allow Bailey to leave is absurd. It is really REALLY sad to see how these Jets fans latch on to ANYthing negative about the Redskins to try to ease the burning in their very widely stretched sphincters. I mean, really. They aren't even in the same CONFERENCE, and the two teams have ZIP in common other than their first game this year. If ANYthing ,the Jets would want us to be good enough to beat their own divisional rivals so as to better their own standing, but they are apparently too petty to notice.

Why is it Washington papers don't feel it necessary to report on the Jets, yet the NY papers are constantly reporting on the Redskins, and almost ALWAYS with a negative spin.. ( remember they had a laugh because we didn't practice in tornado storms?) As far as the "quote' from Bailey... it is absolutely LAUGHABLE to those of us that read the full quote. This hack writer has completely obliterated about four lines worth of comment from Bailey to isolate four words. Gosh, a New York newpaper writer has bent the truth. IMAGINE that.

To any Jets fans that may read this other than the respected Flowtrain, JEEZ ...GET OVER US ALREADY.

MoOoOVe on. You guys are like some jilted boyfriend trashing his ex to all his buddies.


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First off, Major props to Bufford, I love the "Jets superbowl motto" classic baby!!!!!!! That board must be full of uneducated, inbred Aholes. They know nothing at all about the Skins.

Once again nice job Bufford!

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Its so sad they have to cut up quotes and lie to themselves to make themselves feel better. Thats like me telling myself we went to the playoffs last year. Are we even over the projected cap next year?? Either way Bruce will be gone so that saves money.

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I've never seen such a sorry group of delusional fans... I find it hard to believe that we even look that way to them. Look at us -- we're about to dominate. We'll see who's talking after the first game of the regular season, that is, when the fireworks come out.

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I live in NJ and have grown accustomed to the shotty journalism of Paul Needel.

You think Len P and Pete Prisco are haters? Just check out an article or 3 by Mr. Needel. You would think that Snyder banged his wife the way he $hits all over The Danny. I don't know whether he does it to sell papers (pre-dating the NYJ/Wash rivalry- more to with the ever present NYG/Wash rivalry) or just because he is ignorant.

But it doesn't stop there. His work is rife with unsubstantiated rumor and inuendo. He always claims to be in the know but 90% of the crap he spews ends up making him look dumb in the long run. One thought can describe his opinion: :dunce:

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