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http://www.recovery.gov/ is up (McD5 Thinks Biggest Heist in History!!!) (merged) MET


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is up and running... some interesting stuff there.

Recovery.gov is a website that lets you, the taxpayer, figure out where the money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is going. There are going to be a few different ways to search for information. The money is being distributed by Federal agencies, and soon you'll be able to see where it's going -- to which states, to which congressional districts, even to which Federal contractors. As soon as we are able to, we'll display that information visually in maps, charts, and graphics.

This is your money. You have a right to know where it's going and how it's being spent. Learn what steps we're taking to ensure you can track our progress every step of the way.

Tell us how the Recovery Act is affecting you. What's working? What isn't? We want to hear from you.

Other highlights include a graphic breakdown of funds that lists Science together with Infrastructure and has "Protecting the Vulnerable" on it for $81B. Packaging science together with infrastructure seems like a great idea...

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I saw a breakdown of this earlier today. Man, let the theft begin.

There is a road construction project in Tampa, Florida for $45 million.

You already know what is going to happen:

The winning bid of $45 million, will subcontract the job out to another firm for $35 million.

They will keep $10 million as a finder's fee.

That second firm will subcontract out too....right down the line. Eventually, the project never gets done, the money has been stolen, and taxpayers get hosed once again.

This scenario will repeat itself all over the country.

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I was just looking at this.....

WTF is "Protecting the Vulnerable"?!?!?!?

It's a complete scam.

Check out another Tampa project. $8 million to "upgrade stop signs."

No definition of what that is.

Just buy some cheap reflective paint, paint them, and put them back up for a total cost of about $10,000 in paint supplies?

Or spend more....and replace them all, maybe costing $1 million?

Pocket the rest.

This is just opening the door for total theft all over the country.

It is a great time to open a construction company quickly......notice how there is no mention of how the winning bids are chosen, or who chooses them? Hmmm....maybe $50k of taxpayers money under the table might get me a contract?

Then steal.......subcontract out, and walk away.

We are about to witness the biggest financial theft we have seen in this country in decades. This will make the vultures that swooped in after Katrina look like a joke.

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Well, I'm glad the republicans joined right on board with the website.

All stimulus talk aside, I think that the government needs to do more things like this. It's not just young people who use the internet daily, in fact it's their entire voting base. I think that putting more things like this online will really go a long way towards getting people more involved.

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The new "stimulus" package is about to open the door to the greatest theft in the history of this country. I am shocked that I haven't seen anyone even take the following into consideration on this forum:

Tampa Florida. $45 million for road improvements.

First, no details on who makes the decision on how the contracts are awarded. On what merit? Who makes the call? No details whatsoever.

Maybe $500k under the table, paid to the panel wins the contract? Maybe nepotism? However that is decided, let's move on to the big problem.

Tampa contractor wins the $45 million contract for "road improvements."

Step 1: Immediately subcontract out the project to small companies, for $35 million.

Step 2: Pocket $10 million for a "finder's fee" for doing absolutely nothing.

Step 3. Remove yourself from any liability on the project via contracts now assigned to others.

Step 4. The new contractors now subcontract out the work to others for $30 million, and steal a $5 million finder's fee.

Wash, rinse and repeat right down the line.

Final outcome: This will be repeated in cities all over this country. Total theft of taxpayer money, and in the end.....the projects never get completed, a long paper trail keeps anyone from getting in trouble, and very little even gets accomplished.

This is unbelievable. This isn't a dem/repub issue, we all need this to work.

But this is a total joke. The vulures that swarmed in after Hurricane Katrina will look like nothing when this is all said and done.

Why can't anyone see this before it happens?

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You mean like Blackwater in Iraq?

An interesting question.

I was assuming that the original poster was making a completely partisanship-free argument. To this point, one could argue that his question and your reply were both nonpartisan.

But let's see where he (and those arguing on his behalf) take this, and we'll see how nonpartisan they are.


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MCD5, get a grip. Outside your railing, you just made this same thing a post in the thread (rightfully so) telling about the site, which is where this dicussion should take place.:doh:

I'm going to help you, though, and merge it and also incorporate your title :rolleyes: :cool:

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You mean like Blackwater in Iraq?

This has nothing to do with dem/repub in my eyes, my friend.

I am an equal opportunity hater when it comes to theft and shady nonsense.

If this happened in Iraq.....hunt em down and prosecute.

But don't let it happen again right now.

I mean really.....does no one else see this?


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How about adding a simple clause to these awarded contracts?

Something along the lines of, "If you subcontract this work out, you are 100% responsible for the completion of the tasks involved, up to the highest standards. Should you subcontract this out, and it isn't completed as promised, you will be required to return all money awarded, and you could face a loss of your business license, and possibly be subject to additional prosecution?"

Why not stop this before we see stories of contract abuse on 60 minutes a year from now?

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I have a bad feeling about a bill that both houses of Congress voted on without any of them actually taking the time to read the whole thing.

Also, I like the overly complicated bar graph they provided that could've been broken down simply into "Tax breaks" and "Spending."

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Oh would you quit that.

No Dems are actually being that sheepish.

Its just like the "messiah" comments, give me a break. Just because we supported Obama doesn't mean we're going to (or ever have) follow him lockstep.

I haven't referred to Obama as the "messiah" in this thread.

But let me understand your post correctly . . . Are you saying that 3 weeks in, you are in disagreement with him on this bill? Or are you in favor of it?

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I haven't referred to Obama as the "messiah" in this thread.

But let me understand your post correctly . . . Are you saying that 3 weeks in, you are in disagreement with him on this bill? Or are you in favor of it?

You certainly seem pretty open-minded, not ready to rush to any judgement yet.


Public Survery on Presidential Leadership. Who was the best ever?

Your response:

Obama should be #1.

Kudos.....clearly he has accomplished more than Abraham Lincoln or George Washington in his first three weeks.:)

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I haven't referred to Obama as the "messiah" in this thread.

But let me understand your post correctly . . . Are you saying that 3 weeks in, you are in disagreement with him on this bill? Or are you in favor of it?

I'm comparing the two.

You're clearly being sarcastic about the Obama supporters, as you were in the post that McD5 mentioned and its not appreciated.

I do not agree with him on this bill, at least not totally. I think there is way too much spending on unnecessary projects that may be useful but we just flat out can't afford right now.

You certainly seem pretty open-minded, not ready to rush to any judgement yet.


Public Survery on Presidential Leadership. Who was the best ever?

Your response:

Obama should be #1.

Kudos.....clearly he has accomplished more than Abraham Lincoln or George Washington in his first three weeks.:)

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jeeze man how can you ***** about transparency??

How can you not? Especially after the abortion known as the first stimulus package? aka, the banker's bonus plan.

Unfortunately, when money and government are involved, corruption usually follows.

Another point--the government is famous for overpaying for everything. Whether it is a $10,000 toilet, or anything else for that matter.

You or I could put up a chain link fence at a school for probably $3,000.

Once the govt steps in, that same chain link fence costs $30,000.

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You mean like Blackwater in Iraq?

I think you flipped to the wrong page in your "How about the other guy? playbook". Blackwater is bad because they used unreasonable/indesrciminate force....KBR/Halliburton is a much more appropriate example for this scandal. Of course I would think someone that was really bothered by the money spent in Iraq would be very concerned about the same thing happening on the domestic side. Unless they think something is really that much different.

Oh and transparency...great there is a website now...and this bill is ALREADY a law. What good does transparency do now?

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