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Don't Drink and Buy Plane Tickets


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Dude, she's in another country, who cares how crazy she is? Lay it to her straight. Just tell her that things probably won't work out. Who knows, give it a try. Get your mind right to give her a chance in person, smash it and then see what happens. If you feel the same after the trip, at least you found out in person.

Plus, think of the fun you'll have being in another city with a cutie to show you around. Can't be that bad. I'd go. Her "problems" seem typical anyways.

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the main reason this plan failed is the 12 days. I mean 12 Days? Good God, you could've hit it 12 times in 3 days and hit the road. 12 days about guarantees that you'd hit the cycle and the pms aftermath.

It was her idea

dude screw her attitude you need to go there and "do the dew", if you get my drift.

Then just bounce back to USA and never call her again. lol

She is BANGIN!

Not that guy, as I have said before

Reese, has he said, is not that guy.

Not that guy, as MTH has pointed out :D

Dude, she's in another country, who cares how crazy she is? Lay it to her straight. Just tell her that things probably won't work out. Who knows, give it a try. Get your mind right to give her a chance in person, smash it and then see what happens. If you feel the same after the trip, at least you found out in person.

Plus, think of the fun you'll have being in another city with a cutie to show you around. Can't be that bad. I'd go. Her "problems" seem typical anyways.

I don't hang around girls with these so called "typical" problems, and I am still not going to after this.

Reic, go up to Toronto and have fun. If you hit it, then hit it. There are more hot chics up in Toronto that you can shake a stick at in 12 days. Trust me my man.

I have plans for this credit I was given for the plane tickets, np np

You haven't seen her IRL. Have you at least spoken on the phone with her?

Multiple times :D

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Look, this thread is too interesting to let it just die. And it's starting to gasp.

Reese, you said the chick is pscyho. And Joes knows all about it. Well, Joe might be clueing Candace in, but the rest of us are still in the dark.

1. You never told us why she's a crazy b.

1. the list is too long, just ask Joe.

Okay. How about just three reasons/examples. TIA.
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OK, you talked to her on a phone...so...you see her on webcam?

yes and yes.

Bigmike, I know you, and you wouldn't of lasted as long as I did with the **** I had to deal with every day, you woulda said, **** it I'm out way sooner, as I should have, lol.

MTH, a few nights ago I was studying for my final that I took this morning. We are on webcam and we are chatting, and she tells me she wants to do her hair and listen to some music, so she puts the microphone on mute, as do I so I can listen to music.

Well, a friend whom I had not talked to in 5 years ups and calls me as I am studying. She gets pissed at me for talking to someone else and not studying when I told her I "could only focus on studying" and wouldn't talk to her. So she got mad for me not paying full attention to her while studying, even though she was doing her hair and listening to music, we weren't even talking.

Another day, a few weeks ago, we are talking and she asks me what color her eyes are. I told her I had no idea, because its a webcam and there was no way to tell. She got pissed at that so I just asked her what color they were. She told me I should have known from the first time I saw her on cam. Dip****, your cam was on black and white. So i told her my eye color and she said I already knew this, obvious bull**** answer. Then proceeds to tell me I never pay attention to her or listen to what she has to say...

A few days ago she asked me what color my eyes were :P

She puts way to much stake into what a person says, and not in who the person actually is, and I'm not going to pretend to be mr. ****ing perfect to impress a girl. I'm going to be myself, and if they like me for me, then I know its an honest impression.

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probably bro, I am just busting your balls a little. its what I dooz..

but seriously man, if there is a shot at something go for it, but if she is just drama then walk. no need in trying to make something out of nothing if all there is to offer is drama. a lot of women dont want you but dont want other girls to have you so they will string you along or tease you just enough to keep you coming back. you gotta be able to recognize the genuine ones from the ones who are just being **** teases.

(not a swipe at women or saying ONLY women do that. I love women...too much sometimes)

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Ok. I haven't asked Joe - but your above post gives a bit of explanation.

But ... am I the only one that things going to Canada for poon is ridiculous? It seems like you'd have a better chance of no strings attached poon from some lush at a local bar vs making the hike to Canada.

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Ok. I haven't asked Joe - but your above post gives a bit of explanation.

But ... am I the only one that things going to Canada for poon is ridiculous? It seems like you'd have a better chance of no strings attached poon from some lush at a local bar vs making the hike to Canada.

and this is why we are getting married in Vegas...:cheers:

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probably bro, I am just busting your balls a little. its what I dooz..

but seriously man, if there is a shot at something go for it, but if she is just drama then walk. no need in trying to make something out of nothing if all there is to offer is drama. a lot of women dont want you but dont want other girls to have you so they will string you along or tease you just enough to keep you coming back. you gotta be able to recognize the genuine ones from the ones who are just being **** teases.

(not a swipe at women or saying ONLY women do that. I love women...too much sometimes)

For sure bro, read my post above yours and realize why I said **** it.

Those are just two incidents :P

I mean, I was guaranteed a lay and a good time in Canada, but in my opinion, that **** is not worth it, there are many more girls that are worth my time/money/effort.

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Ok. I haven't asked Joe - but your above post gives a bit of explanation.

But ... am I the only one that things going to Canada for poon is ridiculous? It seems like you'd have a better chance of no strings attached poon from some lush at a local bar vs making the hike to Canada.

I wasn't going for just poon. I was going for my birthday/new years, and poon on the side haha. There were also other friends up there I was going to hang out with.

and it wasn't going to be no strings attached by the way things were going, lol. I'm glad I made and realized the mistake before actually going.

But hey, all is said and done. Candace.. you single? haha :silly:

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I wasn't going for just poon. I was going for my birthday/new years, and poon on the side haha. There were also other friends up there I was going to hang out with.

and it wasn't going to be no strings attached by the way things were going, lol. I'm glad I made and realized the mistake before actually going.

But hey, all is said and done. Candace.. you single? haha :silly:

Ok. Good ... because long distance relationships don't work. Long distance relationships with drama really don't work. And going to Canada for just poon is ridiculous. I'd block her from whatever interwebz service you were using to chat and forget that she exists. :)

I recommend going to the bar and hitting on the most ridiculously drunk girl that you can find. I bet that she hands the poon over to you - and you won't have to spend $400 on a plane ticket/drinks/etc. Also, you can kick her to the curb the next morning and not have to pretend to like her - one and done.


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I kinda assumed there was a chance of true romance going on. I assumed that's why Reese dropped the $400 (besides the alcohol). Maybe I'm mistaken.

I mean there was an attraction, of course, and I like her when she is not being completely ridiculous, but Candace hit it pretty spot on.

As I mentioned, she is a non-realist, and I am, and I realized there was no shot at a legit relationship, especially not with her wanting me to put her at #1 on my priorities list when i am 650 miles away and going to school.

Whenever I talked to someone on the phone, or a roomate was talking to me, it was immediately me "putting her on the backburner" every time. She goes to school, comes home, and gets drunk on cam most nights, and I have a life outside of the internet, and I am not going to sit infront of my laptop for 10 hours a day talking to the same freaking person just to get them to like me.

At the time I dropped the 400 I was like cool I have a friend that will let me stay with her in Canada while I live it up for my birthday a new years, then the deeper gushy stuff started.

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