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Post here if you like Dane Cook


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I'm stunned that you like Dane Cook and Mitch.

And I'll admit I sort of liked him in harmful if swallowed, but since his first album he has just been awful.

He's rather obnoxious, I'll admit that. He's pretty overhyped. I can laugh at his jokes though. Not my favorite comedian by far, but I'd watch one of his shows. I actually saw him live at Verizon a couple of years ago, Vicious Circle. I got two tickets for my girl's birthday and we went. The people there went ****ing crazy for that guy.

Two Dane Cook bits that I am not afraid to admit that I find funny...

**** shoes (Car accident):




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For me he's one of those guys who was funny when you didn't know who he was.

Somewhat talented, but nothing special. Once the new car smell wore off he wasn't any different than any other average stand-up comedian. At that point all the people who think he's God's gift to comedy just make him that much less appealing.

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He is alright. Pretty average, but at times he can be pretty hilarious.

More annoying than him is how "cool" it has become to hate him. Everyone has to prove how much they don't like him now because he is over-hyped. Ironically, it's becoming over-hyped to hate him.

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