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What Else Can We Blame on Campbell


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You can blame the picks he throws on him and the incompletions when he over/underthrows a reciever...but either don't happen very often.

What I see happening a lot are sacks/throw aways due to poor pass protection and incompletions due to drops and poor receiver play.

I'd like to see what JC could do with more time and better weapons.

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Top 10 Things that are Jason Campbell's fault....

10. When I am unable to find my beer of choice at the store, obviously Jason Campbell is at fault.

9. Portis hasn't broken an 80+ yard run for a TD this year. That is Jason Campbell's fault.

8. On October 18th, I got in a fight with my wife, then got a flat tire on my truck, which caused me to get in ANOTHER fight with my wife. This was as I was driving near Ashburn on Rt. 28 (Sully Road). The close proximity to Redskins Park OBVIOUSLY makes this Jason Campbell's fault!

7. The weather is supposed to be nasty on Saturday, possibly with sleet & snow. This must be Jason Campbell's fault.

6. I broke my pinky coaching a kickboxing class on September 24th. Undoubtedly, this is Jason Campbell's fault!

5. My wife dragged my unwilling self Xmas shopping on Black Friday. I blame Jason Campbell.

4. Jim Zorn has a goofy haircut. Whose fault? Jason Campbell's!!!!

3. Portis hasn't done a press conference as a character in costume for what? 2 years now? Damn you, Jason Campbell!!!!!!!!!

2. I dance like a typical white boy, and it's YOUR fault, Jason Campbell!

1. The Redskins are 7-5, we beat the Cowboys & Eagles in their house, we're still in the playoff hunt, and Portis is in position to be the league's leading rusher.... I blame it all on Jason Campbell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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He's the leader of Al-Quada.

Osama Bin Laden actually answers to JC.

He flew those planes on 9/11

JC was the guy who banged a monkey, than spread HIV/AIDs to the humans.

JC killed the other JC. It wasn't the Jews.

JC killed Lacey Peterson.

JC is the leader of the Legion of Doom.

What a prick.

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Jason Campbell invented pain.

Jason Campbell is Miley Cyrus vocal coach and songwriter

Jason Campbell shot Franz Ferdinand.

Jason Campbell directed Gigli.

Jason Campbell told Hitler his ass looked fat.

Jason Campbell took a dump on my lawn.

Jason Campbell endorses fingernails on chalkboards.

Jason Campbell shot the sheriff.

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