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Potetial help for Derrick Brooks bad punts


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I was just reading the article in the Washington Post about the pressure being on Derrick Brooks in retaining his job as punter. It lead me to think a little bit. Why don't we bring a veteran like a Ray Guy, or Reggie Roby to come in a help this kid. I like Danny Smith but maybe he is not able to get these punters mentally prepared. We have not had a good kicker since he has been here A kicker is a strange guy, they usually hang by themself and not really paid a whole lot of attention until they are needed. I think it is all in his head. We have sacrificed to much for him to just say you got one more chance. He is also very young. We should see if a retired kicker can help him. Since he won Ray Guy's award see if he can help.

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Wow, I did not know Reggie Roby was dead. How did he die? Sorry about Derrick I meant Durrant and this was not my idea this is your boy Vinny and Danny talking about if their is no improvement they may have to bring some punters in and apparently Brooks is starting to feel the pressure. I just posted this thread to get some fan input about what can help this kid with the pressure of the NFL. I think personally he is going to be better next year if there is a next for him NFC east games is enough pressure to assure that.

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Danny is putting game pressure on this kid in practice now. Hopefully that will change the way he punts during the game, because he apparently was good in practice prior to the two bad games.

He's a rookie with a monster leg. We need to give him time to adjust. It will pay off in the end. Our Future long term punter is now.

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