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Fellow Redskins fans: What gives?


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The media disrespects us via their rankings and rantings and we complain talking about they are disrespecting us. They start giving us credit and showing us some love and we whine that they are jinxing us. Folks, what do you guys want exactly or is whining a way of life on the forum. Am I missing something? With that said, win, lose, or draw, it will always be Redskins for life! :logo:

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Can you in fact verify that the people/posters that were complaining about a lack of respect from the media... are also the same members posting in the POWER RANKING threads stating that the high rankings are jinxing us?

I'm pretty sure you can't.

Yeah that's the problem with the OP's main argument. While I understand the point, I'm pretty sure the bi-polar up-and-down threads on here each week aren't the same people going both ways.

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The media, ESPN especially, is desperately looking for the "latest and greatest" now that their beloved Cowboys have fallen from grace. Colin Cowherd on the NY Giants this morning: "OHHHHHHHHHHH the Redskins must be SOOOOOO scared of the Giants after watching their game with the Steeeeelers." While this is obviously a very stupid statement, this praise will have no effect on how the Giants play next week.

I honestly couldn't care less what the media says about the Redskins, or any other team for that matter. It's just entertainment, that's all. You have to put this stuff in the proper context. Sports journalists and braodcasters exist in order to get ratings and sell advertising. Being able to stir the pot is more important to the networks than the broadcaster's actual knowledge of the sport.

Take a look at the threads on this board. The longest and most entertaining threads are often ones in which the OP made a controversial post. Broadcasters use similar techniques to get higher ratings.

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i've gotten to the point that i don't care what the media says. it just matters what the skins think bout themselves.i also realized yesterday that i was expecting perfection and not appreciating a season that by all acounts wasn't supposed to be this good. so i admit that i was looking a gift horse in the mouth( and the breath stinks) and now i am going to sit back and appreciate a team that to me is on the verge. if we can stay healthy or get healthy, depending on whom you are speaking about. and we as a team learn how to play at full tilt for 60 min and learn how to put a team away this team will be dangerous.but for now we have a team that has heart and doesn't give up or quit and doesn't get freaked out because they feel that they are never out of a game.so i will be there next week and and everyweek past next and cheering loudly and all by myself(because i am too loud).gooo skinzzzzzzzzz

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Can you in fact verify that the people/posters that were complaining about a lack of respect from the media... are also the same members posting in the POWER RANKING threads stating that the high rankings are jinxing us?

I'm pretty sure you can't.

Sorry but it happens every week here. What's the beef anyway? Are you one of those "fly under the radar" guys?

I don't think it should matter. The man's just trying to figure out why it happens (and it does) and probably wants everybody to enjoy the ride. We should be happy when we are winning, not whining. :cheers: No need to jump down his throat about it.

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The media disrespects us via their rankings and rantings and we complain talking about they are disrespecting us. They start giving us credit and showing us some love and we whine that they are jinxing us. Folks, what do you guys want exactly or is whining a way of life on the forum. Am I missing something? With that said, win, lose, or draw, it will always be Redskins for life! :logo:

I am going to beat TK to this one:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:*happy dance*

This Board is bipolar and whiners- win or lose, we whine :cool:

~ Welcome to EXTREMESKINS message Board. Post at your own risk:D :cheers:

(PS: How did I do TK?;))

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Sorry but it happens every week here. What's the beef anyway? Are you one of those "fly under the radar" guys?

I don't think it should matter. The man's just trying to figure out why it happens (and it does) and probably wants everybody to enjoy the ride. We should be happy when we are winning, not whining. :cheers: No need to jump down his throat about it.

I don't think my post was that complicated. And yet, it went over the head of "almost" all of the posters in this thread.

It's disappointing.... there used to be intelligent folk here.

And I'm hardly a "fly under the radar" type of poster. The fact that you don't know that means you probably don't read here much.

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Yeah that's the problem with the OP's main argument. While I understand the point, I'm pretty sure the bi-polar up-and-down threads on here each week aren't the same people going both ways.

There's still hope.

It's just easier to mash the opinions of 70,000 members into one generalization.... than to possibly get to know and understand the authors of each post... and appreciate their differences.

It's a shame that people can't tell their left hand from their right.

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I think most folks just want respect. From the media and fans of other teams. Positive or negative, I'm fine as long as its true. As far as I'm concerned, Any Redskins news is better than none at all. But I feel you. I've commented on the fickleness of the fans regarding media love/hate many times, its kinda silly.

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Its the same every season except we are winning.

Burgandy glasses Homer Mcfanboy: We had to beat so and so and teh refs. We were missing our whole offensive line man the refs were totally unfair on penalties.

I remember one game about penalties a ferw years ago we go penalized 5 times for 45 yards and teh opposition got penalized 11 times for over 100 but we were the ones the refs were out to get .

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Its the same every season except we are winning.

Burgandy glasses Homer Mcfanboy: We had to beat so and so and teh refs. We were missing our whole offensive line man the refs were totally unfair on penalties.

I remember one game about penalties a ferw years ago we go penalized 5 times for 45 yards and teh opposition got penalized 11 times for over 100 but we were the ones the refs were out to get .

I guess we are who we are, whining fans that is...:silly:

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I've never been the type of fan that lives or dies by what the "talking heads" or "experts" say about this team or any other for that matter. The only opinion that I care about is my own. I personally think folks put too much stock in media coverage or what these "experts" say and how biased they seem to be..but it's the nature of the beast for the most part. It doesn't matter if they rank us #1 or #32 or whatever...we know what the deal is..we watch the games. What they say means squat to me at the end of the day.

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I don't think my post was that complicated. And yet, it went over the head of "almost" all of the posters in this thread.

It's disappointing.... there used to be intelligent folk here.

And I'm hardly a "fly under the radar" type of poster. The fact that you don't know that means you probably don't read here much.

Here's a little secret, I've been here for a little over 3 years. Maybe I'm not the "intellectual" type that you seem to think you are and I'm sorry if it went "over my head" as you say, but I guess your the only one that "gets it".

Sounds like you took it a little personal to me so that's why I asked the question about flying under the radar and no need to jump down the mans throat.

It's usually the guilty ones that defend themselves the loudest over something they said they didn't do before anybody accuses them of doing it.

I'll try harder to fit in your little "intelligent folk" syndrome that you seem to favor and when reading your posts, try not to let them go "over my head".

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we spoke about this last night on Skinscast.

I like the positive media attention. It improves my fan experience as I see my team featured on more media outlets and honestly it is nice to root for a team that is in the conversation of good teams in the league (when's the last time this has happened?). Plus I believe that their play on the field should be independent of what it is written and said about them.

Murf on the other hand thinks it jinxes the team while Reffkin agrees with me.

I think we can all agree that Murf is an assclown.

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