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**** philly and westbrook


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I dont understand why everyone is worried about Westbrook playing. Who cares!!!!! **** PHILLY, MCNABB AND WESTBROOK!!! ITS TIME FOR OUR D TO SHINE!!! Everyones acting like we cant hold Westbrook in check, we have done this before. Now we have a good O to keep the ball out of the eagles hands.

Ahh the eagles D is so nasty, they blitzed the steelers statue and got 7 sacks...wow. Campbell will get outside of the pocket so go ahead and blitz......6 to Moss ALL DAY!! Dallas blitzed a lot and you saw the O line doing a good job of picking up. Im hype and ready to go 4-1 ao like i said **** PHILLY!!!!! :cheers: to 4-1!!

(i know my spelling sucks...whatever)

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I minute I heard that Westbrook is playing, then I heard that he was not. Even if he plays, it is going to take him awhile to get back to form. As long as we play like we have the last three weeks with no turnovers and the defense neutralizing the Eagles offense like they did in Dallas, we should have no problem.

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Hopefully the players do not think like you. If they did they would get their *** handed to them on Sunday. You don't count out the Philly at their house after a bad loss. I do believe the Skins will handle their buisness but to think Westbrook and Mcnabb can't make plays is crazy. I won't even go into their Defense.

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You guys do realize that if you replaced this site's colors with green and white and substituted "Portis" for "Westbrook", then you'd be laughing your asses off, right?

The idea that Westbrook isn't a game changer is preposterous. I wish that it were true, but it's not. We're down Springs, we're down Taylor, and they have a healthy McNabb and Westbrook.

Am I saying that we won't win? Absolutely not.

I'm just saying that there's a world of difference between optimism and naivete.

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You guys do realize that if you replaced this site's colors with green and white and substituted "Portis" for "Westbrook", then you'd be laughing your asses off, right?

The idea that Westbrook isn't a game changer is preposterous. I wish that it were true, but it's not. We're down Springs, we're down Taylor, and they have a healthy McNabb and Westbrook.

Am I saying that we won't win? Absolutely not.

I'm just saying that there's a world of difference between optimism and naivete.

Who said we're down Springs? Zorn said in his presser today that Springs would be a gametime decision. There's a chance but Springs is gonna play especially if B. West is warming up and looking like he is gonna play. Oh, and Brian Westbrook is the farthest thing from underrated there are many, many people that say he is most of the Eagles Offense.

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You guys do realize that if you replaced this site's colors with green and white and substituted "Portis" for "Westbrook", then you'd be laughing your asses off, right?

The idea that Westbrook isn't a game changer is preposterous. I wish that it were true, but it's not. We're down Springs, we're down Taylor, and they have a healthy McNabb and Westbrook.

Am I saying that we won't win? Absolutely not.

I'm just saying that there's a world of difference between optimism and naivete.

they have a healthy McNabb and Westbrook?? Wow did not know that. Where did you read this? I could have sworn that McNabb had sore man boobs and Westbrook has a boo boo on his ankle and is still questionable.

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I dont understand why everyone is worried about Westbrook playing. Who cares!!!!! F**K PHILLY, MCNABB AND WESTBROOK!!! ITS TIME FOR OUR D TO SHINE!!! Everyones acting like we cant hold Westbrook in check, we have done this before. Now we have a good O to keep the ball out of the eagles hands.

Ahh the eagles D is so nasty, they blitzed the steelers statue and got 7 sacks...wow. Campbell will get outside of the pocket so go ahead and blitz......6 to Moss ALL DAY!! Dallas blitzed a lot and you saw the O line doing a good job of picking up. Im hype and ready to go 4-1 ao like i said F**K PHILLY!!!!! :cheers: to 4-1!!

(i know my spelling sucks...whatever)

I agree, blitz all day. All you have to do is throw screens and quick slants when the blitz the entire defense(Somthing the Steelers never did. I see alot of big plays for Moss and Portis.

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If Westbrook is underrated why is he drafted in most fantasy leagues 2 or 3? I don't think he is underrated. He may have been underpaid the past few years, though considering his contribution to that team.

When you have people posting that he doesn't matter, then he's underrated. That's kind of the definition of the word.

they have a healthy McNabb and Westbrook?? Wow did not know that. Where did you read this? I could have sworn that McNabb had sore man boobs and Westbrook has a boo boo on his ankle and is still questionable.


Man boobs? Really?

Westbrook practiced fully today.

If you sleep on either of them, then they'll make you look really, really bad.

Thank god our players and coaches don't have the attitude of some posters on this board.

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kingjames, I've seen members temp banned for using masked profanity the way you are. You might get away with it this time, seeing how it's philly. I'm just saying, you might watch yourself next time. :)

Thanks for the heads up. thats the last thing i want, i love this site!

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I would just like to echo Mark's sentiment.

But because it's Philthy week, I'll give Kingjames a few minutes to fix his posts.

Kingjames, if you want to type the f word, simply type it. Do not type "F**K". That is bypassing profanity filters. It's in the rules.

Instead, simply type the word ****. If you could go back and make those changes to your existing posts, that would be most excellent.

p.s. **** Philly

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Well Westbrook is a game changer he can beat you single handily if you allow him to. I do not get all the hype about this Eagles team period. I mean they lost to the frickin Bears who has no offense or very little offense. But it's a divisional game divisional games I guess makes you nervous. Majority of the nation is going with the Eagles.

This is another game that folks saying the Skins can't win they just have to go out there and prove them again.

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Who said we're down Springs? Zorn said in his presser today that Springs would be a gametime decision. There's a chance but Springs is gonna play especially if B. West is warming up and looking like he is gonna play. Oh, and Brian Westbrook is the farthest thing from underrated there are many, many people that say he is most of the Eagles Offense.

If you role her to the top of the screen yo0u can actually see more.:doh: (someone will try it)

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I would just like to echo Mark's sentiment.

But because it's Philthy week, I'll give Kingjames a few minutes to fix his posts.

Kingjames, if you want to type the f word, simply type it. Do not type "F**K". That is bypassing profanity filters. It's in the rules.

Instead, simply type the word ****. If you could go back and make those changes to your existing posts, that would be most excellent.

p.s. **** Philly

I really want to see Laron Landry **** up Mcfragile.

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Philly is a much better team then they were last year, they rolled up 38 points in Dallas, and they have a nasty D who will try and kill your QB all game long. All it takes is one good hit or freak accident to end a season for a player or QB. So for you people who thinks going into Philly is an easy game, please wake up!!!

This game is more of a test then Dallas was because I believe Dallas would have got crushed if that game was in Philly. If we handle Philly like we did Dallas, and come out with no injuries, we will be and deserve to be ranked no less then #2.

Nobody can take those victories from us and all excuses will be worthless. We will have earned our respect!

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