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FoxSports.com-Jason Whitlock: NFL Truths (M.E.T.)


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http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/8926524/NFL-Truths:-T.O.-a-big-part-of-Romo sits to pee's-problem?MSNHPHMA

He talks about Romo sits to pee's choking and 9 other NFL items...#1 is what caught my attention.

1. Whew, the shine wore off Jim Zorn and Jason Campbell quick.

Clinton Portis might have thought he was taking a shot at Zorn this week when he blasted Washington's head coach during a radio interview. The reality is Portis ensured that Zorn will be looking for a scapegoat for Washington's collapse. And Campbell will fill that role nicely.

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What is JC's rating again? Where does he rank on the sack category? Sacked third most in the league. Campbell's rating is surprisingly high even though he gets killed like David Carr did in Houston. Every game it seems as if Campbell is on his butt at least once a series. Whitlock has watched how many Redskins games this year? Probably one or two, so he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Give Jason Romo sits to pee's O line and his weapons and I bet you everything I own that he'd take the Cowpokes to a SB within three years...It ain't Campbell and it ain't Zorn.

Go watch the away Cowboys and Eagles games where Jason stood in the pocket and threw the ball with couldn't-care-less like comfort and ease. Ask yourself why that was? There was an actual pocket and he trusted his guys. Now, he looks scared. Do you blame him? I sure as hell don't. Neither does Zorn, so the whole scapegoat thing is horse **** too! Whitlock<Wilbon


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Zorn can't blame JC. JC was his primary responsibility. In fact he named him as his QB shortly after he was hired and made comments that if JC struggles, then it's on him. Well Jim, it is on you. It also takes him more than a 1-4 run to figure out its the QB if that's the angle he is going to pull? I would be shocked if he blamed JC for anything, because it would reflect on himself.

If he is looking for a scapegoat, he will blame Dan and Vinny, the only 2 guys on the planet that would have given him a HC job to begin with this year. If I had to guess, I would think he would want out. He will collect a nice package. He will have gone from an unknown QB coach to a media darling everyone will boast about for being Dan's latest victim and he will have bought himself more opportunities to be a coaching fraud elsewhere.

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Zorn can't blame JC. JC was his primary responsibility. In fact he named him as his QB shortly after he was hired and made comments that if JC struggles, then it's on him. Well Jim, it is on you. It also takes him more than a 1-4 run to figure out its the QB if that's the angle he is going to pull? I would be shocked if he blamed JC for anything, because it would reflect on himself.

In Zorn's defense, naming JC the starter apparently was a condition of getting the job. Greg Williams and Spags wanted an open competition. So did Fassel apparently -- at least according to John Riggins.

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In Zorn's defense, naming JC the starter apparently was a condition of getting the job. Greg Williams and Spags wanted an open competition. So did Fassel apparently -- at least according to John Riggins.

Then how is that a defense? That is an indictment of what a fraud he is as a coach. He knew what he was getting into and apparently is not as intelligent as Fassel in making coaching decisions. Not a guy we need coaching the Skins.

I am sure GW told Dan and Vinny during his 4 interviews/ sleep overs prior to the front office not talking to him for over 2 weeks, that they will not find a qualified candidate on the planet willing to take the job under those terms. Apparently GW was right.

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Then how is that a defense? That is an indictment of what a fraud he is as a coach. He knew what he was getting into and apparently is not as intelligent as Fassel in making coaching decisions. Not a guy we need coaching the Skins.

I am sure GW told Dan and Vinny during his 4 interviews/ sleep overs prior to the front office not talking to him for over 2 weeks, that they will not find a qualified candidate on the planet willing to take the job under those terms. Apparently GW was right.

You're right -- it's not a defense. Guess he just really wanted the chance at being a HC and would take it under any conditions. I can't really blame him for that. It's not like he was close to getting other HC gigs before.

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Nothing Zorn has done would suggest he would try and throw someone under the bus to shift blame away from him. He's been a stand up guy in all his after-loss pressers. Plus, one sure-fire way for a new coach to alienate himself from management and the fanbase is to start publicly ripping players that have been here longer than him. This writer doesn't know what he's talking about

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You're right -- it's not a defense. Guess he just really wanted the chance at being a HC and would take it under any conditions. I can't really blame him for that. It's not like he was close to getting other HC gigs before.

If that really was the situation, I absolutely can blame him for that. If that is the case, then he is putting himself ahead of the team. How dare he call anyone out when he accepted a job on terms that would not put his team in the best position to succeed. How can he ask his team to respect him, when he didn't even respect himself by accepting that situation?

Selfish, insecure yes man who has no business coaching. He even knows he is a fraud because he wouldn't have accepted roster conditions if he had any options anywhere else including Seattle.

Real leaders put their team ahead of themselves, earn their respect, put them in the best position to succeed and demand passion and performance.

If GW was not hired because he wasn't willing to have his roster dictated to him, then he is even more loyal than I ever thought and I already put his loyalty higher than pretty much anyone in the NFL when he was here. If it was all about himself, he would have jumped ship after his second year here. He didn't interview anywhere after 05, even though he was considered the top candidate for 5 head coaching positions that year.

To have enough respect and loyalty for his players, himself, his staff and the fans to not accept terms he felt wouldn't be conducive to success even if it cost him the position, then I have more respect for him than I ever had before.

Let's get rid of mr. medium and bring the team's leader back home.

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If that really was the situation, I absolutely can blame him for that. If that is the case, then he is putting himself ahead of the team. How dare he call anyone out when he accepted a job on terms that would not put his team in the best position to succeed. How can he ask his team to respect him, when he didn't even respect himself by accepting that situation?

Selfish, insecure yes man who has no business coaching. He even knows he is a fraud because he wouldn't have accepted roster conditions if he had any options anywhere else including Seattle.

Real leaders put their team ahead of themselves, earn their respect, put them in the best position to succeed and demand passion and performance.

If GW was not hired because he wasn't willing to have his roster dictated to him, then he is even more loyal than I ever thought and I already put his loyalty higher than pretty much anyone in the NFL when he was here. If it was all about himself, he would have jumped ship after his second year here. He didn't interview anywhere after 05, even though he was considered the top candidate for 5 head coaching positions that year.

To have enough respect and loyalty for his players, himself, his staff and the fans to not accept terms he felt wouldn't be conducive to success even if it cost him the position, then I have more respect for him than I ever had before.

Let's get rid of mr. medium and bring the team's leader back home.

Hmmm wow...have you seen Jacksonville's D this year? I love GW but I am not so sure about him as HC.... maybe tho...I think we lost our chance there.

I also think Zorn is a good coach who will be a good head coach but unfortunately he has a team of underachievers, whiners and prima donna's or simply just guys who are just not good enough against the good teams...and now everyone is worried about a job next year mostly the players...so these players point the finger at the coach...who is riding them super hard for playing poorly.

this is a tough situation...a real test for the Z-man...who has ZERO enemies or any kind of dishonorable reputation in 20+ some NFL years. He is a good smart coach who I think can get it right. We just came through a buzzsaw, and CP is a little *****.

I remember players hating on GW as well...he treated them like dogs at times.

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