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Was a fantastic beer night for yours truly... Shared half the Fritz & Ken's stout with the ole man, had a one year old DFH Midas Touch, a couple Loose Cannons, a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and I'm about to have the Ruination...

Stone Ruination IPA


Very cloudy dehydrated piss gold with a barely off-white head that sits strong as a mother****er. Aroma is a pretty strong stench of floral and citrus hops.

Woah, the taste woke me up right away. It's a punch in the face of sweet hops, but it's definitely not as bitter as almost any worthwhile IPA I've ever had. Citrus, floral, grass, pine, earth, Marlyn Monroe's breasts, a perfectly mixed Slurpie, Omaha Steak...you name it. The lacing on the glass looks like Luray Caverns.

The key to this brew is that there isn't much bitterness at all, relative to other IPAs. You do get a little in there, but the taste of the hops is top of the line yummy. Highly drinkable, not much carbonation, medium bodied without much malt at all. Fantastic.

A (97)

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Its in Leesburg, which is extremely convenient for me but I'd say it will be worth the drive if you are remotely close.

Here are all the details:


Cool man, they make it seem cheap. Did I read it right? Each "beer ticket" costs a dollar and beers are one to two tickets a pop? I mean, honestly, I've never been to a brew fest. Are these independent brewers or will really top of the line **** be there? If so, are these "two ticket" beers being given to people in shot glasses? I can't imagine a stellar beer out of a tap being 2 bucks a glass.

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I feel I must apologize, I promised a review of Trappistes Rochfort #10 the other night, but it seems that I've come down with a sinus infection and as such my sense of smell and taste are really limited right now, so it's Boston Lager for me until this clears up.

Dang man, still looking forward to your review. I see A+'ses in your future.

I scooped up another sixer of the Samuel Adams Longshot tonight. It's $10 here (I know, too expensive) but it's damn good. The Lemon Pepper Saison is perfect with steaming-hot steak, potatoes and corn. It's like it was meant to be chugged with the meal. Wow. Alone though, it's a C+ range beer.

The Mile High Barleywine and Old Ben Ale have the same heavy malt double bock kind of characteristics...but the Old Ben Ale has the advantage in overall taste. The Mile High is thicker but the Old Ben Ale is just tastier. Mile High gets a B- and Old Ben gets a B.


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Cool man, they make it seem cheap. Did I read it right? Each "beer ticket" costs a dollar and beers are one to two tickets a pop? I mean, honestly, I've never been to a brew fest. Are these independent brewers or will really top of the line **** be there? If so, are these "two ticket" beers being given to people in shot glasses? I can't imagine a stellar beer out of a tap being 2 bucks a glass.

Ok here is how it works:

You pay $20 bucks and you get 4 beer tickets and a 5 oz glass.

After those 4 beer tickets are spent, you pay $1 per ticket after that. Each ticket will give you a 5 oz glass of beer to taste.

So essentially you are paying a little more than $2 a beer for these premium beers after you burn through your first four tickets.

Here is a list of the breweries that will be there:


Click the little "2010 Breweries" and it will open up a pdf with all the breweries that will be there. Some really good ones!!

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Cool man, they make it seem cheap. Did I read it right? Each "beer ticket" costs a dollar and beers are one to two tickets a pop? I mean, honestly, I've never been to a brew fest. Are these independent brewers or will really top of the line **** be there? If so, are these "two ticket" beers being given to people in shot glasses? I can't imagine a stellar beer out of a tap being 2 bucks a glass.
Ok here is how it works:

You pay $20 bucks and you get 4 beer tickets and a 5 oz glass.

After those 4 beer tickets are spent, you pay $1 per ticket after that. Each ticket will give you a 5 oz glass of beer to taste.

So essentially you are paying a little more than $2 a beer for these premium beers after you burn through your first four tickets.

Here is a list of the breweries that will be there:


Click the little "2010 Breweries" and it will open up a pdf with all the breweries that will be there. Some really good ones!!

You left out this part, "You can use those tickets to purchase beers at the price of 1-2 tickets per beer, depending on how expensive your tastes are"

So...you may be paying up to $2.00 for a 5oz serving of beer.

Not a deal-breaker, but that can cost $6.00 for almost a pint. Not a good deal at all. It would be an ok deal if everyone charged $1.00 per glass. Not the best deal, but not bad. It does, however, give you the opportunity to try a bunch of different beers..

My barometer is the Heavy Seas brewery tour, held every Saturday.

The tour is free, but if you want to sample beer, you pay $5.00, and they give you a free pint glass, and tickets for six free samples.

They generally fill the glasses up at least 1/2 way.

*:secret: I'm a cheap ****

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i'm pretty sure its gonna be 1 ticket = 5 oz of beer but we will see. I am going sunday at 11 am

I quoted directly from the brewfest web-site. It can be $1.00 to $2.00 per 5 oz beer. Hopefully, most brewers will only charge $1.00.

Please give us a review of the festival....and have a great time!

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Thanks for the info and insight SF and Skins4Life...I am seriously considering going to it. That brewery list has me drooling! So many beers I want to try from some of those places and usually only have the option to buy them in pricey bomber form.

I think I might go to work early as hell on Sunday morning so I can finish up early and rush over there. Probably get there at 2 or 3pm.

In the meantime, I'll be researching what the most hyped concoctions are from each craft brewer who will be there. :type:

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Couple reviews:

Boddington's Pub Ale (nitro capped)


Opened the can and froth overflowed, can wasn't shaken up at all. Unbelievably milky shining-white head. The lacing extends down the sides of the beer, obscuring most of the body. A clear, dark orange-amber color. Smell is dominated by buttered biscuit with the hops and caramel in the background.

Taste is subdued citrus hops with the biscuit in the back. Mouthfeel is watery, which actually works nicely with this brew. Carbonation is ridiculously low, typical Redcoat tea if I do say so myself. Aftertaste is low-strength citrus hops only, which is actually decent.

Would be liable to get this beer again if it wasn't so damn flat. I know that's the way they make their beer across the pond and that there are people that actually love this style...but it just seems like it was left open in the fridge for a couple days. Not my thing.

D+ (69)

Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale


Extremely dark brown and a frothy tan head. Smells like roasted coffee, chocolate and caramel; that's all I'm really getting from the aroma. I feel a little hop bite in my nose but it's probably a booger.

The body is pretty thick and chewy...the darn thing tastes like one hell of a stout with a hefty amount of hops added in. Carbonation seems a little higher than average, it almost takes away from the strength of the body here. Chocolate, caramel and coffee again; the hops are fierce but are challenged by the strength of the malt. I notice a little warmth way down in my belly after drinking one of these beers. Could just be gas. This beer is one of those that you can easily choose what part of it to taste with each sip.

No surprise here, another fantastic concoction from Dogfish Head. This is an enjoyable brew, even now in the summer time. It's refreshing, while at the same time it's able to be one of those slow-sippers. Solid stuff.

B+ (89)

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No I had to fire somebody at the job yesterday and have to train a new kid this weekend. If I'm lucky work will smooth out and I can run over there. If I miss it I'm planning on getting a shopping basket at a craft beer store and just clothes-lining entire beer shelves in to it to make myself feel better. :mad:

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6.99 a sixer for Flying Dog Raging ***** at the place I mentioned a few pages ago.

I really liked the Victory Hop Wallop so I picked up a 6er of the Hop Devil for 8.50.

This place has killer deals.

I'll have to try the Hop Wallop.

I have a keg of Hop Devil in the kegerator, and am currently enjoying a pint as I type this. :pint:

It is one of my favorite brews and one of the staples in the kegerator.

Please post your opinion of the Hop Devil.


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