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ESPN-Sources: Fulmer Agrees to Step Down As Vols Coach


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One thing I hate about college football is the lofty standards of some programs. My teams are Maryland and Memphis and I would kill for 10 wins, 11 wins and a national championship. But these elite programs aren't satisfied with 8 or 9 wins. I see the fans "Crying" after losing a game. It's just a friggin college team where the players change from year to year, which makes it harder to coach than the pros where you can lock up players for years. I just have to say to teams like Penn State, Florida State, Tennessee, Ohio State, etc., just be glad that 5-7 is your worst year and that you can actually get to a national championship and win one, because my 2 teams certainly will NEVER win one while I'm alive. The grass is not always greener you know.

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One thing I hate about college football is the lofty standards of some programs. My teams are Maryland and Memphis and I would kill for 10 wins, 11 wins and a national championship. But these elite programs aren't satisfied with 8 or 9 wins. I see the fans "Crying" after losing a game. It's just a friggin college team where the players change from year to year, which makes it harder to coach than the pros where you can lock up players for years. I just have to say to teams like Penn State, Florida State, Tennessee, Ohio State, etc., just be glad that 5-7 is your worst year and that you can actually get to a national championship and win one, because my 2 teams certainly will NEVER win one while I'm alive. The grass is not always greener you know.

I've never really gotten the infatuation with College Football for that same reason.

I guess if you went to school there, it's different. I'm not really talking about those folks.

Especially down south- so many people put so much into teams full of 19 and 20 year old kids- just seems strange. Follow the pros people. Those guys get paid.

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I've never really gotten the infatuation with College Football for that same reason.

I guess if you went to school there, it's different. I'm not really talking about those folks.

Especially down south- so many people put so much into teams full of 19 and 20 year old kids- just seems strange. Follow the pros people. Those guys get paid.

I've lost a lot of love for college football, just seems boring to me now.

When I was little upsets were a big deal, it was special. Now if the #1 team goes 2 weeks without getting knocked off it's odd.

I actually liked it when there were 1 or 2 teams that were better than everyone else and everyone wanted to beat them.

Hell now i'd say the top 10 teams are all about the same.

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Thank goodness they finally made this decision. However I can't help but feel bad for Phil Fulmer as he truly does love the Tennessee Volunteers and the city of Knoxville, but the game has passed him buy and as the old cliche line goes, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." :steelersu


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The SEC is so competitive they're going to need a big name, or someone with a helluva dynamic offensive/defensive philosophy.

Whoever it will be will have to coach against Meyer, Spurrier, Saban, etc. I don't know if it is Lane Kiffin- I'm not sure he could compete against those guys. Recruiting will be 90% of it- what kind of recruiting experience does Kiffin have? (not a rhetorical question, genuinely curious)

I heard on sports center that Kiffen did the recruiting at USC. So I guess that answers the questions.

I think he's at least in the top 3 for the job.

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As a Vols alum, I'll echo all the comments made in this thread but I'll say Fulmer probably should have left 10 years ago. Even then, he endured a ton of criticism despite a largely successful franchise and people were hoping he'd go. I have to admit to being one of them. :\

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I'm not quite sure why Gruden wouuld even "flirt" with the position. If my memory serves me correctly he just singed an extension with the Bucs, and one would think he could make more $ in the NFL then in college.

Butch Davis is a guy I wanted to mention yesteday, but he seems like he would stay with the ACC then again $ does talk

I like the Texas Tech coach as a possible replacement. He would bring the spread style to what is already getting to be a spread happy division. I think it makes sense

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And Butch Davis- just say no. I've read too much about him not being respected by his players or staff in places he's been - and he was a complete failure in Cleveland.

I haven't heard about the lack of respect by his players and staff, if so that would be all the reason you would need not to hire him.

His success, or lack thereof, in Cleveland I think is irrelevant. There are plenty of coaches that were good in college, but not in the Pros. Lou Holtz failed with the Jets but won a national championship with Notre Dame. Steve Spurrier won a national championship at Florida and failed with the Redskins...etc, etc.

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I'm not quite sure why Gruden wouuld even "flirt" with the position. If my memory serves me correctly he just singed an extension with the Bucs, and one would think he could make more $ in the NFL then in college.

There have been a lot of personality clashes in Tampa with Gruden. I have heard he is not exactly the happiest guy in the world there and that the administration is not exactly huge fans of him either. He is a strong personality that sometimes rubs people the wrong way. So why is he still there? I don't think there has been a better option for either party.

Money would not be a concern if he went to Tennessee. He would also be somewhere where he knows that he and his family would be happy.

I think he is a strong candidate for this job. I think the only thing that keeps him away is if the Bucs have a really good year. Then they would be under immense pressure to keep him.

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I haven't heard about the lack of respect by his players and staff, if so that would be all the reason you would need not to hire him.


Just recently I read about him in the Boys Will Be Boys book. The entire Dallas Cowboy Organization laughed at the Browns when they took him. That's saying something if the Cowboys, who turned around and hired Switzer/Campo just a short time after said that :doh:

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There have been a lot of personality clashes in Tampa with Gruden. I have heard he is not exactly the happiest guy in the world there and that the administration is not exactly huge fans of him either. He is a strong personality that sometimes rubs people the wrong way. So why is he still there? I don't think there has been a better option for either party.

Money would not be a concern if he went to Tennessee. He would also be somewhere where he knows that he and his family would be happy.

I think he is a strong candidate for this job. I think the only thing that keeps him away is if the Bucs have a really good year. Then they would be under immense pressure to keep him.

My thoughts exactly.

And the fact that his wife is from here- we all know how much influence wives can have :) At least those of us who are married

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There have been a lot of personality clashes in Tampa with Gruden. I have heard he is not exactly the happiest guy in the world there and that the administration is not exactly huge fans of him either. He is a strong personality that sometimes rubs people the wrong way. So why is he still there? I don't think there has been a better option for either party.

Money would not be a concern if he went to Tennessee. He would also be somewhere where he knows that he and his family would be happy.

I think he is a strong candidate for this job. I think the only thing that keeps him away is if the Bucs have a really good year. Then they would be under immense pressure to keep him.

Why would the Bucs extend his contract at the end of last season if we "rubbed" people the wrong way. Both Gruden and GM Bruce Allen signed contracts extensions last season.

Gruden isn't going to UTenn. It's a nice fantasy, but it ain't happening

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And Butch Davis- just say no. I've read too much about him not being respected by his players or staff in places he's been - and he was a complete failure in Cleveland.

He also was successful in the COLLEGE ranks. He's turned Carolina around in 2 years. Carolina football was a joke before he took over. He turned Miami into a powerhouse. I think Butch Davis is the perfect college head coach.

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He also was successful in the COLLEGE ranks. He's turned Carolina around in 2 years. Carolina football was a joke before he took over. He turned Miami into a powerhouse. I think Butch Davis is the perfect college head coach.

meh- still don't want him

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  • 3 weeks later...

FYI - I do not have a link, but I am hearing that Brian Kelly from Cincinnati is the guy. I honestly think it is a great choice, but you are probably going to hear a lot of people complain because it is not a big name. But I do not think any of the big names was a good fit right now.

Anyways, that's what I am hearing, take it for what it is worth.

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