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Tears On Tv: Dixie Chicks Explain Bush Bashing


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In a candid and emotional exclusive interview, ABC's Diane Sawyer talks with the Dixie Chicks -- Natalie Maines, Emily Robison and Martie Maguire -- who finally speak out about controversial comments regarding President Bush, made last month overseas during a London concert.


The on-stage remarks, which many say were unpatriotic, have resulted in a flood of criticism and a backlash that has included a boycott of their music.

The interview will air on PRIMETIME THURSDAY (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET) on ABC -- but the DRUDGE REPORT can now reveal some highlights:


MAINES: I think it came down to, it was ... that it was in a foreign country and it was that it was an off-the-cuff statement…And I think the way I said it was disrespectful. The wording I used, the way I said it, that was disrespectful…

DIANE SAWYER: …I hear something not quite ... what? Whole-hearted ...

MAINES: …Really?...

SAWYER: ... when you talk about apologizing for what you said about the President.

MAINES: ….It's not because it's not genuine. It's because I'm on guard now…I feel regret for, you know, the choice of words. Or the non-choice…Am I sorry that I asked questions and that I don't just follow? No.


MAGUIRE: …I also believe that yes, some of our fans were upset by it, but… does the punishment fit the crime? How far are you going to go? I think it's rational and totally acceptable for people to write a letter... and say "You know, I was really offended by what you said about the President."… we know some of our fans were shocked and ... and upset, and we are compassionate to that. I totally understand it. My problem is, when does it cross the line? When is trashing Emily's property okay? When is writing a threatening letter okay?...


SAWYER: When was the first sign you had that there was sort of a seismic tremor from this?

MAINES: We were going into this hotel…and he [the Dixie Chicks' manager] got a call … he's pacing back and forth. "Oh, no!" You know, we're automatically going "What? What happened?" And then he says, you know, he gets off the phone and I was like, "What? What happened?" "Well, the AP picked up what was said the other night... But don't worry, it's going to blow over in three days." And I looked at him and I go, "No, it's not." He goes "Yes, it is, yes. Don't worry about it." You know, giving the old manager spiel. And I said, "Oh, I don't think so."


MAGUIRE: …We are pretty tough and we have each other and we stand by each other through thick and thin and we know we're going to make mistakes…But this was colossal. This felt so colossal.


NATALIE MAINES: …we support the troops. We support the troops l00 percent. We have said that from day one. People have quoted we don’t support the troops, which is the opposite of anything we have ever said. There is not a correlation between not wanting a war and not supporting the troops who are doing their job…

EMILY ROBISON: Martie and I have family in the military. But it’s nothing more than that we want to do than have our troops be safe, successful…you know we’re very patriotic…

DIANE SAWYER: ...But there are those who say to support them is to understand how much they believe in what they're doing. And it does matter to them that you believe in what they're putting their lives on the line for.

MAINES: …as passionate as they are about their cause, I love that about them, but accept that I am passionate about mine as well…


SAWYER: Why did you say it?

MAINES: Out of frustration. At that moment, on the eve of war, I had a lot of questions that I felt were unanswered….

MAINES: You know we didn't walk off that stage going, oh my God, oh my God, I can't believe I said that.


ROBISON: …I think our fans, and I think people who know us, and event the people who don't know us, know that we come from a real compassionate place…mistakes are made…

MAGUIRE: …those are true fans. So I have to believe that they're with us…in spirit and support, no matter what we do. We are bound to make mistakes…we're human beings… Don't put celebrities up on this pedestal. We are human beings.


ROBISON: We're ... I think we're dealing with bigger issues than record sales and lost things like that…I'm concerned about my safety. I'm concerned about my safety for my family, for them ...

SAWYER: …You really don't care about the sales ?...

ROBISON: … It's not that we don't care. We just put in perspective as to what is really important…You know, when you're getting death threats... you know, at our concerts this year, we have to have metal detectors, and to me that's just crazy…But we have to take those precautions because this thing has gotten so out of control.


MAINES: Accept us. Accept an apology that was made. Accept that we ... what we're saying right now is heartfelt, full of compassion, and honesty, but to forgive us ... don't forgive us for who we are.


SAWYER: Are you ashamed that the President is from your state?

MAINES: No.. I'm not truly embarrassed that you know President Bush is from my state, that's not really what I care about. It was the wrong wording with genuine emotion and questions and concern behind it…

MAGUIRE: I felt like there was a lack of compassion every time I saw Bush talking about this. I honestly felt a lack of compassion. And I realized ...

SAWYER: For whom? For ... ?

MAGUIRE: …for me…for people that are questioning this, for the people that are about to die for this on both sides…


MAINES: …I just personally felt like why tomorrow? It's not that I don't ever want you to go over there. It's not that I don't ever want you to clean things up and fix things. It's just why can't we find the chemical weapons first…why not tomorrow?

ROBISON: There were a lot of questions that were unanswered. I don't think that's a wrong place to be; I don't think that you have to go I totally agree or I'm totally against it. It was one of those things we wanted more information


MAGUIRE: …at the Super Bowl ... Marilyn and I were talking about the fact that we could barely get through it... it was just so emotional and wonderful. And I won't let anybody take that away from me. No matter what you said, I will not let somebody tell me I'm unpatriotic.


MAINES: …The people who are on our side think I was pressured. They would like to believe that I was made to apologize… They liked me until I apologized. (Laughs) And then the people who didn't like me thought that it was written by someone else and couldn't give me credit for my own apology, and neither of those are true…


MAINES: …I ask questions. That's smart. That's intelligent. To find out facts not to just, 'Okay, we're going over here now.' I say, 'Why are we going over there?' And I don't mean to Iraq, I mean across the room. Since I was tiny, you've had to tell me why I have to do something…


MAGUIRE: …I just remember listening to country music as a young girl and knowing that I wanted to play the fiddle and that's all I ever wanted to do, knowing that I'd get into country music and trying to convert people over to country music and hearing them always say oh, but it's ... no, that's redneck music, no, those people are so backwards and conservative and closed minded and this and that. And I'm always saying to these people, no, just give it a chance, give it a chance…



Filed By Matt Drudge

Reports are moved when circumstances warrant

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Could someone explain to me how posing nude on an entertainment magazine is an intelligent response to the critism they recieved over their comment? I mean what is the point?

Also, I do understand people being upset at Maines' comments but why do people care so much about her opinion? It is not like Maines has any understanding of foreign affairs. I doubt any of the people going to the Dixie Chicks concerts are there to here their opinion on world affairs. This goes for most of the people in Hollywood speaking out against the war. They do have the freedom of speech but I have the freedom of not caring about what they think about the war. They make alot of money to entertain us not speak out on politics. If I was going to listen to anyone's opinion then I would listen to someone who does not think the middle east is made up of Maryland, Virginia, and the Carolinas.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Great Point Hokie... way too much is made of celebs spouting off... I could care less either, their opinion does not effect mine in the slightest.

It may not effect your opinions but there are a lot of people who are influenced by their rhetoric. There are a lot of young very nieve minds out there. The celebs need to stick with what they know and stop spouting out with pyschobabble.They should stick to the old saying their mothers may have said to them "if you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all.

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Originally posted by Hokieskin

Could someone explain to me how posing nude on an entertainment magazine is an intelligent response to the critism they recieved over their comment? I mean what is the point?

Who cares what the point is??? I'm all for it, of course.

The two chicks on the ends are dang hot, but the one is the middle is a real tire-biter. She looks more like a street-walker than a singer...:puke:

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Originally posted by riggo-toni

Who cares what the point is??? I'm all for it, of course.

The two chicks on the ends are dang hot, but the one is the middle is a real tire-biter. She looks more like a street-walker than a singer...:puke:

I agree :cheers:

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Originally posted by riggo-toni

Who cares what the point is??? I'm all for it, of course.

The two chicks on the ends are dang hot, but the one is the middle is a real tire-biter. She looks more like a street-walker than a singer...:puke:


I agree too...:D

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right....who cares what the Hollywood Anti-Amercians think....you know...the same folks who funnel millions into democratic party coffers....who spend the night in the Lincoln Room and speak directly to President's who practice sexual harassment against interns.....same kinda influence and access you and I have....right????.....:)

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It's the same influence that Arnold Schwartenegger, and right wing conservative stars have as well. Perhaps, they aren't equal in number and that is your point. Do you honestly think that the stars have a major influence on politics, that the large monies they pour in compare to foundation or industry donations? Stars are brought out by both sides because it is hoped that their popularity will rub off. Your thought does make me wonder though. So many artists, writers, musicians, actors, and others who have historically influenced the culture through their works have been classified as liberals. What is it in the genetics that associates creative genius with liberalism?

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As an admitted GWB fan, I don't see what the big deal is over the entire Dixie Chicks thing? Natalie 'are you gonna eat the rest of that?' Maines lips off. Conservatives (and others who think its classless to bash a sitting President at a time of war on foreign soil) react and express their sentiments with their pocketbooks. So where is the controversy here? The laughable thing here is that those so adamantly crying foul that someone's 'freedom of speech' migh be suppressed or quashed can't stand it that some average American's are expressing theirs. Pretty amusing stuff. Guess what? Its also true that just because you offer some half-@ssed, convoluted semi-apology, doesn't mean anyone is compelled to accept it if they find it less than satisfactory. Celebs have every right in the world to spout off anywhere and anytime they like. Those that employ their services have the right to tell them to shut the hell up or not to bother to show up as well. If radio stations choose to tailor their future playlists to reflect listener sentiment, thats hardly censorship (and Bruce Springsteen - rock deity that he is is wrong to call it that). And the American public has the right to applaud or boo accordingly. Grow up Natalie....you exercised your rights, and thats that. Cry me a river.

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burgold......."creative genious".....surely you gest....on the other hand, it's entirely possible that you very low standards

it may be the case that you don't give one twit.....errrr....wit about the access these people have enjoyed to certain former President's...........it's just another privilege you and I enjoy, after all!!!!!

i'm exercising my rights also....I can only hope enough agree to deprive these people of their incomes!!!!!

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I've said before and I meant it. You absolutely have the right to express yourself both verbally and monetarily. In fact, I might even believe you have the responsibility to do so.

As for creative geniuses whom we would label liberals... I would probably include Mozart, Twain, El Greco, Shakespeare, Lennon (though I am not sure if he's quite a musical genius), Miller, Sondheim, etc. Given the fact that you liberally define the celebrities who get invited to the White House as liberals and seem to discount the conservative artists who also get invites (to hobnob and speak their minds) I took the liberty of tweaking a bit and refered to the influential artisans as creative geniuses. Per the Dixie Chicks specifically, I really don't know their music, I believe I've heard one song which was kind of fun in a popcorn kind of way, but I won't judge either cultural or intellectual grasp based on that.

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cmon burgold......the context was Hollywood....as for the others.......it obviously is a stretch to assume that Mozart or Shakespeare would endorse an opinion that say.....favors killing 40 million fetuses in 30 years.....or that Mark Twain would feel comfortable with the sort of torure & murder that was standard practice in Iraq and that the celebs apparently had no problems with from a practical pov........you and I have no idea how they would fall out on these issues......it might make for an interesting Tom Stoppard play....but nothing more........

also.......the conservative Hollywood types (save for Reagan!!) have been nowhere near as prominent in their efforts to purvey their political message or influence political decision-making.......please....a little reality here.....

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Stoppard is a great choice as a modern creative genius. Mozart, from what we know of his indulgences, personality, and tastes would most very likely be considered a liberal. Twain is an interesting debate, towards the end he got very bitter and cynical, but if you read works like Conneticutt Yankee in King Arthur's Court and some of his shorts, he is quite liberal in his thinkng (using the classical definition, which is the one I like best as today's liberals are a murky lot often misdefined). Shakespeare, to be honest I just threw out there. Personally, I don't think he was a liberal, but you could probably make a case either way. In any event, I would have to agree with you that there a void of genius level creativity in Hollywood recently, though are some people who really know how to use cookie cutters or fill in a mold to inspire us with the repitition. Would you agree with me that the Hollywood Elite who happen to be on the right have also had undue influence to a degree not afforded the average citizen?

The reason I picked the guys I did is because I think that it is really difficult to recognize a genius during their lifespan, especially in the arts. Genius has to do with impact, longevity, influence. How can you tell if someone changed the way we perceive the world or communicate today, twenty or a hundred years from today. In sports, some create a legacy that can't be matched even when the records have been beaten by many. Jesse Owens is an important figure, but his records have been beaten hundreds of times. However, when people talk about role models, it is because there were certain people who have risen to a level of greatness that surpassed their achievements. So, we will discover in twenty years whether young actors are studying the writing of Tim Robins as a screenwriter or whether he was just one of many. We will see whether Arnold revolutionized the action movie or if another trend or format will make his work seem obsolete and trite. Genius is a tough word.

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If the Dixie Chics were not in Country Music and if they were not from the the center of the earth of gun-toting, bible thumping America, more commonly known as Texas, and if their music didn't reach such a diverse and large sampling of America, this would never have been front page news. Had this been U2, or Creed, both of which spouted their mouths of on their political beliefs of this war and our current government during their concerts, then everyone would have just brushed it under the table with a big yawn.

This should have not gotten the press it did. What she said was her opinion and should have been taken with a grain of salt. All of you republicans were saying just as bad if not worse things about our last President, just as all of you Democrats speak so highly of the current president now. It's just talk and the only difference is she had a microphone and the unlucky presence of an AP reporter in that audience of the small concert hall.

It's not if she continually spouts her mouth off, or even as if she went on some 20 minute tirade during this show. She said 15 words that most Democrats from Texas (all 3 of them) say everyday. Why should we take it to heart or even care.

What surprises me is that parents, instead of saying, "shoot son, she's just some entertainer voicing her opinion, never you mind what she says," they tell their children to bust up CDs, boycott songs they, until a few weeks ago, knew all the words to, sang and loved. They are basically telling their kids to keep their opinions to themselves or they might wind up on the other end of this stick one day. Stupid. America is stupid for this reaction and it is sending the wrong message to our youth.

My next door neighbor hates Bush and never ceases to voice his opinion to me, yet we still hang out and have a good time. I do not close my door to him, not take his calls, tell him what an unpatriotic jerk he is. It's his opinion and I don't have to agree with it.

I am a huge fan of the Dixie Chicks. They have great music, they are great performers. I realize those of you who don't appreciate Country Music may not agree. But their are a lot of people who do to the tune of 30 million records since 2000.

To throw that away, to ignore what they have done for American Country music all because of one opinionated statement is a tradgedy.

I felt the same way back in the Late 70s when I was a big fan of Elton John and he came out of the closet. If I would have shunned him and boycotted him, I would have never heard music like the Yellow Brick Road album, or the Captain Fantastic album. His choice was to be gay. America gave him crap for it at the time, but it didn't change the fact that he was one talented mo-fo.

Then to those of you who say, "well she has the right to her opinion, and I have the right to not buy their music." Good for you. The media puppetmasters have had their way with you. They have stuck their hand up your crack and mouthed the words for you. Well done. Have some balls to not care about opinions of people whose opinions don't mean squat.

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Originally posted by MarkPSkins

What surprises me is that parents, instead of saying, "shoot son, she's just some entertainer voicing her opinion, never you mind what she says," they tell their children to bust up CDs, boycott songs they, until a few weeks ago, knew all the words to, sang and loved. They are basically telling their kids to keep their opinions to themselves or they might wind up on the other end of this stick one day. Stupid. America is stupid for this reaction and it is sending the wrong message to our youth.

Then to those of you who say, "well she has the right to her opinion, and I have the right to not buy their music." Good for you. The media puppetmasters have had their way with you. They have stuck their hand up your crack and mouthed the words for you. Well done. Have some balls to not care about opinions of people whose opinions don't mean squat.

I agree with you that you can enjoy someone as an artist, and not share their political viewpoint. I'm a passionate Springsteen fan despite the fact that he has borderline socialist beliefs. But what makes you think more than a crazy few parents would indoctrinate their kids as you describe? I bought my little girl tickets to see the Chicks, and she'll be there in May when they come through my hometown. Would I go? Hell no, despite feeling they are talented. Would I not go solely because of the misguided statement by N.M.? Yep. But its not because the 'media puppetmasters' got a hold of me. Again, they made a statement. It offended some. Those that were offended have an absolute and justifiable right to express their displeasure by doing whatever floats their boat. Why do we have to belittle those that we disagree with by suggesting they're a bunch of malleable idiots who only hold core beliefs because they were told to by Fox news?

PS - don't let my disagreement here diminish in any way my gratitude for the visual gifts you bring to 'The Daily Babe' oh great one!

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MarkP...thanks for the lecture....you moralizing, pompous windbag......if Natalie Means steps before a crowd and states...."Death to all *iggers".....my guess is that you would be on this board condemning her along with the rest of we sheep and would very likely cease providing financial support. Many libs would follow suit. So cut the *rap...this is not some harmless "oh she is an idiot celebrity spouting off".....it's about your personal politics and what you are willing to tolerate. this has gone on for a long time...the insidious matter is that the left wants to paint this as harmless because they agree with the message.....step to the mike and say something that is politically objectionable to the left and the reaction is very different: the condemnation in the press swiftly follows; the web sites promoting boycotts sprout like mushrooms; the public protests whereever these impolitic speakers appear are loud..............

no this is turnaround.............lot of folks have reached their limit and *ucking people back cuz they have had the hand up their crack, as you so delicately put it, for far too long....wlecome to the new America friend....get used to it.......

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Jimbo.....you're symptomatic of the problem...let me spell it out for you in big *ucking BLOCK letters.......the larger context is the politization of speech. You have implicitly defined a standard of what is acceptable and is not acceptable. you are saying that denigrating the President in a foreign country is not parallel in egregiousness to the inflamatory staement I posted previously. you might even be right. the point, however, is that no one took a vote on this. there are no commonly accepted grounds - it leaves open the avenue for the thought police on the left to set what is acceptable or not acceptable. challenge their cherished nostrums and you can *amn well predict boycotts and protests are sure to follow. state something they approve, and it's either minimized or trivialized in terms of its impact: look at the tenor of this thread. it leaves it up to the left to decide what is significant and what is trivial. well....as succinctly as I can put it: *UCK that. no more free passes. the left has exercised this tacit system of thought control ferociously for the last 30 years....and yet....when someone else has a different standard....it is just blithely accepted that they are out of touch with reality or not in tune with "what Americans want"......the example serves to draw out the idea that it depends on whose idea anvil you are being pounded on...........if there is no general principle then it boils down to a case by case decision which is no standard at all....and this is precisely what the left has been doing for decades and is trying to do now........so have at it...........expect active resistance for a change.....

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Fansince62, A perfect example of the predicted conservative response.

Comparing a racial slur with a political opinion. Very nice.

Using a virtual politcal non-entity like Natalie Maines to make the stand of stands in regards to your self-percieved oppression of the conservative platform is equally very nice.

"Those nasty liberals will get away with it NO MORE," you say.

"Let make an example of Natalie Maines and her Country Music Band to scare off all the liberals. Make them aware of their impending doom if they voice an opinion, make a statement, or speak out against something they may not believe in. If you don't agree with us, then we will reduce to you poverty and public scorn for the rest of your days. Damn you for making an unpopular statement."

Condsider that Michael Moore's book climbed up the best-seller list after he was booed off the Academy Award stage. More people went to see his so-called "documentary" after the statement than had seen it before his "opinion". Why didn't all movie theaters stop showing his film? Why didn't all book stores stop selling his book? Seems kinda double-standardish to me.

It okay to pad the pockets of one idiot because one might be curious to how idiotic this guys is and want to see more of his idiocy. And it is also okay to boycott and protest another idiot because it's really cool and we want to further show people in this country that if we blow something out of proportion enough it will become significant.

Use a Country Music Group to further the cause of the Conservatives in this country? Really? Use a Country Music band to enforce a standard that if you have anything unpopular to say you should not say it and will rue the day you did? Use a Country Music band to cloud the already grey area of "free-speech" even further?

All I am saying is that this was completely blown out of proportion and anything any entertainer says in regards to political opinion should not have reached the level of "significance" it so seemingly has.

Yes, Natalie Maines was wrong to use that particular forum to try to get a rise out of a foreign audience. But do you really think that the 2000 people in that foreign audience took her statement as gospel and a reflection of how all Americans think? Doubtful. Should this have been reported to the newspapers at all? Again, I say, No. Why? because anything Natalie (the Great Liberal voice of the World) Maines says should not carry that much clout. She's a daggone country music singer for God's sake. Why do you care at all what she has to say?

Disclaimer: I am neither conservative nor liberal in my views. I acually have very few political opinions. I just don't think it's right to condemn someone because you don't agree with their opinion.

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The part that the left misses is that this is not the Govt or some public entity protesting them or boycotting them. It is private people and companies.

I notice there arent alot of R&B stations playing neo-nazi skinhead music.

Her statements and the skinheads statements are both protected speech and not illegal in any way. Stations and patrons make choices on whether to play or listen or buy the music.

I have stopped listening to them. That's my choice. I've also made it known to local radio stations and their sponsors (as part of a larger group) that I will not support them if they play their music. That's MY right.

Do you want to deny me the very right you are saying Maines deserves?

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You have the right to buy, boycott, or protest anything you want. It not about rights. It's really not about "free-speech". It's more about perception and significance. My questions is why do you care so much about what she said that you would take time, anytime, to let the radio stations know that if you play their music you won't listen to that station? Why does it bother you so much about one 15 word statement from a country music singer that would make you even take notice? So stop buying their music, turn down the volume if they play a song on the radio, yes that is your choice. Does Natalie Maines' opinions really mean that much to you to make any kind of a stand at all?

If you were to boycott every product from every person, company, sponsor or whatevers for opinions that differ from your own, you might have to move to a desert island and live off the land.

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