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We almost lost to the Browns, not enough td's

herb mul-key

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I posted a similar thread "we almost lost to Philly"....and I got a little roughed up.

We just are not an offesive scoring juggernaut...not sure if we can be...

Would be nice to feel like we can score td's...often.

Glad were winning and I'll take it...but we need more td's.

Maybe we rumble down field for a TD if Portis doesn't fumble. We were on a roll.

Sure we dominated the Browns but as you know...we almost went to OT and were vulnerable to a loss to the very end.

We need to have the Detroit game won by start of the fourth quarter.

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Hmmm I think the team is fine in the second half....but in nearly every game so far this year the team seems to just drag *** on the field the first half....coaches,players, trainers, everyone. I think if they could get rhythm started earlier in the game we would be a more potent offense but I don't agree with the OP that the Detroit game must be won in the 4th quarter.....it would a nice nice feeling but the game is four quarters long and the team needs to be playing just as hard in the fourth quarter regardless if the game feels as if its been won or not

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With all of the success we've had thus far this season, it's easy to forget that we're only 7 games into a newregime with a new system, and our rooks are still maturing. Our offense is still a work in progress. Zorn wants to be 60/40 in favor of passing. During the win streak, I think we were close to 50/50, which is probably what's best for us at this stage in the Zorn era. However, in tonight's game we were closer to 40/60. I think we should've been 50/50; this might've gotten us more than 14 points.

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I agree that we are leaving our opponents in the game when we should be putting them away. It seems our offense can move the ball into our opponent's territory, but once there its tough to keep the drive going. We are beating these teams soundly when you look at the stats, but the scoreboard doesn't normally show how much we dominate the games.

Just seems like we focus more on running in the opponent's territory when they begin to expect it, and we leave ourselves in 3rd and long situations often. Keep the foot on their throat and pass the ball!

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Zorn is getting conservative...too conservative

Yep I was wondering if Gibbs was calling the plays today.:doh: If it wasn't for Portis this team would be done. Portis is the heart of the team and is a ****ing beast. I better not see one thread in here about is ability and his heart being questioned. This guy is the real deal with over 800 yds already in the season. I have to thank CP for the 5 wins we have and Zorn should also be thanking CP for helping him become a winning team so far.

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I'm happy with the wins. I don't care how they happen. The defense is playing on another level all together. The offense will come together in time. Remember this IS a new system. Campbell needs more time to really get a handle on things, as well as the receiving corps.

I agree with Truskinsfan18, the Lions game could/should be the time to break out and really hammer someone.


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