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Portis and a 2000 Yard Season


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O.J. was a killer back in the day..

Pun intended?

It would be awesome to see CP run for 2000+ but like most of y'all have said, we're better off keepin him healthy and not worn out if we're gunna go postseason this year. Of course, he's def capable of doin it, though he's got some good defenses to face in the next couple of games...

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i dont know what the exact stats are but i believe that every1 that has had a 2000 yard rushing season their career pretty much went down hill

Well, you can't really go up after a 2000 yard rushing season:silly:

But point well taken, and, echoing the sentiments of everyone else who has posted in this thread I would rather a lombardi trophy than a 2000 yard rusher.

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Unlikely. The Redskins face 3 of the top 4 defenses in the NFL over their next 5 games, including the #1 team against the rush (Ravens) and the #3 team against the rush (Steelers).

Normally that would be a good point, but Portis and his line have made it a habit of going against the 'best rush defense in the league' and routinely shred them for 100+, and not just this season. It's pretty much a cliche at this point but every time I see someone say that the Skins are about to face the top rush defense, I get a little grin because I know what usually happens.

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It would be quite a feat if Portis was to rush for 2000 yards. He is not the same type of runner as any of those guys. He most closely resembles Lewis in the fact that he does not break those 50-80 yard TD runs. Portis gets his yards the tough way. He bust your mouth to get every one of them. Man he's a great back.

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Very interesting topic. I would like to see him get it, IF he can get it in a way that he isnt killing himself. What I have noticed is that he is starting to get a decent amount of those 10+ 20+ yard carries. Like in the lions game, we barely had any points but he was already at 80 something yards before you realized it in the first half. That game, I think was very good, cause it wasnt a very tough 120 something yards he got (nevermind he has to average 132 a game to accomplish this). The browns game, it looked like he really had to take a beating to get the yards he did.

I think we should give him slightly less carries in the first half, maybe similar to the lions game, although at some points i really wanted to see him in there... Then really work him at the end of games (although it seems we kinda are already doing this). I think he is really effective when the defense is more tired at the end of games (like most runners), and maybe more rest in the beginning of the games will allow him to be fresher than he is = more longer runs from breaking tired defenders tackles. Some of the times you can see him look pretty tired on the sideline. I think if he had less carries earlier in the game, he'd prob take more of those longer runs all the way to the house/run over the last guy.

My guess, he ends up with 1750 yards. for the season. I'd be happy with that.

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Edited original post to reflect his career stats, broken down by halves of the season. He's been a workhorse before with 3 season surpassing 300 attempts (325, 352, 343) and every season but 2006 where he was hurt, he's rushed for around the same amount of yards as the first half of the season, or significantly more (3 seasons, by ~300 yards each year).

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And, he'd be...exhausted. Just is time for the paloffs!

See I don't adhere to this philosophy. I've said it before, I'll say it again. Portis is doing his job. I don't think he's being over or under utilized at all. If Portis continues to be 100% Zorn's going to give him the call.

Point being a 2000yd season may or may not occur, but I don't think there's a chance in hell, not in this 2008 NFC east, that Portis isn't used in every single game.

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This is true, but we faced the Eagles when they were the No. 1 team against the rush, and see what happened?

Not saying that Portis will do as well, but just saying that numbers mean little most of the time.

But I agree that Portis won't hit 2,000. Or come close (within 100 yards).

I thought of that, but now that a few more games have passed, the stats are a little more indicative of the real nature of teams. Notice that the Eagles have plummeted to 9th. Certainly, the Redskins had something to do with that, but the Eagles weren't really as good against the run as their stats would have indicated after week 4.

Also, in order to get that 2000 yard mark, you have to have several cream puffs against the run on your schedule. The Redskins do get Seattle (22nd against the rush), the Bengals (27th) and the 49ers (19th), but when you throw in the best in the league, it cancels that out, and makes it pretty tough to reach the top of the mountain.

I expect Portis to have some success against those top tier teams, just not enough to actually have more yards in the 2nd half of the season - which he will need to do. Of course, if he can have crazy 200+ yard games against the poorer statistical teams, then he's got a chance.

But I would be pretty surprised if that happened.

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He could have had another 30ish (and a TD) if he'd have cut it back accross the safety at the end of the Lions game. That's what I think is "missing" (if you can even say that) from Portis' game: the downfield cut-back. With his added weight (223 vs. his "old" 205), he's not going to out-jet corners and safeties down the sidelines. However, it seems as though if he looked for that homerun cutback, 10-20 yards downfield, he could probably take advantage with big results.

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**** that, were these teams struggling to make the playoffs when they got their 2000+ yard years? serious question. if we have a comfortable record and are a lock going into the playoffs, rest him, give him 10-15 carries a game and let betts take over. he willbe crucial in the playoffs :cheers:

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He could have had another 30ish (and a TD) if he'd have cut it back accross the safety at the end of the Lions game. That's what I think is "missing" (if you can even say that) from Portis' game: the downfield cut-back. With his added weight (223 vs. his "old" 205), he's not going to out-jet corners and safeties down the sidelines. However, it seems as though if he looked for that homerun cutback, 10-20 yards downfield, he could probably take advantage with big results.

Re-watch that last run you were talking about. John Riggins even said it after the game that the run you're talking about was the first time he's seen that his head was on a swivel looking for cutback lanes. So hopefully he'll break the long one soon.

But what you see on tv is different from what Clinton sees in his helmet.

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Unless he gets a ridiculous amount of carries (30 or so per game) then I don't see this happening unless he breaks a bunch of long TDs. But Zorn knows better than to give him too many carries, so 2000 yards would be a good thing, since it means that CP has broken off a bunch of long runs. But the playoffs are all that realy matter.

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IMO he has already had his chances for a 200+ yard game; the Rams, Browns, & Lions were his chances. He almost pulled it off against Cleveland (and might've done it had it not been for the fumble), but if he hasn't done it by now, then I don't see it happening. I think he'll continue to play well, but unless he has a game with multiple long TD runs, then I don't see it happening.

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Think about this: If Portis were to get a 2000yd season, by the end of 2008 he'd be only 400+yds away from pacing Emmitt Smith's all time rushing record. Actually less than that as he did miss 1/2 of 2006.


How many more seasons would he have play to break the record at his current pace?

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