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Redskins Just Fell Behind the Kansas City Chiefs


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I've run outta energy to type but just wanted to say good meeting you Ernie, sorry if I was rude, but I would never trade Portis for LJ. Not unless they gave us a number one pick as well. I love Portis. LJ is a cancer. And I'll split the diff with you any day on that. As for the smart ass remark dude you jammed me first on here bud with your "credibility" comment which was rude. If you can't take the heat dude leave the kitchen. I come on here for good times and talks, not to make any enemies or be rude or argue, hopefully we can be friends one day. Take care bud

On the "credibility" front -- yr right, that was coming on too strong. I have to admit though, when I saw the Thigpen better than Campbell thing, I was like WTF?????? I just do not see it. Then to be told the only reason I'd think that way is b/c he plays for the Redskins basically negates my opinion to pure homerism.

So, I thought you were rude. You thought I was rude. The world continues to spin on its axis and we can have a good chuckle. Later.

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So my opinion isn't as worthy as yours? We'll see next season but I'd bet you right now we are headed for a losing season considering all of the issues we have, the lack of draft picks we have, the poor play of Jason Campbell down the stretch, the age of both of our lines, and the lack of any real cap space to sign and keep our guys and be players in FA.

I'm starting to think your mental dude. I'm outta here

We faced some of the same things in 2006 and the coaching staff and FO found a way to fix the problems and have some success the next season.

I think "if" is definitely the word. There are a lot of ifs, and no one can say which way those ifs will go.

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Actually, you need to put Spurrier as a proven winner, tho it was in college.

Well, we've seen what "inexperience" does at the head coaching level this season. Three new head coaches made the playoffs, with one still in the mix. Yeah, it looks like a disaster. :doh:

You hang a lot of Marty finishing 8-3, when the inexperienced GM Marty was one of the reasons they were in the hole to start the season in the first place. Deciding that Jeff George was your answer with no backup plan if he flamed out was one of the biggest failures of Marty as a GM. There was also a lot of issues in the locker room that year, with him pissing off a lot of players. (Benching Darrell Green was one of those unpopular moves.)

While I would have given Marty the coach another year, I didn't really want to see any more of Marty the GM. Overall, I've been quite disenchanted with giving coaches that much control. Gibbs was the only guy I could respect doing that, and he made some serious errors when the coach hat got ahead of the personnel hat. Certainly the history of such control in the league has mostly been a list of failures, with most losing their control or their jobs.

Vinny gets a fresh start with me because this is the first time since he's been here that he's had any say in hiring coaches. One of the important aspects of the FO is having your coaching staff and personnel department be able to operate in lockstep. That's hard to do if the personnel guy has no input in who is being selected.

Perhaps it's you who should refresh your memory.


One of the first major decisions Schottenheimer had to make was whether he wanted George to be his quarterback in 2001. It had to be a quick decision prior to March 1 because the Redskins had some salary-cap adjustments to make. The team got George to restructure his contract, but in essence guaranteed him $3.75 million this year.

It was weird. George was not a Schottenheimer guy. Never was. George was once a free agent with designs for the Kansas City Chiefs when Schottenheimer was the coach there. Marty didn't want anything to do with him.

On the surface, it appeared Schottenheimer had options. There has never been an offseason stretch like 2001, when so many quarterbacks were available. And almost any of them would have embraced a chance to play in a Redskins uniform. Doug Flutie was in that group.

Problem was, Schottenheimer was handcuffed by owner Daniel Snyder's spending. There was no room left under the salary cap to make a run for one of the other quarterbacks, and the coach fell into the trap most coaches fall into: He thought he could make a difference with George.

I agree Marty the GM wasn't very good. However, he was still better than Snyderatto.

Spurrier? Steve freakin' "Chuck and Duck" Spurrier? :wtf: I don't care how many games he won in college, we're talking NFL here. Any mention of SOS as indicative of anything having to do with NFL success immediately puts your credibility in question. Dude, you've gotta lay off the Snyderatto kool aid. I think you're loosing a few too many brain cells.

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WHAT? Sorry, but Tyler Thigpen, based on what has been demonstrated so far, is not as talented, accomplished, or impactful (is that a word?) than Jason Campbell. That just saps you of any credibility right off the bat.

How do you figure?

He only started 11 games of the season, and had more tds than Campbell, and more rushing touchdowns (and yards) than Campbell. Hell, I think he even caught one.

I'd say touchdowns make more of an impact than avoiding the interception. Especially from a guy who just became an NFL starter.

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Perhaps it's you who should refresh your memory.

I still think a real GM would have done better than picking up Tony Banks in the 11th hour.

Spurrier? Steve freakin' "Chuck and Duck" Spurrier? :wtf: I don't care how many games he won in college, we're talking NFL here. Any mention of SOS as indicative of anything having to do with NFL success immediately puts your credibility in question. Dude, you've gotta lay off the Snyderatto kool aid. I think you're loosing a few too many brain cells.

So, are you telling me that the expectations when Spurrier was hired was equal to the expectations when Zorn was hired? That's my point. There were tons of fans excited to get Spurrier and thought he was going to be great here from his success in Florida. No way you can compare the expectations he came in with with the mostly blank slate that was Zorn.

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How do you figure?

He only started 11 games of the season, and had more tds than Campbell, and more rushing touchdowns (and yards) than Campbell. Hell, I think he even caught one.

I'd say touchdowns make more of an impact than avoiding the interception. Especially from a guy who just became an NFL starter.

Right now...

Thigpen > Campbell.

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I agree, but for the following reason: they drafted OL and DL.

2008 1st round 5th pick DT Glenn Dorsey

2008 1st round 15th pick OG Brandon Albert

2006 1st Round 20th pick DE Tambi Hali

I expect to see it by the second half next year. Too bad we never do this.

I got to watch a good amount of the Chiefs this year by choice and I will agree with the both of you.

Within three years, the Chiefs will be the class of the AFC.

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I agree, but for the following reason: they drafted OL and DL.

2008 1st round 5th pick DT Glenn Dorsey

2008 1st round 15th pick OG Brandon Albert

2006 1st Round 20th pick DE Tambi Hali

I expect to see it by the second half next year. Too bad we never do this.

Successful teams in the NFL are the ones that have good to great O-lines and D-lines. Even a dinosaur like Carl Peterson understood that much. Look at supposedly the "weakest" team in the playoffs right now, the Cards, and see their starting O-line history:

LT 69 Mike Gandy - FA

LG 74 Reggie Wells - 6th round, 2003 draft Cardinals

C 63 Lyle Sendlein - UDFA, 2007 draft Cardinals

RG 76 Deuce Lutui - 2nd round, 2006 draft Cardinals

RT 75 Levi Brown - 1st round, 2007 draft Cardinals

All except 1 player on their O-line was drafted or singed a UDFA contract. It's true that the Cards are one of the more miserly teams when it comes to FA spending, but the case can be made that only teams that draft lineman on a regular basis can be successful.

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