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Survey: The Biggest Age Difference Between You And Your Youngest/Oldest Lovers?

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I lost my virginity to my best friend's mom at age 14. she was in her 30's.

I dont like to date anyone below 21 any more because I dont want to have to worry about if they can go to a bar with me or not..

Stiflers mom??

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well, the longest relationship I was in, she was 9 yrs older than me. I tried dating someone 9 years younger, and that sucked, didn't last long. I actually have always prefered someone a bit older.

Recently though, I started dating someone who is 18 yrs older. We have known each other for awhile, and I thought she was about 42ish. Well, she just turned 52, I'm about to turn 34. She works out all the time, and is in fantastic shape. I took her to my work Christmas dinner last night(postponed due to all our snow)....today one of my co workers said, "She is absolutely gorgeous, I would have never guessed her age."

It's a new relationship, and I'm skeptical just w/ that alone, but as far as the age goes...How would I tell my mom I'm dating someone only 6 yrs younger than her? And thought about the long term, such as what ladysknzfn1 posted w/ the health issues.

My dad and step mom have been together for 27 yrs....my dad is 14 yrs older than her.

I think that for the most part, age shouldn't matter. If you are thinking long term, then think of things like...Are we compatable? is it good sex? kids? because if everything else is great, who cares of the age?(as long as it's legal!)

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More than anything this is what I fear the most about dating someone significantly younger than me. It doesn't stop me from considering someone much younger but I do view it as a very serious obligation on my part to do everything in my power to see that I never become a burden to her.

I both feel for you and admire your attitude and spirit.

Thank you. I don't see him as a burden, he's my husband and it's my responsibility to be his legs if he can't stand...that's the way I view it. I'm not saying that I've not had the occassional "pity party...why did I marry this guy...whoa is me" moments...because I have...it's tough getting used to not doing the things we used to do. You know what I miss most? Dancing with him. Amazing that it's dancing that I miss most.

Understood. I'm not wheelchair but I've had a heart attack/double bipass and two stents put in. Three back surgeries and some stomach problems. I honestly don't expect a long life with my heart and everything I do, I have to do at a slower pace than most people. Not exactly the guy most girls would say "yeah. I want to start a new life with him!". :silly:

It must be difficult on you. :(

It can be...but I try my best..we have a good relationship and when I need time away from the constant care..I take it. 5 minutes of peace is like a million dollars for me sometimes..:)

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