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American Idol Season 8 and Season 9


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A few quick early AI09 thoughts:

1) I won't start remembering these people's names until probably the round of 12. Oh, I'll learn some earlier, but as a matter of general priniciple, until I see who has chops and who's just wasting my time, I ain't investing any more brain cells in this silliness than absolutely necessary.

2) Seems Simon Cowell has appointed himself Chief Justice. Several times already this season, including at least twice last night, he used "I" instead of "we" when speaking to contestants on the judge's behalf. I can understand Paula (not sure she's listening anyway) and The New Chick (still finding the boundaries) not having the sac to stand up to the guy, but Randy? Dude--be a man. Take Cowell aside in the hallway and tell him next time he comes with "I" or "me" instead of "us" or "we," you and he are stepping outside for a conversation.

3) Like every season, there are maybe 10 or 15 contestants who have any legitimate shot at winning or even making the top 3. Which end of the day is why, in cutting down to 36, the producers and judges are far more concerned with getting a cast in place for making for an "interesting TV show" than they are in simply picking the best singers when filling out the 20-25 remaining slots.

Hence, Annoying Chick. Hence, Schizo Guy. It's the cost of doing business.

4) Getting the early impression the overall field of legit contenders may have been a bit deeper in '09 than some seasons past. They seem weighted toward the men this year, however, and since the show is committed to keeping an equal number of men and women, the result seems to be that they had to cut some promising men (like Black Dude with Crooked Hat and Face Piercings) in favor of making room for a few more marginal women. That may be an unfair take given the show up to now have been so heavily editted and so short on actual singing, but that's the clear impression we've been given so far.

5) Look for the producers to ask Paula to hug and kiss on the New Chick Judge again like she did during that one audition show. My sources tell me viewership in the Males Age 12-90 demographic more than doubled for the following episode. I don't care what anyone says ... this is a great country.

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Joanna Pacitti has been dqed they said shes ineligible to compete because she has a record deal a few yrs ago, give me a break.

This is the girl..sad because i really thought she would win.

Pacitti was dqed because of a personal relationship with an executive at 19 Management, one of the parent companies of AI.

The best site for inside info on AI without the nastiness of VFTW is


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Joanna Pacitti has been dqed they said shes ineligible to compete because she has a record deal a few yrs ago, give me a break.

This is the girl..sad because i really thought she would win.

Lots of them already have records out. I doubt that was the reason.

Carly, the irish bartender last year had three albums out prior, all with Randy Jackson.

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I can not stand the contestants that come into the show acting like a big shot. My favorites are the humble ones.

I also do not like that Idol has gone the route of an MTV show with all of the idiotic drama. I watch the show because I love music, but it seems America would rather see males that wear makeup and hairbands cry and cause drama with other cast members.

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The guy in the red pants with piercings is not very good either, his spot should be occupied by the black guy, crooked cap.

So far I have two favorites, one is Jackie Thon, strong voice, not really a hottie but cute. And the other one is Downey Jr. :D I think his name is Danny.

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You thought she would win?? She kept forgetting her lines!

And good...people with prior record deals should not be able to compete- they've had their chance.

They shouldve gotten rid of her then alot earlier instead of making go through all the drama and then giving false hope and making the top 36.

They just dqed her now? They knew all along. She talked about it on the show and with the judges. That doesn't make much sense. So you let her go to Hollywood the whole time knowing she had a contract before then all of a sudden you read the rules and say "oh, people who were on a record label cannot compete. I guess we have to send her home now after we brought her here." Seems retarded to me.

I couldnt agree more :cheers:

Pacitti was dqed because of a personal relationship with an executive at 19 Management, one of the parent companies of AI.

The best site for inside info on AI without the nastiness of VFTW is


Thanks for the site, but thats not the reason they gave all they said was she was deemed ineligible to compete and is being replaced.

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Pacitti didn't get dropped because she had a record deal. In fact, she currently doesn't have one. If she did, she wouldn't be eligible. That's their rules. She got dumped because she had close ties to two producers from Idol. I even read where she may have lived with both. One she looks at as her "manager" and the other she is quoted as saying he made her who she is.

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They just dqed her now? They knew all along. She talked about it on the show and with the judges. That doesn't make much sense. So you let her go to Hollywood the whole time knowing she had a contract before then all of a sudden you read the rules and say "oh, people who were on a record label cannot compete. I guess we have to send her home now after we brought her here." Seems retarded to me.

Dude, she doesn't "currently" have a deal. And that's not why she got DQed. See above.

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Thanks for the site, but thats not the reason they gave all they said was she was deemed ineligible to compete and is being replaced.

You didn't read far enough. Sounds like someone complained about a conflict of interest. I've read MJ's blog since season 5. She is usually spot on with her information.

3rd Update: From the Los Angeles Times:

A source close to the show now tells us that Pacitti was disqualified to “avoid the appearance of impropriety.”

In the past week, tabloids had been reporting on a private relationship between Pacitti and executives of 19 Management - one of the companies which oversees “Idol.”

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Still bitter that the black dude with the crooked cap and lip piercings didn't make it.

F you American Idol!

You'll still be seeing alot of the guy. His friend is going far in this competition. I'm sure crooked cap guy will be in the audience every night. Yeah, he should have made it. But a bigger travesty is when Daughtry got voted off. I'm surprised I continued watching the show after that.

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I'm not a fan of piercings. I think they look ridiculous. I don't even like the ones girls wore/wear in their mid-section. Piercings look especially stupid on a guy. It gives off the metrosexual vibe.:2cents:

I don't care if he's got tattoos all over his face. The dude was good. He was better than the white dude who made it. The man had soul. He turned a relatively average and catchy song into a great rendition that didn't need acoustics to be great.

(and yes, I see the metro vibe that your talking about but that guy was gansta)

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I don't care if he's got tattoos all over his face. The dude was good. He was better than the white dude who made it. The man had soul. He turned a relatively average and catchy song into a great rendition that didn't need acoustics to be great.

(and yes, I see the metro vibe that your talking about but that guy was gansta)

I never said he wasn't good. He was. I was just speaking of personal preferences of mine, earlier. Better than the white dude? I know you're not talking about his friend, Danny Gokey? If so, no way. And I think what hurt the guy you're talking about, is that he took risks during Hollywood week. That was the time when he should have been showing his vocals, not taking risks. But he will be back. If not, im sure he will get discovered at some point.

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Can we start a petition for "the black dude who has some sort of piercing on his face and sings well and is best friends with a guy who looks like the guy who plays Ironman and he has a crooked cap also and isn't the blind guy"?


...it's catchy, no? :D

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I am calling the winner right now, and I am not sure of his name. The guy who taught himself to play the piano in two years and works at a dueling piano bar wins it all in a close match against the blind dude.

The blonde girl with the lack of style makes it into the top ten.

Either that guy or that goth looking guy with black hair and eyeliner.

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