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Larry Michael on ESPN 950 @ 6:05pm


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Should be interesting to see what Larry says on the CP situation...

Tune in on your dial (in the Richmond area) or go to our website and listen to the stream: http://www.espn950am.com

Edit: I seem to have to do this every time I post that he is going to be on our station, but please don't turn this into a "who hates Larry the most" contest. While you may not like his personality, or maybe it's just the fact that he's not Herzog... Larry's still the Redskins play-by-play guy and does a good job with his insight every week. Thanks.

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I really dont listen to him, thats why I asked. I do get your point.....would be funny to see for myself if he is vanilla.:)

sometimes ill tune in just to hear how ridiculous he can spin things, this however is a little too serious for me to want to hear his nonsense. notice how no one has answered as to what he said. haha

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Should be interesting to see what Larry says on the CP situation...

Tune in on your dial (in the Richmond area) or go to our website and listen to the stream: http://www.espn950am.com

Edit: I seem to have to do this every time I post that he is going to be on our station, but please don't turn this into a "who hates Larry the most" contest. While you may not like his personality, or maybe it's just the fact that he's not Herzog... Larry's still the Redskins play-by-play guy and does a good job with his insight every week. Thanks.

Can you give a recap of what Larry had to say? I missed it and unlike alot of others on here I would like to know how he responded.

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I don't get why people are so down on LM. IMO I think fans are so used to all the negative coverage in this area toward the Redskins, Snyder, and the front office that when someone is positive about them they're considered homers.

larry is incapable of being objective, and thats why he sucks. he cant look at a player and say heres whats good and heres whats bad. or a situation, its always heres whats good, and ill sweep the rest under the rug.

hes on dan snyders payroll, hes just a stooge for the organization. the second he lost me was when he said hed rather have campbell QBing this team over peyton manning because and i quote "manning was due for an injury". this was in 2007. i thought bram was gonna get up and leave the show lol.

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I don't get why people are so down on LM. IMO I think fans are so used to all the negative coverage in this area toward the Redskins, Snyder, and the front office that when someone is positive about them they're considered homers.

I am with you there. I like Larry and I am far from a homer. I don't mind the more negative announcers either but yeah for me if everybody was negative it would be boring.

I've listened to Larry a lot on Monday morning QB on 980 and he's far from mr. upbeat/positive all the time -- he was going on about the lack of offense last Monday for example WITHOUT putting a positive spin on it.

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