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We need a No Nonsense coach


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Has anyone noticed the mentality and toughness of teams like Baltimore, Pittsburg the Colts and others. Their coaches are tough and take a no nonsense approach. The players seem to have that toughnesss and swagger as well. Which leads me to a conclusion, we are truly missing that formula here. I definitely dont see it, I was reading this morning an article in the Washington Post where Zorn was called out for saying he was the worst coach. Pity party. I believe palyers respond well to warriors or generals that fight in the battles not just dictate and take no blame for the butt whoopings being laid on the troops. I beleive fans could appreciate a coach like that. Who was the last coach we had with this type of mentality. We should go get one.

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Exactly! But it starts from the top. CP gets his way because of Snyder. Snyder needs to relinquish power to a real GM, like Eric DeCosta, who will hire a coach with a no nonsense attitude. Bench players if needed or suspend them if needed.

You got it. Thats fo sho

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I think we need to give Zorn a chance. Many new coaches that have a great first year do not have a very good second year. Sean Payton comes to mind. Zorn just took on to many responsibilities his first year and I hope he realizes that. I would not mind seeing an O.C. come in and help. Just my :2cents:.

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Yeah, someone like Marty, but a coach that doesn't take crap from the players isn't likely to take much from the FO either, and therein lies the rub.

Ain't that the sad truth. :(

And until Snyder ceases with his conceited attitude that's it's "mine, all MINE!", what chance does ANY HC have of turning the Washington Redskins around from the big B&G comedy show they've been for the best part of 10 years now under his reign?


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I think we need to give Zorn a chance. Many new coaches that have a great first year do not have a very good second year. Sean Payton comes to mind. Zorn just took on to many responsibilities his first year and I hope he realizes that. I would not mind seeing an O.C. come in and help. Just my :2cents:.

Where in the hell was Zorn when Moss pulled his endzone antics as we were getting our arses handed to us by a perpetual loser? He did nothing. I would have paid to see Mike Ditka, Bill Parcells, Cowher or the like in that situation. Zorn's only attempt to legitimize his grit and no nonsense demeanor involved the benching of our only reliable offensive weapon. Zorn simply has no grit, has earned no respect, and his head rings hollow.

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No to any college coach, If DS fires Zorn, and he shouldn't then he needs a pro coach with experience. I would not fire Zorn unless I could hire Bill Cowher. Zorn needs time to develop this team and his coaching style. We need some patience with him. He is an honest man with integrity and firing him for a poor finish with this team would be a mistake. This team needs to be rebuilt with youth on both lines and better LBs and a true number one WR. I am hoping we win the last two games, but if not that will not change my opinion. Zorn needs to stay. This team was not that good to start with. We as fans need to be supportive, but also realistic of our team. Joe Gibbs a great coach could not win big with this team. Why on earth due we expect a rookie head coach to win big with almost the same team. Zorn has made mistakes this year, and I have not always be happy with his play calling, or game management. He will get better, but the main problem is the players, and we need to realize this and make changes.



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Pretty stupid thread. I don't remember any of this talk in the beginning of the season and I don't think if we were playing as well as we were, this thread would even exist. This is his first year as a head coach and the season isn't even over yet. What gives?

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Does this mean that Zorn is a Nonsense Coach?

It's not always the coach that's the problem, it can be the players too. A tough coach like Belichick succeeds in New England because they have a lot of guys with good character who want to win. Parcells has been successful everywhere he's been for the same reason, but he wore out his welcome in Dallas because the Cryboys have a lot of players with POOR character.

We have a couple of bad apples on this team too. Coach John Thompson once said: "If you have to have a lot of rules just to keep your players in line, then you've got the wrong players."

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Zorn's inherent coaching philosophy is flawed, and that's what scares me. He calls the same plays every week, has a blind faith in his system, and doesn't adapt it to the players.

While I agree about Zorn's stubbornness to waiver, in the bigger picture, that's another of this organisations lingering problems.

We should have a system in place and find and mould the players to fit it, not the other way around.


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Zorn's inherent coaching philosophy is flawed, and that's what scares me. He calls the same plays every week, has a blind faith in his system, and doesn't adapt it to the players.

Completely agree. And he still kept calling the same plays even after it was obvious after the Steelers game that all the defensive co-ordinators were always a step ahead of him. His playcalling must really be simplistic to veteran coaches.

It was embarrassing to me, though, when a player from the opposing team tells your coach "You can't do this, you're going to get your quarterback hurt.

I think you've got a mistake here" after a bonehead substitution.

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The reason why Zorn should go is that there has been no improvement. If we started 0-5 and were at 7-7, then it would be different.

When you start 6-2, then let the wheels fall off without making ONE SINGLE ADJUSTMENT in your game plan, then you deserved to be fired. Another year won't make Zorn a flexible coach who changes it up each week. If was that type of person, then it would have happened. He's not creative. He's obviously not the smartest guy in the world. After losing to the Rams, and struggling with the Hawks, Browns, and Lions, you would think he would re-evaluate things.

Zorn? Nope. He waits until he looses to the Bunguls to do anything. Not a smart man.

The ONLY way he should coach next year is if we have a new OC in place.

But, Mr. Dink and Dunk won't make any coach look good, so he's screwed either way. Campbell will run any coach out of town.

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Pretty stupid thread. I don't remember any of this talk in the beginning of the season and I don't think if we were playing as well as we were, this thread would even exist. This is his first year as a head coach and the season isn't even over yet. What gives?

Check my other posts. When they were 6-2, I beleived then that this team was not as good as they or their record showed. I stayed away from the negativity about the Skins. Just because you are a first year head coach does not mean you have to stink up the joint. Check other new head coaches and what they are doing. Perhaps JZ is wayyyyy over his head and the crap has hit the fan. Why would not anyone here want to make changes at any level to improve this team. I do beleive the exit interviews of the players will be the tell tell sign. If management does not believe the players want to or will play hard for Zorn and they are in the majority, trust me you will see changes. Why would not there be changes?

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Check my other posts. When they were 6-2, I beleived then that this team was not as good as they or their record showed. I stayed away from the negativity about the Skins. Just because you are a first year head coach does not mean you have to stink up the joint. Check other new head coaches and what they are doing. Perhaps JZ is wayyyyy over his head and the crap has hit the fan. Why would not anyone here want to make changes at any level to improve this team. I do beleive the exit interviews of the players will be the tell tell sign. If management does not believe the players want to or will play hard for Zorn and they are in the majority, trust me you will see changes. Why would not there be changes?

I would have to say, from watching the games that I did, the only problem I have with Zorn is his overly conservative play calling. Now, this is something that a first year head coach can look at during the off season and improve. He, like Campbell, need to take more risks.

In my opinion, the team fell apart in a lot of other areas in which a lot of people aren't discussing. The O-Line and D-Line need drastic improvements, in my opinion. We also need to make sure we have a back as good as Portis, if not better, for when he goes down, because that day is coming very soon. I am very surprised he has held up as long as he has, to be honest.

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Has anyone noticed the mentality and toughness of teams like Baltimore, Pittsburg the Colts and others. Their coaches are tough and take a no nonsense approach. The players seem to have that toughnesss and swagger as well. Which leads me to a conclusion, we are truly missing that formula here. I definitely dont see it, I was reading this morning an article in the Washington Post where Zorn was called out for saying he was the worst coach. Pity party. I believe palyers respond well to warriors or generals that fight in the battles not just dictate and take no blame for the butt whoopings being laid on the troops. I beleive fans could appreciate a coach like that. Who was the last coach we had with this type of mentality. We should go get one.

No nonsense huh-

Was Joe Gibbs non nonsense?

Is Bill Bellicheat no nonsense?

Is Jon Gruden a no nonsense coach ?

Its not about that, its about the organization. The FO, the HC and the coaching staff.

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How many names can we come up with?

It is amazing how everyone thinks it is so easy to win in the NFL.

No smart person/coach/GM want's to work for Dan, they know what the deal is.

Everyone keeps blaming Cerrato and Zorn, it is Snyder all the way. He runs the show.

As much as VC seems to be in charge, he is not, he gets paid very well to do what Dan tells him to do, same with Zorn. I don't blame them a bit. Wouldn't you take the cash?

We will never be successful, as long as DS owns this team, never.

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I never thought the problem was Zorn, Gibbs, Spurrier, Schottenheimer, or Norv Turner. It starts at the top. The problem is Daniel Snyder. He needs to keep out of it. Cerratto is almost like a GM, but he isn't a real GM. As long as Snyder and Ceratto are in control of things, the Redskins will be a below average to average team on the field.

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