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Realistically, No Wishful Thinking, Do We Beat the Steelers?


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Anyone can analyze all they want about how polamalu might not play or how portis won't be able to run on pittsburgh but what i'm saying is about gut feelings. before almost every game (and im sure most people feel this too) there is always a certain gut feeling that i get, sometimes i'm right, a lot of times i'm wrong, but i want to know what everyone's gut feelings are about this game.

personally, i have no idea how this game is going to turn out. im worried about losing but something tells me jason campbell is going to play the game of his life. how do you guys feel about this game?

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It's a toss up but we have a shot to win this game. The Steelers is a very good team but they are not a dominant team by any stretch of the imagination. Yes they have the #1 ranked defense but you can still move the ball against them. The Skins have to play a flawless game no turnovers, limit the penalties.

Their offense isn't very strong they do not run the ball very well. Our defense certainly have to generate pressure get Ben off the mark . He's a big, strong quarterback so they have to get him on the ground.

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The team will decide ;)

But the 12th MAN will be there to help 35-99107-F.jpg I think~ no "wishful thinking"~ the Skins win this one. Gonna be a brutal battle, but wearing down the Steelers will be the key; and they can be wore down.

I say~

Skins 31

Steelers 27

This is NOT one of the games I predicted the Skins to lose.

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I think so. There's a reason that their only losses have come against the NFC East and it has less to do with the awesomeness of the NFC East and more to do with the fact that the only good teams the Steelers have played are teams from the NFC East. Here are the Steelers wins:






One word: Weak.

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I know that "gut feeling" you are talking about. sometimes I hate it because I get that uneasy feeling that leads me to believe we are going to lose a game, other times I love it because I feel a win coming on.....

it usually comes about 1-2 days out, this game..... about 4 days ago.... and I feel a win coming on!

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I feel more confident about this game than I have about a number of games that we played this year. I think that we got the Steelers at the right time. They are just as banged up as we are. Big Ben seems to be trying to force things. He's standing in their too long. The offense isn't clicking. The defense is lights out, but Hampton is hurt and the secondary is decimated. Thier punter is injured and they have a new long snapper. There is plenty of potential for them to screw something up on special teams.

If Clinton can get 50 yards in the first half, and we can avoid turnovers we will win this game.

My gut feeling is that we end up winning this game and it will be because of the O-line. I also think that Clinton will have a lights out game. Maybe he won't get his 100 yards rushing, but I think he will still be a huge factor. He'll get some key catches, critical short yardage first downs, and will lay out a couple of LB's in pass protection!

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Gut feeling,...........We win, hands down. Eagles man handled this team. Eli throws ints and the Giants still win. Eli had turn overs today and did them at times when there was no pressure on him. JC has shown he can play smart ball. As long as he continues to do that, we beat the Steelers no problem. JMO Gut Feeling:):cool:

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Honestly, I think it could go either way. Pittsburgh is a very gritty, tough team. Hines Ward is a beast of a blocker and with Willie Parker back, their running game is very formidable.

But so is ours. Clinton Portis will shoulder most of the load; especially if Santana doesn't play. That said, I have the utmost confidence in Antwaan Randel El in the receiving game, not so much the return game. El has come up big for us this year time and time again.

El has 33 receptions for 409 yards and a touchdown.

Cooley has also been great for us this year. He's got 40 for 451 and a touchdown. If those guys can produce, I like our chances.

Devin Thomas may play a bit of a factor in this one and I like James Thrash here as well.

Defensively, we need to get to Big Ben. His OL has been awful at protecting him and he's done a terrible job in getting rid of the ball. That said, he gets the job done. Against that situation we need our pass rush to actually do something. Can't let him have all day. They have way too many weapons :)

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