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Taking a look back at 2008

Toe Jam

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2008? Well we hit an economic crisis to the likes of which are scary, we had ridiculously high gas prices, OJ Simpson made headlines again by trying to "reaquire" memorabillia that used to belong to him, more deadly hurricanes hit the south, Philladelphia actually won a championship, and we elected the first black president ever (as a nation, not me individually). Pretty topsy turvy year.

I'll however remember the year more for my son's 1st Birthday, buying my first house, and the Capitals winning their first division title in what seems like FOREVER.

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Lot of personal triumphs for me this year so though my bank account may have hated 2008, I am a fan:

Being recognized and asked to speak at the National Press Club was a huge deal.

Entering the world of the muppets and becoming friends with some of them was awesome. Doing the Presidential piece and interviewing a bunch of people I have watched on TV was pretty cool. Meeting some of my ES friends in person was a pleasure.

Outside of me, Iraq becoming calmer was pretty cool. This nation proving that it is not so hamstrung by race that it can elect the person most believe to be the best candidate is awesome. Great year for Super hero movies as someone pointed out: Iron Man, Hulk, Batman, Hellboy were all pretty good. Millions of little charity moments showing that we care more than about just ourselves. The opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics. Michael Phelps record shattering run/swim.

A ton more.

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I can't even believe this year is almost over. For me personally it's been an absolutely amazing year.

I'd say the highlights are:

-Watching the playoff game at Bailey's then going to Redskins park for Gibbs' final welcome home - the whole day/night was bittersweet

-Going to San Diego for the International Sevens rugby tourney

-Moving in to DC and having my best friend since kindergarten here for the summer

-Going to San Francisco for the first time

-CANTON with my family and Redskins nation :) :helmet:

-My brother's first year with season tickets

-Going to Seattle for the first time

-Witnessing a historic presidential election

Here's to a great final month for everyone :cheers:

Oh man, I forgot to mention the Olympics, Euro 2008, and Wimbledon. This summer was an awesome one for sports!

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Y2k, the atlanta olympics, the release of super nintendo

not too shabby


huh? been smoking that thing again? :D

Good things to me this year:

-Becoming a U.S. citizen.

-The presidential election (my very first time voting, didn't have chance to vote in my country of birth).

-Watching my 2yr old daughter grow.

-Watching on TV the Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

-And many others that don't come to mind at this moment.

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thats the best thing I have ever done as a Redskins fan. That beats all games combined and anyone I could have met or hung out with that are Skins.

I met the coolest people and partied the hardest ever in my life. I made brothers and sisters for life and still keep in contact with a lot of them.

I even text slacky when im pooping. :silly:

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huh? been smoking that thing again? :D

Good things to me this year:

-Becoming a U.S. citizen.

-The presidential election (my very first time voting, didn't have chance to vote in my country of birth).

-Watching my 2yr old daughter grow.

-Watching on TV the Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

-And many others that don't come to mind at this moment.

haha saw this thread at the bottom of the page and wondered why it hadnt gotten more attention

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