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The Ravens aint that good


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Hi to all in America,

Well. Another frustrating loss, to a team we could have beaten. I felt the same way in the 2nd game against the Giants and in our losses to the Rams, Cowgirls, Steelers and now the Ravens.

In each loss, it was only because the O has had problems; NOT because the other team was good enough to whip us.

What we all need to reflect on here, is that Coach Zorn is building a new Era and it will take time to build a legacy. The foundations are there. There are some things that I don't understand though:

1) Why is Sellers not used more often? I've said all season long he should be; he is delivering and he scares the hell out of opposition D's. Did you see his 3rd down run, that got called back? This man is quality and with Clinton hurting, it would be a good idea to rest our best offensive player and give Sellers some more game time.

2) Why is Cooley hardly utilised? I realise the Ravens D are good and may have made him a marked man, but Cooley is another weapon that doesn't seem to get anywhere near the game plays he should. Jason Witten the best TE in the game?! Don't make me laugh... Chris blows him away.

3) What kind of play calling is it, when we are down 17-0 and we run on 1st down, run on 2nd down, then have to rely on a long 3rd down conversion? We need to start mixing it up in the middle with some slants and some post-corner passing. We are NOT passing enough.

4) Jason was better protected in the Ravens game; but he still needs a little more time to connect and the receivers helped him a little more in this game, compared to last week. Look at Atlanta and see how well they are doing. Does ANY Redskins fan seriously think Ryan is a better QB than Jason? I DON'T. The difference is, Ryan is getting the protection and the receivers are making tough catches. I believe if we can develop our passing attack, we will have A COMPLETE TEAM. Because the ground game is there, the O line is fairly decent and the Defence... cannot be faulted.


Randle El, Santana Moss, Devon Thomas, Mr. 'olympic hurdler' Sellers and Ladell Betts, all had good games. I liked Randle El's TD. It was gutsy and we need more gutsy play to win games. Jason CAN get the ball in there.


The entire Defence were fantastic. London 'the man' Fletcher played his usual tough old self, Laron Landry and D.Hall had superb games. Carlos Rogers played well, but the whole unit I felt, were awesome.

Rock Cartwright --- You are going to break one! It's only a matter of time.

Suisham finally got a kick. I hope his confidence now comes back.

I mean seriously, what did the Ravens really do? A good first drive and not much until the 4th Qtr, when our D were tired. A lucky fumble return from Mr.Reed who is a quality player. I felt we were the better team, but we just couldn't convert drives.

The Ravens ain't going nowhere. There D is good, but you need to score points. They have been averaging 29 points a game, which is good, but against better D's --- they may struggle. I can't see them getting to the SB.

As for our beloved Skins.... I still predict 10-6. The sad thing is, in this division, unless we get some results going our way, 10-6 may not be enough. But a 10-6 campaign in a first year head coach is damned good.

I am CERTAINLY not ashamed of the Skins. I am proud of them. VERY PROUD. It is a privilege to watch them and that 4th Qtr in a tough match against the Ravens, who are a decent team, means we can hold our heads up high. To fight and lose, makes us men. To lose and not fight, makes us cowards.

Clinton Portis has been the epitomy of courage all season long. I say let him heal up for a few weeks. Seller, Betts and Cartwright can carry the Rushing for a while. And if we make the playoffs, by some fluke, Clinton will be ready to go again.



William. England.


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I believe it was Parcells who said "you are what your record says you are". That's what it boils down to. The Ravens are a 9-4 team and the Skins are 7-6. That's all that matters. They must be a pretty good team to win 9 games.

We might win 9 games....and I dont think we are very good.

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24-10. Ravens scored 24 points while the Skins scored 10 points. In the game of football when u score more points then the other team that means you win and when u win u are better. Ravens are a playoff caliber team with world class defense while the Redskins were and still are pretenders. Tough Luck, live with it.

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The Ravens aren't that good, huh? Let's see, they get the ball with 11 minutes to go, use their 3rd string RB, and smack us right in the face for almost 8 minutes & let us know they're running. Then the only time they pass, they score. Yeah, they really stink!

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I agree that the Ravens are not anywhere near the class of the Steelers or Giants.

They're okay but nothing special.

But after they lose this week to Pittsburgh (big), I gotta hope they get it together and kick the Cowboys' asses in the Texas Stadium finale.

But by not being impressed by them that is not to say that they did not deserve to win yesterday and were not the better team.

They did and they were.

It's just as a Skins fan, we've gotten to see first hand what the top teams in the NFL look like in recent weeks and the Ravens are not one of them.

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The Ravens Defense is that good...but I'm not that impressed with their offense. With a D like that though whewwww. Ball hawks, Physical, pass rush, strip the ball, bat it down, block punts etc. Monsters..like they have super heroes on their team and we have average humans.

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The ravens are the type of team that will punch you in the face. If you don't punch back they will win.

Seems to me that the NFL knows this about our Skins.

They dont seem to go into any game believing they will win. The Ratbirds knew this and just punched them in the nose. Bloody it up a bit. And watch the Skins offense just plain wilt. Wilt.

Wear down the defense. all opposing teams need to do is just hang around and eventually produce a play, big or small, just enough to win and watch the Skins defense get tired and frustrated.

Teams know this about us. The Ratbirds knew it. And I knew it. The same mentality season after season.

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