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NFL Live's Mid-Season Awards: Best Coaching Job Goes To.....


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Just tuned into NFL Live on ESPN, and they were handing out their mid-season awards. Of course no Redskins were mentioned in any of the player awards, but when it came to "Best Coaching Job", Mark Schlereth said our guy:


Was doing the best coaching job so far this season. After the week 1 debacle in NY, everyone counted us out. And how he's done an unbelievable job regrouping, and getting us on the right track at 6-3. And also his work with JC has been great.

Just thought I'd share with everyone. I really do like Zorn, and I never woulda guessed we'd be at 6-3 with a rookie head coach.

I'm gettin all Zorny again!


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Honestly these midseason awards are nice to mention but they really don't mean a damn thing. The only thing that matters is winning. Individual achievements and stats are really for losers. Look at TO. That guy only cares about padding his career stats and what has that guy ever won? Midseason awards mean nothing. I am glad that we are experiencing success, but lets not get carried away with awards that no one will remember next year. Great he was coach of the midseason. No one remembers these things and I hope that the team doesn't focus on this stuff because they will be watching the playoffs at home.

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