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Point/Game vs. Yards/Game


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After 7 games, our offense is 20th in scoring, but 7th in yards per game. So what's the reason for the discrepancy?

Are we getting junk yards in the 4th quarter? Are we shooting ourself in the foot on our drives? Is it the new offensive philosophy?

I don't have any answers, but I didn't need to look at the stats to tell me that we move the ball well, but have a hard time scoring....


Washington 2475 353.6 1107 158.1 1368 195.4 140 20.0

Just for comparison, here is where we finished in rankings over the past several years


2002 20th 25th

2003 23th 22th

2004 30th 31th

2005 11th 13th

2006 13th 20th

2007 15th 18th

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After 7 games, our offense is 20th in scoring, but 7th in yards per game. So what's the reason for the discrepancy?

Are we getting junk yards in the 4th quarter? Are we shooting ourself in the foot on our drives? Is it the new offensive philosophy?

I don't have any answers, but I didn't need to look at the stats to tell me that we move the ball well, but have a hard time scoring....


Washington 2475 353.6 1107 158.1 1368 195.4 140 20.0

7 games ...new offense...We have scored more than the opponent in 5 games..

Also...Teams are building their book on Zorn and scores will come a lil slower.

So long as we score one point more than them...It's all good.

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I would like to know how many times we have looked downfield this season. I mean, passes of 20+ yards IN THE AIR. I like the short passing game that gives this team some ability to control the ball but at some point you need to test secondaries down field. EEspecially horrible ones. If you can't or won't, I have to start wondering why.

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Its a function of being a running team. When you run you control the ball and the clock but you shorten the game.

This means that you get fewer possesions and hence less opportunities to score. If you then have to settle for FG's rather than TD's that further reduces your scoring.

Its not a bad thing though in that you give fewer opportunities for the opposition to score as well.

What we have to do is continue to protect the football, turnover will kill us (see the Rams game) and get better at finishing drives off with TD's not FG's.

Teams are going to have to put 8 men in the box on us soon like they did to teh Vikings late last year. When that happens watch out because Jason Campbell is NOT Tavaris Jackson and Moss, Cooley and ARE will kill some team at some point against the single coverage they are going to see more and more of as teams try to stop Portis.

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Its a function of being a running team. When you run you control the ball and the clock but you shorten the game.

This means that you get fewer possesions and hence less opportunities to score. If you then have to settle for FG's rather than TD's that further reduces your scoring.

Its not a bad thing though in that you give fewer opportunities for the opposition to score as well.

What we have to do is continue to protect the football, turnover will kill us (see the Rams game) and get better at finishing drives off with TD's not FG's.

Teams are going to have to put 8 men in the box on us soon like they did to teh Vikings late last year. When that happens watch out because Jason Campbell is NOT Tavaris Jackson and Moss, Cooley and ARE will kill some team at some point against the single coverage they are going to see more and more of as teams try to stop Portis.

I understand what you are trying to say, but this still doesn't fully address the stats -

It shouldn't matter how you get the yards or how long you possess the ball. If you get 380 yards and only 17 points, then most of your yards are between the 30s (outside field goal range). If you are getting almost 400 yards and only 3-4 scores, then you must continually have ~40 yard drives that chew up yards, but don't end in points....

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The team is not efficient offensively and really hasn't been all season.

The reason is, obviously, the passing game is just not totally clicking right now. It's moving in fits and starts. Running the ball as the team has been is great and does wonders for establishing a physical identity, but to score large amounts of offensive points requires a well-functioning passing game.

Hopefully, this will evolve as the season progresses, but you would have liked to have seen them have a true breakout game and start gaining more consistent traction with it. I guess the NO game was pretty productive, but the passing attack just seems to be operating in fits and starts right now. You can see the potential, but it just doesn't move as crisply as it needs to.

I think the success of the running game has given Zorn a crutch until he gets more comfortable throwing the ball. I mean, DAMN!!!! Portis and his blockers are just plain balling right now. It seems like anything under 5 yards is a letdown. I love seeing it, but the passing game has to start complementing this dominating rushing attack.

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I understand what you are trying to say, but this still doesn't fully address the stats -

It shouldn't matter how you get the yards or how long you possess the ball. If you get 380 yards and only 17 points, then most of your yards are between the 30s (outside field goal range). If you are getting almost 400 yards and only 3-4 scores, then you must continually have ~40 yard drives that chew up yards, but don't end in points....

Thats about turning the ball over against the Rams 3 time in scoring position. scoring FG's not TD against the Eagles and the Cowboys to a lesser extent.

Also as well as the D is playing they have not created many short fields for the O. The score in the 1st quarter against the Rams is th eonly one I can think of off the top of my head.

Lets see how it plays out over the next 3 or 4 games.

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Thats about turning the ball over against the Rams 3 time in scoring position. scoring FG's not TD against the Eagles and the Cowboys to a lesser extent.

Also as well as the D is playing they have not created many short fields for the O. The score in the 1st quarter against the Rams is th eonly one I can think of off the top of my head.

Lets see how it plays out over the next 3 or 4 games.

I still agree with my previous post, BUT, I think you are right in that the lack of takeaways plays a part too. We have not had many short fields!

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I think it is a function of the game plan to some extent. We have yet to develop the big receiver who can add another dimension in the passing attack. Campbell is doing an awesome job managing, and at times making plays.

CP and the run game is the foundation. JC, as well as he is playing, and protecting the ball, should be able to convert enough of the 3rd and manageable situations, and then capitalize on play action opportunities. I think that is the formula that most plays to our strengths for now.

Maybe when Thomas or Kelly are ready we will come out in a spread formation, and go no huddle, and attack. I think we will have that in our arsenal, but I would expect the run, and short passing game to continue to be our bread and butter.

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Definitely not getting junk yards in the 4th as junk yards occur when either you've out the other team away or been put away by the 4th. For the decade, we've always had scoring problems. In 2000, 2005, 2006 and 2007, we had an above average offense in terms of yards but were well below average in scoring. Its a combination of things including inconsistent RZ performance, lack of short field opportunities, lack of defensive/special team scores and lack of big-play capability.

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Definitely not getting junk yards in the 4th as junk yards occur when either you've out the other team away or been put away by the 4th. For the decade, we've always had scoring problems. In 2000, 2005, 2006 and 2007, we had an above average offense in terms of yards but were well below average in scoring. Its a combination of things including inconsistent RZ performance, lack of short field opportunities, lack of defensive/special team scores and lack of big-play capability.

I agree with your assessment, but it's frustrating to realize that we've had multiple player groups, coaches, and offensive philosophy's over that period of time, but the same result?

It would be great if there was a consistant thread that we could try to go after and fix, but I don't know what it would be...

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Weren't we in to week 6 or 7 of last year (against Philly I believe), before we actually had a passing TD, (to Thrash if I recall). I'd say were much improved on scoring this year. Sure were not setting the world on fire, but were not spending the entire game running between the 20's either.

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