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Experience at the Linc


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I want to hear other ES members experience at the Linc and share my own.

Well, I know this is going to be hard to believe however, overall my experience at the Linc with all of the Eagles fans was a great one. Redskins fans for the most part were few and far between. I put a lot of thought into whether or not I wanted to brave this land of horrible Eagles fans and wear my burgandy and gold.

We made it into our section at 11:35, section 116 which was on the Redskins bench underneath the overhang. We walked down to the rail to get closer to the players, Chrs Cooley, Jason Taylor, Mike Sellers and Marcus Washington were sitting on the bench chilling. Santana, Devin, Fred Davis, Colt Brennan and a few other guys were on the field running routes.

We went to our seats and were hanging out awaiting the arrival of all of our new freinds, they started showing up wearing green as expected. I was playing very close attention to who was showing up and their overall attitude towards me and my buddy. This is the part that is may suprise everyone, everysingle one of them was really cool, and we didn't have a single problem. We introduced ourselves and took the higher road even though we didn't need to. We had a group of hard core Eagles fans a couple of seats down, they had their fun with us, however none of it was out of control, it was all in good fun and very enjoyable.

I got the expected "a-hole chant" a few times, the great part about it was the group of about 50 that were chanting, were doing it with a smile on their face.

After the win we were not celebrating, we were not rubbing it in, we just wanted to get to our car and get out of there. I had one guy tell me the Redskins "suck as bad as the Nationals" and that he was going to have his "6 year old daughter kick me in my nuts. Then we had this guy, who was a Redskins fan, come up to us, not wearing colors, high fiving and causing a scene. I told him to simmer, we just want to get out of there, however he was like a lost puppy dog drawing unneeded and unwanted attention to us and he wasn't even wearing burgandy and gold.

Anyway, we made it to our car and obviously we are home safe. For the most part I learned a very valuable lesson. AS much as I like to taunt other teams fans when they come to our house, there is a way to do it with tact and respect. When other teams fans show up at our house, I will not taunt them, I will treat them with respect, and allow them to enjoy themselves as guests.

Good game and great experience.

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The worst thing is that there are actually a lot of decent, knowledgeable Eagles fans who are utterly aghast at the way some conduct themselves. Living in Delaware I see a lot of their fans and have heard many times how embarrassed they are at the trash that gets the all attention.

Yes, there are too many that belong under lock and key, but it isn't all of them.

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Phily is a joke. No one messes with you. We even walked around the entire parking lots and no one said ****.

You should appreciate that, I have a whole new respect for Eagles fans after actually visiting their house. I was very impressed when they score and every single person in the stadium sings that damn song and does the chant.

thanks for posting, i always look forward to reading how the Iggles fans act when we go up to play them. I'm shocked to hear your story to be honest. Glad you had a good time.

I am suprised as well, complete opposite of what I prepared myself for.

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You should appreciate that, I have a whole new respect for Eagles fans after actually visiting their house. I was very impressed when they score and every single person in the stadium sings that damn song and does the chant.


Same here. They actually get loud on 3rd down and the entire stadium stands up

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The obnoxious fans were great. They're lucky I didn't act out and cause some heated yelling (although one guy kinda pointed/eyed me down from a few rows below me).

There was a little kid a few rows below us wearing a Portis jersey. Seeing him all excited during Portis' TD and the end of the game was great. Gave him several high-fives.

The weirdest part was that the fans basically gave up their focus on the Eagles midway through the 4th and paid attention to the Phillies-Brewers game. Odd fans...

We met a lot of cool, gracious fans (one lady was kind enough to retrieve my hat after it fell off my head when were were driving to the parking lot). The obnoxious ones I can live with. The worst person was a guy who parked near us and had a TV. We were watching the afternoon games and he came over all serious saying "you're not standing here watching this with that colored ****! You better move away now!" Immature, crybaby 40+ year-old punk...

Next year off to the Meadowlands to complete my NFC East tour

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Same here. They actually get loud on 3rd down and the entire stadium stands up

The guys in front of us said they thought Fed Ex was the loudest they have ever heard.

What section were you sitting in?

Did you get the "a-hole" chant?

I actually enjoyed my first a-hole chant and thought it was kind of fun.

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The guys in front of us said they thought Fed Ex was the loudest they have ever heard.

What section were you sitting in?

Did you get the "a-hole" chant?

I actually enjoyed my first a-hole chant and thought it was kind of fun.

239 row 24. No ******* chants actually.

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Ive said it before and gotten ridiculed on this board for it but Ill say it again and again:

I wish our fans were more like Eagles fans. I wish the same hostility existed at FedEx Field that exists at the Linc.

That said, I was there today and had a blast. Yes you get the ahole chant. yes you get surrounded and yelled at. Yes you get called all sorts of names. But just take it in stride, smile, and for the most part no one is going to physically assault you - all those stories you hear are either flukes involving alcohol or a story without the other side. When they chant at you just smile and take it...no big deal, I dont blame them for doing it.

We walked through multiple tailgate lots, tailgated with a few buddies and had no issues. Sure they yell at you but they should, its their house.

We cheered in the stands, werent obnoxious, high fived each other, quietly signaled first down, etc. We were totally respectful. Until the end, I have to admit, we did sing hail to the redskins. Oh well, nobodys perfect.

The only thing that was lame was the bitter "taylors dead" comments I got with my taylor jersey on after the game but oh well, they are sore losers, it is what it is.

Went to Pats afterwards and enjoyed our cheesesteaks around dozens of sore, sad, sorry eagles fans, and it was wonderful.

Bottom line - the Linc is a great stadium, the fans are great fans that, while delusional, are some of the best fans in the league - they get loud on defense and protect their house. We had a blast at the Linc today and look forward to next year.

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The weirdest part was that the fans basically gave up their focus on the Eagles midway through the 4th and paid attention to the Phillies-Brewers game. Odd fans...

I was telling my buddy, the Phillies winning was a blessing in disguise, they had something to cheer about and ignored the loss.

Where did you sit?

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The weirdest part was that the fans basically gave up their focus on the Eagles midway through the 4th and paid attention to the Phillies-Brewers game. Odd fans...

This is the nature of a philadelphia fan. When the igles are bad, its "who cares about the eagles, the phillies are smokin baby!!!"

When the Eagles are up and the Phillies down, its just the opposite.

And no one even THINKS about basketball unless the sixers make the playoffs. Once they do, its sixers sixers sixers, ive been a fan since 1960, yada yada, but until the playoffs, they are a forgotten team.

All typical Philadelphia fandom...

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You should appreciate that, I have a whole new respect for Eagles fans after actually visiting their house. I was very impressed when they score and every single person in the stadium sings that damn song and does the chant.

I am suprised as well, complete opposite of what I prepared myself for.

Not surprised to hear that some have a positive story coming out of there. However, I would not for a second believe that will be your experience every time you go there to see a game.

I was at the cit a couple years ago for a nats/phillies game. By the 6th inning I had to take my nats gear off because so many people tried to pick fights with me. AND THE NATS WERE LOSING BIG TIME!!! Just my :2cents:...good story, but consider yourself lucky.

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